- Requires a new column in the database after preview: `volume` REAL
- The value is a volume multiplier, if the value is set to null or 1 there will be no change
- The volume can be set in debugger
- Imported TJA files are now read from disk every time the song is played, freeing some memory and making it easier to create charts
- Correctly parse TJA files with alphabet notes, added "A" and "B" notes, which appear as DON (Big) and KA (Big) respectively
- Fixed gameend being sent twice in p2
- Add `ready`, `loader-error`, and `song-select-random` events
- Fixed `session-start` not firing when invited, added event detail
- Fixed `language-change` being fired at startup
- Fixed `version-link` and `about-link` firing twice
- "#song=" will fire `song-select-difficulty`
- Removed `key-events` and `scoresheet-player2`, merged with `scoresheet` and made it more detailed
- A song can be linked directly by adding "#song=<id>" to the url, replace `<id>` with the id in the database, after loading it jumps immediately jumps to the difficulty selection
- Added tutorial translations
- Fixed song preview not playing
- Use text fallback for the logo when there are no vectors
- Increased combo cache by 1 pixel
- A custom javascript file can be loaded from config.json by defining "custom_js" value
- Added lots of events to help writing custom js files: `version-link, title-screen, language-change, song-select, song-select-move, song-select-difficulty, song-select-back, about, about-link, tutorial, import-songs, import-songs-default, session, session-start, session-end, debug, load-song, load-song-player2, load-song-unfocused, load-song-cancel, load-song-error, game-start, key-events, p2-game-end, p2-disconnected, p2-abandoned, pause, unpause, pause-restart, pause-song-select, game-lag, scoresheet, scoresheet-player2`
- Event syntax example:
addEventListener("game-start", event => {
console.log("game-start", event.detail)