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- - ## topic 11
系统级设计System-level Design
产品架构可以描述为 :“ 将产品的功能元素排列成物理块以及块之间相互作用的方案”功能性——有助于整体绩效的单个操作和转换.物理实现产品功能的零件、组件和子组件通俗来讲顺序是完成相应功能的零件component--->组件 chunks---->产品,产品架构就是以实体组件来实现产品的各功能单元,并使各组件相互作用的配置方案) Product Architecture can be described as: 1."the scheme by which the functional elements of the product are arranged into physical chunks and by which the chunks interact” 2.Functional individual operations and transformations that contribute to its overall performance 3.Physical parts, components and subassemblies that implement the products functions
目的:架构决策允许将这些物理模块的详细设计和测试分配给团队、个人和 /或供应商,以便不同部分的开发可以同时进行 Architectural decisions allow the detailed design and testing of these physical blocks to be assigned to teams, individuals, and/or suppliers, so that the development of different portions can be carried out simultaneously
- 模块化架构Modular & integral architecture
◦ 模块化架构 modular architecture 特点1.各个组件分别实现一个或多个功能 2.组件之间的关系是明确的,这种关系往往是实现一个产品功能的基础 ·Each chunk implements one or a few functions entirely. ·The interactions between chunks are well defined. ·Modular architecture has simplicity and reusability for a product family or platform. 理解:当每个功能都只被一个组件完成时,并且组件之间的配合十分完美时,这种架构允许在不改变的情况下只改变一组而不影响整体功能。也就是说各个组件可以单独设计
▪ 槽形模块架构 Slot-modular (the most common type) 每个接口都与于其它接口类型不同,产品中的组件不能互换 Each of the interfaces between chunks in a slot-modular architecture is of a different type from the others therefore the various chunks in the product cannot be interchanged 例子:汽车上的收音机接口与速度仪、仪表盘的接口都不同
▪ 总线模型 Bus-modular 有一个通用总线,其他组件通过同类型的接口连接到这个总线上 There is a common bus to which the other chunks connect via the same type of interface 例子:轨道照明
▪ 组合型模块架构 Sectional-modular 所有接口都是同类型的,但是没有一个所有组件都与之相联的元件。组装是通过将同样的接口相连接而完成的 1.All interfaces are of the same type, there is no single element to which all the other chunks attach 2.The assembly is built up by connecting the chunks to each other via identical interfaces 例子:分体沙发
- ▪ 产品架构的含义 你所做的关于产品架构的决定是有影响的 产品变化 模块化块允许对产品的一些孤立的功能元素进行修改,而不一定影响其他块的设计 改变的动机包括——升级、附加、适应、磨损、消耗、使用的灵活性、重复使用 There are implications to the decisions you make about product architecture ·Product change ·Modular chunks allow changes to be made to a few isolated functional elements of the product without necessarily affecting the design of other chunks ·Motives for change include upgrades, add-ons, adaptation, wear, consumption, flexibility in use, reuse
▪ 积簇 多样性指的是企业在特定时期内根据市场需求所能生产的产品模型的范围 围绕模块化产品架构构建的产品可以更容易地变化,而不会给制造系统增加巨大的复杂性 例如移动电话手机设计、便携式音频 Product variety l Variety refers to the range of product models the firm can produce within a particular time period in response to market demand l Products built around modular product architectures can be more easily varied without adding tremendous complexity to the manufacturing system
◦ 集成化架构 Integral architecture 特点1.产品的每个功能由多个组件组成 2.每个组件参与多个功能的单元实现 3.组件之间的互相关系不明确,这种相互关系对基本功能来说不重要 理解:不同于模块化结构,因为集成化结构的功能是由多个组件构成的,所以改变一个功能或者零件都涉及到多个组件的改变
- 建立产品架构(四步法)
◦ 创建产品示意图Create a schematic of the product
▪ 示意图 (schematic) 反映了开发人员对产品组成的认识; 不包含全部细节; 示意图不是唯一的
◦ 对示意图中的元素(单元)进行聚类 (cluster) Cluster the elements of the schematic
▪ 把示意图中的每个元素都划分到相应的组件中去; 为了控制这些选择的复杂性,可以假定每个元素都形成一个独立的组件,然 后在有利的情况下不断加以合并。为了确定哪些合并是有利的,需要考虑以下因素,这些因 素反映了前文所讨论的产品架构的内涵:
- • ·几何集成与精确性Geometric integration and precision把示意图中的几个单元集成到一个组件中会使设计人员更好地 控制这几个单元的实体关系。这样,就能使出于同一组件,需要精确定位或紧密集成 的单元得到最好的设计。 l·Assigning elements to the same chunk allows a single individual or group to control the physical relationships among the elements l ·Elements requiring precise location or close geometric integration can often be best designed if they are part of the same chunk
