From edb1cfb801c2c21e7395280d79fd6beacfd33e54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ryan Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 21:35:13 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Auto saved by Logseq --- =>} | 425 +++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 256 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-) rename logseq/bak/pages/总复习2023t1/{ =>} (78%) diff --git a/logseq/bak/pages/总复习2023t1/ b/logseq/bak/pages/总复习2023t1/ similarity index 78% rename from logseq/bak/pages/总复习2023t1/ rename to logseq/bak/pages/总复习2023t1/ index 030f47b..900e690 100644 --- a/logseq/bak/pages/总复习2023t1/ +++ b/logseq/bak/pages/总复习2023t1/ @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - [[总复习2023t1]] {{renderer :todomaster}} - id:: 6482caf8-b133-4277-8030-38423ed98206 - DONE [[Java]] {{renderer :todomaster}} collapsed:: true SCHEDULED: <2023-06-12 Mon> @@ -155,85 +154,78 @@ - DONE 整理错题 deck:: 2023t1/Mao - 在 1978 年的关于真理标准问题的⼤讨论中,邓⼩平指出,关于真理标准问题的讨论实质就在于( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard - id:: 6486eb88-490a-45f2-b393-89192dd5ea52 + id:: 64895ec0-db81-4923-8c25-48429b1b0999 A.是否坚持⻢列主义、⽑泽东思想 B.是否坚持实践是==检验真理==的唯⼀标准 C.是否坚持解放思想、实事求是 D.是否坚持中国共产党的领导 - 创新包括各⽅⾯的创新,如理论创新、技术创新、制度创新等,其中在各项创新中处于先导地位的是 ( {{c1 b}})#flashcard extra:: 社会主义主打一个空想 - id:: 6486eba2-9d71-4e27-a8f8-96947c0beda6 + id:: 64895ec0-eb6a-4252-9bb6-89eff3bc6e76 A.科技创新 B.理论创新 C.⽂化创新 D.⽣产关系创新 - - id:: 6486ebb8-4319-4e33-a901-221546ac6b28 4. 党的思想路线的实质和核⼼是( {{c1 c}} )#flashcard A.⽣产关系适合⽣产⼒ B.理论联系实际 C.实事求是 D.在实践中检验真理和发展真理 - extra:: 三个有利于:改革得失 - id:: 6486ebbd-9c15-48d3-a273-aad64d4fadb2 5. 实事求是思想路线的根本体现是 ( {{c1 a}} )#flashcard A.尊重群众、尊重实践 B.⼀切从群众中来 C.解放思想 D.“三个有利于” - 4.中国共产党在新⺠主主义⾰命领导权问题上有着深刻认识,党认为实现对⾰命的领导权的根本 - id:: 6486ebe6-ea17-4b3d-a855-1a992863e0e2 + id:: 64895ec0-a0c3-4205-9240-3bbea356fab0 保证是( {{c1 c}} )。 #flashcard A.动员全⺠开展武装⽃争 B.建⽴最⼴泛的⼈⺠统⼀战线 C.加强中国共产党的建设 D.扩⼤⾰命的影响⼒和控制⼒ - extra:: a: 抢国民党 - id:: 6486ebf2-991b-43fa-9baf-c2e94eec3230 + id:: 64895ec0-f849-4a5c-8fe9-d3deb0e3fdcb 1. 建国初期我国社会主义国营经济建⽴的主要途径是( {{c1 a}} )#flashcard A. 没收官僚资本 B. 没收帝国主义在华企业 C. 剥夺封建地主阶级的财产 D. 赎买⺠族资产阶级的财产 - extra:: 学苏联 - id:: 6486ebf5-ecb6-49f4-a22e-156de99c617c 2. 20 世纪 50 年代,⽑泽东提出,中国⼯业化道路的问题主要是指 ( {{c1 c}} ) #flashcard A.优先发展重⼯业的问题 B.将落后的农业国建设成为先进的⼯业国的问题 C.重⼯业、轻⼯业和农业的发展关系问题 D.建⽴独⽴的⽐较完整的⼯业体系问题 - extra:: b 反右运动 c 文革 d 从来没有 - id:: 6486ec08-5315-4ddc-ad39-f87b1acf36ec 3. 社会主义改造基本完成后,我国国家政治⽣活的主题是 ( {{c1 b}} ) #flashcard A.集中⼒量发展社会⽣产⼒ B.正确处理⼈⺠内部⽭盾 C.进⾏思想战线上的社会主义⾰命 D.加强社会主义⺠主与法制建设 - extra:: 创新性方法:学苏联自由派 - id:: 6486ec0b-b934-4f4a-b0ff-31c39c44e74d 4. 