- #projects #健身 #健身计划 - 5 x 5 workout - Perform workout A twice, on Monday and Friday. Perform workout B once on Wednesday. - **Week 1** - Workout A #健身记录 #健身 template:: 5x5 workout week1 a - DONE Barbell back squat — 5×5 - DONE Dumbbell bench press — 15x3 - DONE Barbell row — 5×5 - Workout B #健身记录 #健身 template:: 5x5 workout week 1 b - DONE Barbell back squat — 5×5 (10kg x 3, 7,5kg x 2) - DONE Dumbbell shoulder press — 3x10 (5kg) - DONE Barbell deadlift — 1×5 (10kg) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-05-19 Fri 11:08:53]--[2023-05-19 Fri 11:08:55] => 00:00:02 :END: - **Week 2** - Workout A - Barbell back squat — 5×5 - Barbell overhead press — 5×5 - Barbell deadlift — 1×5 - Workout B - Barbell back squat — 5×5 - Barbell bench press — 5×5 - Barbell row — 5×5 - Week 3 will repeat the structure of week 1, adding weight. Week 4 will follow week 2’s structure, adding weight. - - 把健身记录写在一个表格上 SCHEDULED: <2023-05-20 Sat>