- Registered users can customise the colour of their Don and it will appear for other players
- Bug fixes:
- Add lyrics checkbox to admin page
- 2P shows above "creative" or "with lyrics" labels
- Prevent accidental alt and menu keyboard presses from triggering browser menus
- Fixed mouse hitboxes on difficulty selection
- Clean cached sounds and lyrics when another song is loading
- Fixed debug jumping to the top-left of the screen when hidden
- Fixed server volume not being applied to songs
- In multiplayer you will play at the bottom if you joined second
- Add a dialog to song select that score has not been saved
- Uploads the score when logged in again
- Translate error messages from the server
- Resolution can be adjusted, as well as touch drum animation on mobile
- A translation text file "songtitle.txt" can be imported
- Titles and translated titles are each on their own line, if a line begins with a language code, it will translate the song title that is above
- An example file can be found here: https://gist.github.com/LoveEevee/65fe66f0b54c0536f96fd2f4862984d4
- The page will fail to load if version on the page does not match /api/config
- Disabled Tab key while playing, before hitting it would focus the version link
- Fix forcing branches in debug not working
- Fixed not being able to click on songs that do not have oni but have ura
- Fix unexpected category being used as a fallback
- Fix verticalText and layeredText not accepting anything except strings
- Requires a new column in the database after preview: `volume` REAL
- The value is a volume multiplier, if the value is set to null or 1 there will be no change
- The volume can be set in debugger
- Imported TJA files are now read from disk every time the song is played, freeing some memory and making it easier to create charts
- Correctly parse TJA files with alphabet notes, added "A" and "B" notes, which appear as DON (Big) and KA (Big) respectively