## Installed Packages ### System-wide #### Development * libXres * to use gamescope #### Games * SuperTuxKart #### Command Line Productivity * ripgrep * quickly search thru dirs * z * replacement of fasd * nnn * file manager * entr * watch for file change #### Mail * Thunderbird #### Video and audio * xdg-desktop-portal * for use with screencasting * rtkit * for better dbus support * ofono * for better bluetooth conection * obs * for test streaming * wlrobs * wayland plugin #### System * android-tools * to use adb fastboot ... etc * ncurses-compta * to make lineageOS * v4l2loopback * to loopback webcam into a device * wine * Fuck tencent, i hate chinese proprietary shitware. * winetricks * I hate wine and tencent. * wf-recorder * record screen * tree * to show things in a tree * pexpect * developing python program #### Softwares * imv * for image viewing * fzf * fuzzy searcher ytfzf * wf-recorder * to record things #### Coding * gdb * for debugging in neovim * ltrace * for reverse engineering * repo * to sync android tree * luaformatter * to format lua code * prettier * to format web code #### Text Editing * pandoc * for word processing * texlive * for word processing * latexmk * for vim latex support * ctags * for vieving tags in vim * libreoffice * for vieving and editing doc files * wl-clipboard * to use copy and paste in cli * fcitx5 * to use chinnnese input. * fcitx5-gtk * fcitx5-rime #### Info * powertop * for battery stat * radeontop * to see gpu usage * bat * for better cat * eix * for emerge managament * mediainfo * for viewing media info. * ncdu * to view disk usage * iotop * to see disk io #### Cosmetic * dejavu * for better font * Symbols-2048-em Nerd Font Complete.ttf (locally) * for nerd icon * geteltorito * for flashing bios image #### Pentesting * cracklib-words * wordlist * lynis * to analyze vuls * nmap * to scan ports * aide * to check file integrity * arp-scan * to scan local network. * openVPN * to access THM machines. * whois * to query domain status ### Local * cxxmatrix * cool matrix effects. * gamescope * RSR for steam games ### Pip (I hate this) * pip-autoremove * to remove pip software * subilminal * to download subs using mpv scripts * flask_session * flask web development * sqlformat * to format sql code * pipreqs * automatically generate requirements.txt * pmbootstrap * postmarketOS development * imagegonord * to rice my wallpaper ### npm * neovim * for npm support ### go * go buster * for brute-force URLs ### Cargo * zeta-note * lsp for markdowm