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Smart climate
- Climate Data Record: Data to make climate smart:
- Time series of measurements
- Length, consistency, continuity
- Determine climate variability, and change
- To monitor changes in order to predict / mitiagte the consequences
- Variability:
- El Nino
- La Nina
- Land disturbance: A event that triggers disrupts in ecosystems, community or population structure, and changes resources, substance availability or physical environment
- Climate change: global warming
- Succession
- Process that the structure of a biological community changes over time
- Animal-based food production emits GCG
- Climate change
- Areas affected by desertification
- Before smart climate
- Data collected and managed by governments
- Greenhouse gas (GCG) emission relies on self reporting
- Calculated based on known fuel consumption
- Data is sparse in space and time, also incomplete
- Earth observation: acquire data from a variety of sensors
- Remote sensing:
- Capture images in a spectrum
- Classify land coverage and use, incl. change over time
- Measure the geometry of natural and human made objects
- Identify and differenciate species of vegetation
- Remote sensing:
- Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Change agent characterization:
- Change agent: a driver or factor of change
- Direct or proxiamte causes
- Distal or underlying driving forces
- Attribution:
- Can happen simultaneously or in proximity
- Result in change
- Challenging to collect high quality change agent
Detecting fire with remote sensing
Detecting change agent
Using random forest
Detecting deforestation with remote sensing
Frequency of observations
Collaborate for better EO information
- data fusion proces
- Input: Hetereogeneous data
- Process: data alignment and data / object correlation
- Intemediate output: Alighed and correlated data
- Process: Attribute or identity estimation
- Result: fusion data
- Obervation level, feature level, decision level