我国在资本主义⼯商业进⾏社会主义改造实践中⼀个创新性办法是对⺠族资产阶级( {{c1 a}} ) #flashcard A.和平赎买 B.剥夺⽣产资料 C.公私合营 D.⽣活上给出路 - extra:: 十大关系指出要多快好省建设社会主义基本思想 - id:: 6486ec0e-3678-4e3c-95cc-a1eae493c278 5. ⽑泽东在《论⼗⼤关系》中提出我国社会主义建设必须围绕的⼀个基本⽅针是 ( {{c1 c}} ) #flashcard A.发展⽣产⼒,把我国尽快地从落后的农业国变为先进的⼯业国 B.正确处理⽆产阶级同资产阶级的⽭盾 C.调动⼀切积极因素,为社会主义事业服务 D.彻底消灭剥削制度,继续肃清反⾰命残余势⼒ - 1.社会主义的**根本**原则是( {{c1 a}} ) #flashcard extra:: 根本原则 - id:: 6486f101-7de3-4d01-81fa-f33ca1ce5395 + id:: 64895ec0-3dc2-4451-a8fe-24381236c3fd A. 坚持以公有制为主体,实现共同富裕 B.扩⼤改⾰开放,增强综合国⼒ C.实⾏按劳分配,改善⼈⺠⽣活 D. 不断发展⽣产,增加社会财富 - - id:: 6486f11d-fd1f-4050-b693-1d9e61525db2 3. 新时期的解放思想,关键就是对建设中国特⾊社会主义的⾸要的基本理论问题的重新认识,这就 是( {{c1 d}} ) #flashcard A.什么是实事求是 B. 怎样建设党 C.什么是⻢克思主义 D. 什么是社会主义 - 5.坚持四项基本原则的核⼼是 ( {{c1 c}} ) #flashcard - id:: 6486f139-1b96-4fa2-801d-e6af909be90c extra:: 共产党要独裁,别人都不行 + id:: 64895ec0-9e79-4649-93be-cf27f0fc42ba A.坚持社会主义道路 B.坚持⼈⺠⺠主专政 C.坚持共产党的领导 D.坚持⻢列主义、⽑泽东思想 - 3.社会主义初级阶段与新⺠主主义社会在经济基础⽅⾯的本质区别在于( {{c1 a}} )#flashcard extra:: d: 不谈这些 - id:: 6486f1db-f09d-45d5-982e-8a6d36c88ec0 + id:: 64895ec0-7ac9-4e1d-bb5b-ce5ee51f4897 A. 是否存在多种所有制经济 B. ⾮公有制经济是否成为社会主义经济的必要补充 C. 国有经济是否起主导作⽤ D. 公有制经济是否成为社会经济的主体 - 2.正确处理改⾰、发展、稳定三者关系的重要结合点是( {{c1 b}} )#flashcard - id:: 6486f20e-62ee-4487-855d-9fbfe95e4d8f + id:: 64895ec0-d70c-4c98-94bb-80fcbe503533 A.把改⾰的⼒度、发展的速度和社会可以承受的程度统⼀结合起来 B.不断改善⼈⺠⽣活 C.在社会政治稳定中推进改⾰和发展 @@ -241,63 +233,58 @@ - 5.经过 30 多年的对外开放,我国形成了全⽅位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局。所谓全⽅位就是 指( {c1 a})#flashcard extra:: 全方位:a; 多层次:合作框架, 宽领域:跨越政治 - id:: 6486f242-b267-4c28-825a-62182abcfbfe + id:: 64895ec0-0a5a-4f41-a262-adbb511a9af6 A.不论对资本主义国家还是社会主义国家,对发达国家还是发展中国家都实⾏开放政策 B. 根据各地区的实际和特点,通过经济特区、沿海开放城市、经济技术开发区等不同开放程度的 各种形式,形成全国范围的对外开放 C.⽴⾜我国国情,对国际商品市场、国际资本市场、国际技术市场和国际劳务市场的开放 D. 坚持“引进来”和“⾛出去”相结合 - 1.我国现阶段公有制的主要实现形式是( {{c1 a}} )#flashcard - id:: 6486f2b8-2ef5-461f-a6da-6dcae1737aa8 extra:: b: 农村银行 + id:: 64895ec0-a04c-4640-a3a9-e1dd807a7745 A. 股份制 B.股份合作制 C.租赁、承包制 D.国家独资经济 - - id:: 6486fb7d-2914-45c7-99a3-81afc94e8c1a 3. 国有经济在国⺠经济中的主导作⽤主要表现在 ( {{c1 c}} ) #flashcard A.国有资产在社会总资产中占有量的优势 B.国有经济能控制垄断性⾏业 C.国有经济对国⺠经济的==控制⼒== D.国有经济在国⺠经济中占主体地位 - - extra:: 领导利益优先 - id:: 6486fb9c-3ec3-4817-a455-38bfcc043e24 4. 在收⼊分配过程中,⽆论是⿎励⼀部分地区、⼀部分⼈先富起来,还是注重社会公平,其实质都 - 是( {{c1 b}} ) #flashcard + - 是( {{c1 b}} ) #flashcard extra:: 领导利益优先 - id:: 6486fb9c-3ec3-4817-a455-38bfcc043e24 + id:: 64895ec0-a755-4622-9044-19bef1cbc32e A.维护最⼴⼤⼈⺠的根本利益 B.如何妥善协调各⽅⾯的利益关系问题 C.兼顾不同⽅⾯群众的利益 D.效率优先、兼顾公平 - 1.新⺠主主义⾰命初期,⽑泽东⽐较了中外资产阶级⾰命的性质后,提出中国⾰命胜利后,应该建⽴的国家政权形式是 ( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard extra:: 共产党约等于革命民众 - id:: 6486fbcf-fce9-47eb-9471-93bb3fdbca43 + id:: 64895ec0-8194-401b-9372-ecb960a032eb A. ⼈⺠⺠主专政的国家 B. 