• ·功能共享Function sharing 当一个单独的实体组件可以实现产品的若干功能单元时,这些功能单元最 好集成在一起 When a single physical component can implement several functional elements of the product, these functional elements are best clustered together l For example, an integrated control panel on a car
• ·供应商能力Capabilities of vendors 一个可靠的供应商可能具有与产品开发密切相关的某种能力。为了很好 地利用这种能力,开发人员会把那些供应商有制造经验的单元集成到同一个组件中, 并交给供应商生产 ·A trusted vendor may have specific capabilities related to a project l· To best take advantage of such capabilities a team may choose to cluster those elements about which the vendor has expertise into one chunk
• ·设计或技术生产的相似性Similarity of design or production technology 当两个或更多的功能单元可能用同样的设计或生产技术完 成时,将这些元素集成到同一组件中将会使设计或生产更经济 When two or more functional elements are likely to be implemented using the same design and/or production technology, then incorporating these elements into the same chunk may allow for more economical design and/or production
• ·集中修改Localisation of change 当开发人员预计某些单元可能要做大量的修改时,就有必要把该单元独立为 一个模块化的组件,这样对该组件的修改就不会影响到其他的组件。 When a team expects there to be a great deal of change in an element, it makes sense to isolate that element into its own modular chunk l In that way, any necessary changes to the element can be carried out without disrupting any of the other chunks
• ·适合多样化Accommodating variety 示意图中元素的聚类应该有利于企业按照客户的具体要求来对产品做出 改动。打印机将在全世界电力标准不同的各个地区销售。所以,开发团队为与直流供 电有关的元素建立了单独的组件。 ·Elements should be clustered together to enable the firm to vary the product in ways that will have value for customers l ·Example a power supply needs to handle different mains supplies in different countries
• ·标准化Enabling standardisation 如果有一套元件在其他的产品中也可以使用,那么应该把它们集成到一个组件中。这样可以提高组件中各实体单元的生产质量。 l ·If a set of elements will be useful in other products, they should be clustered together into a single chunk l· This allows the physical elements of the chunk to be produced in higher quantities
• ·关联的便利性:有些相互作用可以在长距离内方便地传递。
◦ 设计简略的几何结构Create a rough geometric layout 几何结构可以采用草图、计算机模型或物理模型(例如卡板纸或泡沫制成)在二维平面或者三维空间中进行设计。设计几何结构时,设计人员要考虑组件之间的几何关系是否可以实现,并确定组件间的基本空间关系。 A geometric layout can be created in 2 or 3 dimensions or as physical models l· an example can be found on a later slide ¡ ·Creating a geometric layout forces the team to consider l ·whether the geometric interfaces among the chunks are feasible and l ·to work out the basic dimensional relationships among the chunks
◦ 确定基本的和附属的相互作用关系Identify the fundamental and incidental  interactions
▪ 各个组件可能是由不同的个人或小组设计的。组件之间存在着确定或不确定的相互作用关 系,所以各个小组要协调他们的设计,交流各自的信息。为了更好地管理这种协作过程,开发人员应该在系统设计阶段明确组件之间那些已知的相互作用。 组件之间的联系有两种类型。首先是基本的相互作用关系 (fundamental interaction), 它与 示意图中连接各组件的那些线条相对应。例如, 一张纸从纸张托盘移动到打印装置中,因为 这种基本的相互作用关系是系统运行的基础,所以,在最早设计示意图时就应该计划好,并 要很好地加以理解。其次是附属的相互作用关系 (incidental interaction), 它是功能单元特定的 实体设置或组件之间具体的几何排列造成的。例如,纸张托盘中的传动器所引起的震动会干 扰打印墨盒在X 轴的精确定位。 It is most likely that a different person or group will be assigned to design each chunk ¡ Because the chunks interact with one another in both planned and unintended ways, these different groups will have to coordinate their activities and exchange information ¡ To manage this coordination process better, the team should identify the known interactions between chunks during the system-level design phase There are two categories of interaction l Fundamental ¡ Those which correspond to the lines on the schematic that connect the chunks to one another ¡ These are the fundamental interactions of the systems operation l Incidental ¡ Those that arise because of l the particular physical implementation of functional elements, or l because of the geometric arrangement of the chunks ¡ An incidental interaction graph is used to document this type of interaction, see next slide
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