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- Leetcode SQL Study Plan I #leetcode #excluded_in_query
id:: 6433ff05-fb6e-4a21-9bef-37b8fdcff801
collapsed:: true
Day 1
- DONE 595. Big Countries :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-10 Mon 20:25:30]--[2023-04-10 Mon 20:27:46] => 00:02:16 CLOCK: [2023-04-10 Mon 20:27:46]--[2023-04-10 Mon 20:27:47] => 00:00:01 :END:
- DONE 1757. Recyclable and Low Fat Products :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-10 Mon 20:19:15] CLOCK: [2023-04-10 Mon 20:28:52]--[2023-04-10 Mon 20:31:30] => 00:02:38 :END:
- DONE 584. Find Customer Referee :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-10 Mon 20:19:22]--[2023-04-10 Mon 20:19:23] => 00:00:01 :END:
- DONE 183. Customers Who Never Order
Day 2
- DONE 1873. Calculate Special Bonus
- LATER 627. Swap Salary
- LATER 196. Delete Duplicate Emails
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
- LATER 175. Combine Two Tables :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-10 Mon 20:21:45]--[2023-04-10 Mon 20:21:46] => 00:00:01 :END:
- LATER 1581. Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions
- LATER 1148. Article Views I
Day 6
- LATER 197. Rising Temperature
- LATER 607. Sales Person
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
- LATER 1393. Capital Gain/Loss
- LATER 1407. Top Travellers
- LATER 1158. Market Analysis I
Day 10
- LATER 182. Duplicate Emails
- LATER 1050. Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-10 Mon 20:22:06] :END:
- LATER 1587. Bank Account Summary II
- LATER 1084. Sales Analysis III
- DONE 复习数据库
- DONE 做 leetcode 上面的题 ((6433ff05-fb6e-4a21-9bef-37b8fdcff801)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-11 Tue 09:27:22]--[2023-04-11 Tue 10:34:54] => 01:07:32 :END:
- DONE 做 quiz
- Open Music Theory Book notes
collapsed:: true
- Metadata:
- Content:
- Answers for the Assignment:
- 1:
- #+BEGIN_VERSE Rhythm and melody are the most important ones, the dynamics (forte, crescendo) is less important #+END_VERSE
- 2:
- I would write down:
- Rhythm(including speed), and melody
- The instrument part (whether played on a piano or a guitar)
- Dynamics
- I would leave out:
- I might consider not putting a guitar tab if the staff is meant to played by multiple instruments
- I would write down:
- 3:
- Yes, if I'm playing drums, I don't need melody.
- Or if the section of music is meant for improvisation, the rhythm and melody can be left out intentionally.
- 4:
- I will make a standard and explain what the notation means, and how my notation system is constructed.
- 1:
- Answers for the Assignment:
- Daily reflection Daily reflections
collapsed:: true
- What I've done
- 学数据库
- 看二手时间
- 跟朱思悦聊书
- 学习音乐
- What I've thought #thoughts
collapsed:: true
- 感觉我不应该这么强势,前几天否定了很多她喜欢的东西,不能让她因此就失去自尊,这样是一种不健康的关系。(虽然我感觉她还没有明显地表现出来)
- Mood
collapsed:: true
- 白天忘了,可能比较抑郁,因为上文所言,反正我现在感觉挺开心的 22:46
- What I've done