各⾰命⺠众合作统治的国家 C. ⺠主联合政府的国家 D. 以⼯农为主的⼯农⺠主政权 - 2.中国共产党和各⺠主党派合作的政治基础是 ( {{c1 c}} ). #flashcard extra:: 四项基本原则不允许争议,指“社会主义”,“民主”,“共产党独裁”,“马列毛思想”不允许反对 - id:: 6486fc44-9b33-4eb1-bbc0-fc00aa42ed6c + id:: 64895ec0-3678-4873-adfd-82b4df53da19 A. 中国共产党和各⺠主党派全作的政治基础是 B. 遵循“⻓期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共”的⽅针 C. 坚持四项基本原则 D. 中国共产党是执政党,⺠主党派是参政党 - 5.社会主义⺠主政治的**本质**是 ( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard - id:: 6486fcfb-2262-48e4-96dc-24b0ca4087e3 extra:: 红二代当家作主最重要 + id:: 64895ec0-da3e-46f8-92ab-c0da5efe157e A. ⼈⺠当家作主 B. ⼈⺠⺠主专政 C. ⼈⺠代表⼤会制度 D. ⼈⺠参与国家管理 - - extra:: 共产党最爱吹的金句 - id:: 6486fe1f-1d2e-46de-8616-a9bb174c3ade 4. 社会主义道德建设的核⼼是( {{c1 d}} ). #flashcard - A. 爱国主义 + - A. 爱国主义 + extra:: 共产党最爱吹的金句 + id:: 64895ec0-dd09-45f4-a3d4-073860b4dd0b B. 集体主义 C. 社会主义 D. 为⼈⺠服务 - - id:: 6486fe3b-fd24-4e3f-980d-d02c66e3fe18 5. 社会主义道德建设的核⼼是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard A. 为⼈⺠服务 B. 集体主义 C 诚实可信 D 爱国主义 - - id:: 64870181-4942-41c3-9f04-54ccd35a73ad 1. 社会主义和谐社会的核⼼价值是( {{c1 d}} ). #flashcard A. 以⼈为本 B. 以⺠为本 @@ -305,80 +292,72 @@ D 公平和正义 - 2 我国社会保障制度的基本⽬标是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard extra:: 竟然是和其他所有国家一样 - id:: 648701b2-ad29-4bd5-9160-bcf973aaeb51 + id:: 64895ec0-8e70-4ef1-81a7-5cd033cfac67 A. 保证⼈们最基本的⽣活需要 B. 使劳动者⽣活⽔平不断提⾼ C. 保证劳动者充分就业 D. 实现共同富裕 - extra:: - id:: 648702a3-ce36-474c-8427-ba505b748de2 5. “⼗⼀五”规划根本⽬的是以⼈为本,执政为⺠,其含义( {{c1 c}} ). #flashcard A. 不断推进⼈的全⾯发展 B. 不断推进共同富裕 C. 不断满⾜⼈⺠的物质⽂化⽣活需要 D. 不断创造共同富裕的物质基础 - - extra:: 因为是假想敌,所以想要统一 - id:: 648702cb-b4d4-470c-b1c3-187aa64ba582 2. 台湾问题的核⼼是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard - A. 祖国统⼀ + - A. 祖国统⼀ + extra:: 因为是假想敌,所以想要统一 + id:: 64895ec0-11d5-40f6-84d9-dc9fef824774 B. ⼀国两制 C. ⼀国两政府 D. “三通” - - id:: 6487034e-025b-4a2e-9bee-ba856180c7cd 1. 和平与发展是时代的主题,和平与发展的核⼼问题是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard A. 南北问题 B. .维护世界和平问题 C. 反对霸权主义、强权政治问题 D. 建⽴国际经济政治新秩序问题 - - id:: 648704bb-1b44-4b7a-9b56-4f8ee1e102f0 4. 中国外交政策的基本**⽬标**是( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard A. 提⾼中国的国际地位 B. 维护世界和平,促进⼈类共同繁荣和发展 C. 反对霸权主义和强权政治 D. 实现全⼈类的解放 - extra:: 是全球的南北 - id:: 648704ff-5743-4233-9a16-3c196737e5aa + id:: 64895ec0-83fb-4abe-9f80-566a43e15750 1. 和平与发展是时代的主题,**和平与发展**的核⼼问题是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard A. 南北问题 B. .维护世界和平问题 C. 反对霸权主义、强权政治问题 D. 建⽴国际经济政治新秩序问题 - extra:: 美国=霸权主义,反对美国来维护世界和平 - id:: 64870507-34f9-422d-b543-727494bcc448 3. 当前维护世界和平的根本途径是( {{c1 c}} ). #flashcard A. 实⾏有效裁军和军控 B. 发挥联合国的维和作⽤ C. 反对霸权主义和强权政治 D. 