- [[学习任务]] - - Daily reflection [[Daily reflections]] - What I've done - Morning: Workout - Afternoon: Review [[产品开发]] and [[Java]] - Night: Review 数电 学交 - What I've thought #thoughts - Mood - - [[产品开发]] collapsed:: true - ## Topic 6 - 10 - ## Topic 6 - Phase 1: Concept Development 概念开发 id:: 6482bafb-b96b-44c3-834b-8b4966c1dc0c collapsed:: true - What is Concept Development? 概念开发是什么 - The needs of the target market are identified Alternative product concepts are generated and evaluated 需求 One or more concepts are selected for further development and testing 多种概念被生成,经过挑选后选择其中一个 A concept is a description of the form, function and features of a product 概念是一个产品的描述,功能和特性 Evaluation and screening criteria are used to aid in the selection 评估和测试可以辅助选择(screen = test) Usually accompanied by a set of specifications, an analysis of competitive products and an economic justification for the project 伴随着来自个方面的要求,与竞争对手的比较和分析,还有经济方面的考虑(能不能赚钱) - This can be concluded as 图解如下 - ![image.png](../assets/image_1686289806889_0.png) - #### Identify Customer Needs 用户需求是什么 - to understand customers needs, then to effectively communicate them to the development team 和研发队伍沟通 The output of this step is: Customer need statements organised in a hierarchical list, with importance weightings for many or all of the needs 把用户的需求整理成加权列表 - #### Establishing target specifications 确立规格要求 - 1. Prepare the list of metrics, i.e. the technical or manufacturing features of the product based on the customer needs 准备一些数据的列表 - 2. Collect competitive benchmarking information 竞争对手的产品性能 - 3. Set ideal and marginally acceptable target values 理想的和可接受的要求 - 4. Reflect on the results and the process 通过结果和进一步完善 - #### Concept generation 想一个概念 - Steps: - external search 在外面搜索 - creative problem solving within the team, and 团队灵机一动 - systematic exploration of the various solution fragments the team generates 系统地寻找解决方法 - The result of this activity is usually a set of 10-20 concepts – each is typically represented by a sketch and a brief descriptive text 产生 10-20 个概念 - ![image.png](../assets/image_1686289726119_0.png) - #### Concept selection 选一两个出来 - the activity in which various product concepts are analysed and sequentially eliminated to identify the most promising concept(s) - ![image.png](../assets/image_1686289907417_0.png){:height 564, :width 688} - There are 5 stages to the screening and evaluation process: 用以下方式选择好的概念 - 1. Initial screen - The key evaluation criteria given in the table on the previous slides can be developed further using a scoring model or weighted checklist 用之前的要求测试 - 2. Customer screen - An informal discussion with customers to explain a concept 和客户沟通 - 3. Technical screen 在科技实现上咨询第一方和第三方的专家 - informal technical discussions with experts - extensive analysis by a 3 rd party - 4. Final screen 最终测试 - Involves the use of screening models and computer assessment programs - 5. Business analysis 看下赚不赚钱 - preliminary marketing plans, - technical plans, - financial reviews and - projected budgets - #### Concept testing 测试 - There are 7 steps to this process - 1. Define the purpose of the concept test 定义测试的目的 - 2. Choose a survey population 选问卷调查的目标对象 - 3. Choose a survey format 格式 - 4. Communicate the concept 和目标对象沟通这个概念 - 5. Measure customer response 客户怎么想 - 6. Interpret the results 分析结果 - 7. Reflect on the results and process 用结果改进 - #### Setting final specifications 最终规格 Target specifications are revisited after a concept has been selected and tested - #### Project planning 计划 - The final activity of concept development - Steps: - creates a detailed development schedule 产品开发时间线 - devises a strategy to minimise development time and 定一个计划 - identifies the resources required to complete the project 需求是什么 - #### Economic analysis - 拿出去卖亏不亏钱 - #### Benchmarking & modelling - 和竞争对手比较,品质行不行 - ## 往年题考点 - ### Prototypes (2019) - Physical prototype, (5 marks) (2019) - Analytical prototype, (5 marks) (2019) - Comprehensive prototype. (5 marks) (2019) - ### Costs (2019) - Component costs, (5 marks) (2019) - Support costs, (5 marks) (2019) - Indirect allocations as part of Overhead costs. (5 marks) (2019) - ### New products and New product development (2019, 2018) - #### Booz, Allen & Hamilton (1982) Classification Scheme (2019) - Repositioning (4 marks) (2019) - four (4) elements through which products can be differentiated (2019) - the five alternatives that are open to the firm ( 2018) - kinds of new products identified by Booz Allen and Hamilton ( 2018) - four elements where values can be added to the basic or ‘core’ product to augment its appeal ( 2018) - Product life cycle (2019) - #### prototyping ( 2018) - three phases of prototyping ( 2018) - uses of prototypes ( 2018) - ### system-level design (2019) - product architecture (2019) - key characteristics of modular and integral architecture. (2019) - three (3) main types of modular architecture. (2019) - ### IP ( 2018) - the concept ( 2018) - what sort of intellectual property copyright can protect and what form of protection it gives. ( 2018) - benefits and limitations of using patents ( 2018)