17 KiB
17 KiB
- #projects New computer 2023 Gnome vs. Window managers
- Gnome
- pro
- looks beautiful by default
- good touch pad gestures
- con
- keyboard centered workflow requires additional config.
- paperWM
- Pop-os shell might not support gnome 43
- forge
- keyboard centered workflow requires additional config.
- pro
- Window managers like sway
- pro
- keyboard-centered workflow is fast and suits laptops well
- looks good unixporn
- fun to use and configure
- con
- have to configure many stuff by hand
collapsed:: true
- Multi-screen setup
- volume management that looks decent
- various xdg-desktop portals
- Color management
- automatic theme switching and night mode configuration
- sway and Hyprland have bad support for nvidia
- have to configure many stuff by hand
collapsed:: true
- pro
- Additional notes
- I think I will try sway and hypr TWM, and fall back to gnome. Use flatpak for large desktop applications
- 2022 status of nvidia's wayland driver on Sway and Gnome
- When installing gnome, disable extra flag to reduce bloat
- Gnome
- New computer 2023 Cool linux rices
- New computer 2023 Stuff to remember
- Data in my home folder (Better back up them)
- SSH keys, TOTP keys
- Documents - Personal
- Flatpak steam stuff
- Gentoo specific
- gentoo-lto by default
- NVIDIA drivers
- Gnome/systemd profile (install gnome and gdm first then other WM)
- Data in my home folder (Better back up them)
- Todo
- Personal
- DONE Try putting my blogs on medium SCHEDULED: <2023-04-01 Sat>
- DONE Theme flatpak apps SCHEDULED: <2023-04-01 Sat>
- Personal
- Daily reflection Daily reflections
- What I've done
- Review school stuff
- Didn't read books :(
- What I've thought #thoughts
- After watching youtube 1 hour straight, I feel some kind of bad. My parents have been a hindrance to my personal development, and they obviously don't want to commit that. They are bad, lame, unresponsive and in general disappointing.
- Mood
- For the most part great, because I feel spring is coming
- What I've done
- PittCS's Leetcode problem sets: #leetcode #excluded_in_query
id:: 6423af98-f01f-4c69-a2a3-6b38715bd077
collapsed:: true
DONE Week 1 - Arrays
- DONE Contains Duplicate :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-03-29 Wed 11:31:49]--[2023-03-29 Wed 11:35:13] => 00:03:24 :END:
- DONE Two Sum Leetcode Two-Sum :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-03-29 Wed 11:35:42]--[2023-03-29 Wed 11:49:32] => 00:13:50 :END:
- DONE Buy & Sell Stock Leetcode Best-Time-To-Buy-And-Sell-Stock :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-03-30 Thu 07:41:08]--[2023-03-30 Thu 07:51:53] => 00:10:45 :END:
- DONE Product of Array Except Self Leetcode Product-of-Array-Except-Self :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-03-30 Thu 07:53:22]--[2023-03-30 Thu 08:01:25] => 00:08:03 :END:
- DONE Maximum Subarray Leetcode Maxinum-subarray :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-03-31 Fri 08:06:18]--[2023-03-31 Fri 08:15:11] => 00:08:53 :END:
- DONE Maximum Product Subarray ((64261f45-6885-422c-808c-9344273af1d4)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-03-31 Fri 08:23:01]--[2023-03-31 Fri 08:38:24] => 00:15:23 :END:
- DONE Game of Life (Bonus) ((6428db9f-8f14-41a4-b5ec-5e79ffeb204a)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-02 Sun 09:36:45]--[2023-04-02 Sun 09:36:50] => 00:00:05 CLOCK: [2023-04-02 Sun 09:50:33]--[2023-04-02 Sun 10:18:21] => 00:27:48 :END:
DONE Week 1 - Arrays Resources
- DONE Sets in Python
- DONE Dictionaries in Python
- DONE Traversing 2D Lists in Python
LATER Week 2 - Arrays + Intervals
:LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-02 Sun 14:57:17]--[2023-04-02 Sun 14:57:20] => 00:00:03 :END:- DONE Min Rotate Sort Array ((64294296-85d5-4d21-b815-b4bad7525df5)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-02 Sun 16:12:11]--[2023-04-02 Sun 16:53:34] => 00:41:23 :END:
- DONE Search Rotate Sort Array ((642aa126-13d8-48ff-8eb4-f17d875add97)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-02 Sun 17:14:27]--[2023-04-02 Sun 17:40:32] => 00:26:05 :END:
- DONE 3Sum ((642abd85-5c14-42c3-aa39-e7dc2773b2ec)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-03 Mon 19:09:33]--[2023-04-03 Mon 19:50:58] => 00:41:25 :END:
- DONE Container w Most Water ((642ac7bd-a908-4155-b839-f58ca64f4672)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-03 Mon 19:55:22]--[2023-04-03 Mon 20:32:51] => 00:37:29 :END:
- DONE Insert Interval ((642cd1a8-9707-4dc2-9d03-11464553e618)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-05 Wed 10:37:25]--[2023-04-05 Wed 10:37:26] => 00:00:01 :END:
- DONE Merge Intervals ((642edfd2-c458-484e-9e94-8802771475d5)) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-04-06 Thu 08:56:14]--[2023-04-06 Thu 09:33:45] => 00:37:31 :END:
- DONE Happy Number (Bonus)
DONE Week 2 - Arrays Resources
LATER Week 3 - Intervals + Matrix
- DONE Non-overlapping Intervals ((643d27e0-7330-4510-a2f7-8e2cecc08e7b))
- DONE Meeting Rooms I This quesion is premium only
- DONE Set Matrix Zeroes
- DONE Spiral Matrix
- DONE Rotate Img ((64422d1f-5db3-435d-ab4e-2b9fe5fd47cd))
- LATER Word Search
- LATER Sliding Window Max (Bonus)
LATER Week 3 - Matrix Resources
LATER Week 4 - Linked Lists
- LATER Reverse Linked List
- LATER Linked List Cycle
- LATER Merge 2 Sorted Lists
- LATER Merge k Sorted Lists
- LATER Remove Nth Node
- LATER Reorder List
- LATER Sort Colors (Bonus)
LATER Week 4 - Linked Lists Resources
LATER Week 5 - String
- LATER Reverse String
- LATER Valid Anagram
- LATER Valid Parentheses
- LATER Valid Palindrome
- LATER Group Anagrams
- LATER Longest Palindromic Substring
- LATER Palindromic Substrings
- LATER Odd Even Linked List (Bonus)
LATER Week 5 - String Resources
- LATER Python Stacks
LATER Week 6 - String + Trees
- LATER Minimum Window Substring
- LATER Longest Repeating Char Replacement
- LATER Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- LATER Tree Inorder Traversal
- LATER Tree Preorder Traversal
- LATER Tree Postorder Traversal
- LATER Encode + Decode Strings
- LATER Max Depth of Binary Tree
- LATER Bonus - Do all the Tree traversal problems iteratively
- LATER Find Duplicate Number (Bonus)
LATER Week 6 - Trees Resources
- LATER Data Structures: Trees
LATER Week 7 - Trees
- LATER Same Tree
- LATER Invert Binary Tree
- LATER Binary Tree Max Path Sum
- LATER Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
- LATER Serialize + Deserialize Binary Tree
- LATER Subtree of Another Tre
- LATER LRU Cache (Bonus)
LATER Week 8 - Trees
- LATER Construct Binary Tree From Preorder and Inorder Traversal
- LATER Validate BST
- LATER Kth Smallest Element in BST
- LATER Implement Trie
- LATER Design Add + Search Words Data Structure
- LATER University Career Fair (Bonus)
LATER Week 9 - Graphs
- LATER Number of Islands
- LATER All Paths from Src
- LATER Word Search II
- LATER Clone Graph
- LATER Course Schedule
- LATER Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
- LATER Longest Consecutive Seq
- LATER Longest Common Prefix (Bonus)
LATER Week 9 - Graph Resources
LATER Week 10 - Graphs
- LATER Number of Connected Comps in Graph
- LATER Word Search II
- LATER Alien Dictionary
- LATER Graph Valid Tree
- LATER Top K Frequent Elements
- LATER Find Median from Data Stream
- LATER Daily Temp (Bonus)
LATER Week 11 - Dynamic Programming
- LATER Climbing Stairs
- LATER House Robber
- LATER House Robber II
- LATER Coin Change
- LATER Longest Common Subsequence
- LATER BST Iterator (Bonus)
LATER Week 11 - Dynamic Programming Resources
- LATER What is Dynammic Programming and How to Use It by CS Dojo
- LATER 5 Simple Steps for DP by Reducible
- LATER MIT Lectures on DP (numbered 19-21)
- LATER Lecture 19
- LATER Lecture 20
- LATER Lecture 21
- LATER MIT Lectures on Advanced DP
LATER Week 12 - Dynamic Programming
- LATER Unique Paths
- LATER Jump Game
- LATER Decode Ways
- LATER Longest Increasing Subsequence
- LATER Word Break
- LATER Combination Sum IV
- LATER Max Area of Island (Bonus)
LATER Week 13 (Bonus) - Binary
- LATER Sum of Two Integers
- LATER Number of 1 Bits
- LATER Counting Bits
- LATER Missing Number
- LATER Reverse Bits
- LATER Developer-Tester Integration (Bonus)
LATER Week 14 (Bonus) - Recursion and Backtracking
- LATER Permutations
- LATER Letter Combos of Phone Number
- LATER Sudoku Solver
- LATER Subsets
- LATER Generate Parentheses
- LATER Palindrome Partitioning
- LATER Flatten Nested List Iterator (Bonus)
LATER Week 15 (Bonus) - Binary Search
- LATER Discussion
- LATER First Bad Version
- LATER Sqrt(x)
- LATER Search Insert Position
- LATER Capacity to Ship Packages within D Days
- LATER Split Array Largest Sum
- LATER Koko Eating Bananas
- LATER Range Sum Query (Bonus)
- LATER Range Sum Query 2d Immutable (Bonus)