加强国际⼲预 - extra:: 民族资产阶级最后被收购了 - id:: 64870715-f684-48d8-894c-ad2bddd5f912 + id:: 64895ec0-83af-4a8b-9fb9-805f7ec7d617 1. 中国新⺠主主义⾰命时期的统⼀战线包含着两个联盟。其中基本的、主要的联盟是( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard A. ⼯⼈阶级同城市⼩资产阶级的联盟 B. 以⼯农联盟为主体的⼯⼈阶级同农⺠、⼩资产阶级等其他劳动⼈⺠的联盟 C. 以⼯农联盟为主体的⼯⼈阶级同农⺠、⼩资产阶级和⺠族资产阶级的联盟 D. ⼯⼈阶级同可以合作的⾮劳动⼈⺠的联盟 - extra:: 共产党你是会恶心人的 - id:: 64870745-dadb-467b-a90c-33a99cb70f54 3. 我国新时期爱国统⼀战线从根本上说,是( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard A. 爱国主义性质的 B. 政治联盟性质的 C. 社会主义性质的 D. ⼈⺠⺠主性质的 - extra:: 硬背吧 - id:: 648707a6-6088-409d-a3d1-5666d23c5af7 4. 新时期我国爱国主义的主题是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard A. 建设有中国特⾊社会主义 B. 实现国家统⼀ C. 加强⺠族团结 D. 增强⼈⺠凝聚⼒ - extra:: 重点是体制 - id:: 648707f5-4cc3-43f4-9709-34f99e05481e + id:: 64895ec0-21ac-4215-9fd7-63c4fff95559 1. ⼗六届四中全会指出,提⾼党的执政能⼒的核⼼是( {{c1 d}} ). #flashcard A. 加强党的领导 B. 改善党的领导体制 C. 建设⾼素质的⼲部队伍 D. 保持党和⼈⺠群众的⾎⾁关系 - extra:: 共产党纯变态 - id:: 648708c8-b45f-48b3-bb42-4dff84cbea23 3. 政党区别于其他政治团体的根本标志是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard A. 政党是阶级⽃争发展到⼀定历史阶段的产物 B. 政党同国家政权紧密联系 C. 政党有⾃⼰的纲领 D. 政党有⾃⼰的奋⽃⽬标 - - id:: 6487090c-61e8-44ed-81a4-f3e07e1a8731 4. ⼀个政党在社会历史进程中是否起促进作⽤,取决于该党是否( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard A. 取得执政地位 B. 代表先进⽣产⽅式 C. 维护⽆产阶级利益 @@ -698,54 +677,54 @@ - DONE 看 block4 deck:: 2023t1/Circuits - Buses #flashcard what is it? connection types? - id:: 6488641f-9ec8-4732-9f02-c4aeb2367d68 + id:: 64895ec0-bc6b-4db5-b6a9-ce4cd728dd78 - Set of two or more electrical conductors representing a binary value - Often more than just a one-to-one connection - Data Storage Devices - Random Access: #flashcard Access parallel? Access time? address length? two categories of random access? - id:: dba98f43-3f8b-463d-81c5-c72ab1192ec8 + id:: 64895ec0-0708-4f9d-b106-24296716fa8d - All memory contents can be accessed in the same time as each other. - Equal time to access any location - n-bit address - Volatile #flashcard: content lost? also called? two types? - id:: 64886486-510b-4bae-a96b-b3e1e2d7426a + id:: 64895ec0-ee26-4729-aaa3-56f824aa8d43 - Volatile memory loses its contents when the power is switched off - Volatile memory is commonly called {{c1 RAM(Random Access Memory)}}. Often used as “working - id:: 648864bd-5553-4cb9-9b3b-95704702ec3a + id:: 64895ec0-3638-4913-98ab-53cea78b5f2a memory” #flashcard - Static RAM (SRAM): Uses {{c3 transistors}} to store a single bit - id:: 6488656f-d6e7-471c-a576-918f2a9539cd + id:: 64895ec0-f8f6-4e99-8557-db4f6b38b40a of information and does not need to be refreshed periodically. #flashcard - more