# Leetcode Merge-Intervals id:: 642edfd5-4367-495d-b836-510b0deaa3bf #### 2022-09-01 14:04 > ##### Algorithms: > > #algorithm #sort > > ##### Data structures: > > #DS #array > > ##### Difficulty: > > #coding_problems #difficulty_medium > > ##### Additional tags: > > #leetcode > > ##### Revisions: > > N/A ##### Links: - [Link to problem](https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-intervals/) - [Solution ans Explanation](https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-intervals/solution/) *** ### Problem Given an array of `intervals` where `intervals[i] = [starti, endi]`, merge all overlapping intervals, and return _an array of the non-overlapping intervals that cover all the intervals in the input_. - #### Examples - ``` **Example 1:** **Input:** intervals = [[1,3],[2,6],[8,10],[15,18]] **Output:** [[1,6],[8,10],[15,18]] **Explanation:** Since intervals [1,3] and [2,6] overlap, merge them into [1,6]. **Example 2:** **Input:** intervals = [[1,4],[4,5]] **Output:** [[1,5]] **Explanation:** Intervals [1,4] and [4,5] are considered overlapping. ``` #### Constraints - `1 <= intervals.length <= 104` - `intervals[i].length == 2` - `0 <= starti <= endi <= 104` ### Thoughts > [!summary] > This is a generic array problem. #### Situations to consider: - The intervals can be unordered - The first interval - `[0, 3] [0, 1]` are adjacent and overlapped. To solve the situations, sort first, and use `max` function to solve the 3rd solution. - ### Solution ```cpp class Solution { public: vector> merge(vector> &intervals) { // sort first, so that data are continious vector> ans; sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end()); for (auto interval : intervals) { if (ans.empty() || ans.back()[1] < interval[0]) { ans.push_back(interval); } else { ans.back()[1] = max(interval[1], ans.back()[1]); } } return ans; } }; ```