- Requires a new column in the database after preview: `volume` REAL
- The value is a volume multiplier, if the value is set to null or 1 there will be no change
- The volume can be set in debugger
- Imported TJA files are now read from disk every time the song is played, freeing some memory and making it easier to create charts
- Correctly parse TJA files with alphabet notes, added "A" and "B" notes, which appear as DON (Big) and KA (Big) respectively
- All metadata fields in imported TJA files are now optional
- Added new metadata fields: `TITLEEN` and `SUBTITLEEN` (`EN` can be any language id from strings.js)
- Will not skip the note if `ka` was pressed right before `don` note or `don` was pressed right before `ka` note
- Will still skip the note if `don` and `ka` is pressed at the same time (within 25ms)
- Fixed `TAIKOWEBSKIN:` in imported songs crashing the game with some values
- Needs the following changes to the database: change `easy`, `normal`, `hard`, and `oni` to `TEXT` type
- When adding songs to the database and if, for example, a song's 7-star difficulty has a branch, instead of `7` input `7 B`, this is to display song's branch support on the song selection
- Branch can be forced in debug
- Fixed gameend being sent twice in p2
- Add `ready`, `loader-error`, and `song-select-random` events
- Fixed `session-start` not firing when invited, added event detail
- Fixed `language-change` being fired at startup
- Fixed `version-link` and `about-link` firing twice
- "#song=" will fire `song-select-difficulty`
- Removed `key-events` and `scoresheet-player2`, merged with `scoresheet` and made it more detailed
- A song can be linked directly by adding "#song=<id>" to the url, replace `<id>` with the id in the database, after loading it jumps immediately jumps to the difficulty selection
- Added tutorial translations
- Fixed song preview not playing
- Use text fallback for the logo when there are no vectors
- Increased combo cache by 1 pixel
- A custom javascript file can be loaded from config.json by defining "custom_js" value
- Added lots of events to help writing custom js files: `version-link, title-screen, language-change, song-select, song-select-move, song-select-difficulty, song-select-back, about, about-link, tutorial, import-songs, import-songs-default, session, session-start, session-end, debug, load-song, load-song-player2, load-song-unfocused, load-song-cancel, load-song-error, game-start, key-events, p2-game-end, p2-disconnected, p2-abandoned, pause, unpause, pause-restart, pause-song-select, game-lag, scoresheet, scoresheet-player2`
- Event syntax example:
addEventListener("game-start", event => {
console.log("game-start", event.detail)
Add id check to currentSongCache clearing.
Fixes subtitle rendering if title matches but not the same song.
Titles are not guaranteed to be unique, but ids are.
Title check is still here for tiles that are not songs.