expensive and less dense - Dynamic RAM (DRAM)Uses a {{c2 capacitor}} to store the - id:: 6488659c-99ea-4bf5-9f22-dabeea3f51d9 + id:: 64895ec0-dd35-4cf8-b386-5a244312a79b data bit and needs to be periodically refreshed to maintain the charge in the capacitors. #flashcard - Because of the small cell size, DRAM can have very high densities. - It is the main memory in personal computers. - Non-volatile #flashcard data loss? abbrevation? - id:: 535e9457-c460-4f39-af70-29f1451ec6bd + id:: 64895ec0-aad5-47f6-84a6-543ea7d930a5 - Non-volatile memory keeps its contents even if there is no power to the device. - Non-volatile memory is commonly called as {{c1 ROM}} - id:: 648864c3-9852-48f3-8aac-21adaab99963 + id:: 64895ec0-e7ff-4a6c-bb06-731bb9f26413 - ROM - Definition :-> Read-Only Memory where the contents cannot be - id:: 64886681-d990-45e3-afd3-e13d95459f58 + id:: 64895ec0-0b10-47d5-9a55-d86e9d711777 changed by normal CPU operations. - used to store fixed data or information. - Mask ROM :-> programmed in manufacture - id:: 648866a8-81ed-435b-a946-d96ab208b17e + id:: 64895ec0-665d-48e3-9c6f-8d98d499fb44 - PROM :-> Programmable ROM - id:: 648866ae-85e5-4241-a1f9-fc2d32df9cda + id:: 64895ec0-7ad7-4186-a070-46403fa1adbd - EPROM :-> Erasable PROM - id:: 648866b2-2f28-4bc3-96ba-d05da9722b4f + id:: 64895ec0-d5d4-4888-8c51-0cc852162e81 - EEPROM :-> Electrically Erasable PROM - id:: 648866b5-0447-4faf-8535-258f4c28d7d2 + id:: 64895ec0-82fd-4910-8365-bbcb7ec7b089 - Serial Access - Stores data bits in series Head must travel from current position to new address passing the @@ -769,9 +748,9 @@ - Integer - Digits - If calculating integer part, from up to down :-> LSB to MSB - id:: 648890c8-1e5d-4b62-a3f5-0976b8d04aad + id:: 64895ec0-d31b-4520-9651-c06319d4fca2 - fractional part is the reverse, :-> from MSB to LSB, since we are multiplying. - id:: 648890dc-9ad9-4f36-913b-1884e5f77df7 + id:: 64895ec0-eb02-4a85-b47c-e55ec4ff9e63 - DONE LSB, MSB - DONE ==2's complement== :LOGBOOK: @@ -875,7 +854,6 @@ ![image.png](../assets/image_1686665912325_0.png) - Transforming bit, byte, kb, mb, gb - LATER 看数据库 {{renderer :todomaster}} - id:: 647bf024-fa40-4786-9770-e16da8b57f0f deck:: 2023t1/database - DONE 课件 collapsed:: true @@ -892,49 +870,51 @@ :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2023-06-04 Sun 16:27:23]--[2023-06-04 Sun 16:54:55] => 00:27:32 :END: - - LATER Block 1 + - DONE Block 1 + deck:: 2023t1/database + collapsed:: true - DONE DBMS - Database is :-> a shared collection of logically related data (and a description of this data), designed to meet the information needs of an organization. - id:: 64895e97-a4bb-41ce-8b8f-d081bc7bc90f + id:: 648974ba-3221-48b2-8f9c-2d9275174f48 - Table :-> A collection of related data organized into rows (also called records) and columns (also called fields). - id:: 64895e97-5056-4261-8f4d-c0d41cc8b0b6 + id:: 648974ba-7b5a-4cff-8d21-3bcc7e0c1fe8 - Row/Record :-> A single set of data in a table, representing a specific instance or entity. - id:: 64895e97-0023-453d-862f-bb3ab04ed63b + id:: 648974ba-d192-4027-945a-9c6113ac218f - Column/Field :-> A specific attribute or data element within a table. - id:: 64895e97-7561-42c9-a0aa-9a40161caf1b + id:: 648974ba-89e7-434a-b242-68a1ea3f7f6b - Primary Key :-> A unique identifier for each row/record in a table. It ensures the integrity and uniqueness of the data. - id:: 64895e97-33df-450a-918c-1f23812ad366 + id:: 648974ba-611e-4d5c-849b-9cd57b7bddb9 - Foreign Key :-> A field in one table that refers to the primary key in another table, establishing a relationship between the two tables. - id:: 64895e97-2972-4471-862e-9f68e3f4683d + id:: 648974ba-bc0d-4b78-a8cb-7a081ca1b2ac - Relationship :-> The connection between tables based on common data values, such as primary and foreign keys. - id:: 64895e97-a8ad-4282-8d4f-36474d5897fb + id:: 648974ba-851d-42a7-95c1-2619fed22d3a - Normalization :-> The process of organizing and structuring a database design to eliminate redundancy and improve data integrity. - id:: 64895e97-1d15-4919-a44f-204f6e5beed5 + id:: 648974ba-53b0-4176-b67b-cd51d1ea09c6 - Index :-> A data structure that improves the retrieval speed of data from a database table by creating a quick reference to the location of the data. - id:: 64895e97-0f54-412d-8093-f9aad6f35ee3 + id:: 648974ba-2246-42c3-aa0c-7609107af7c5 - Query :-> A request for data or information from a database, usually written using Structured Query Language (SQL). - id:: 64895e97-5838-4c8a-bbe9-0ddf52112618 + id:: 648974ba-4b3e-4f99-90fd-b4c9a1a43a53 - SQL (Structured Query Language) :-> A programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. It allows you to create, modify, and retrieve data from databases. - id:: 64895e97-f058-4496-8df8-4ed20e7e6010 + id:: 648974ba-a844-4e21-a1ca-e0b26668f1b7 - CRUD Operations :-> An acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations, which are the basic operations used to manage data in a database. - id:: 64895e97-7f37-47ea-89c8-0c2355ee2860 + id:: 648974ba-34d4-49df-91c9-b44b018120c6 - ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) :-> A set of properties that guarantee the reliability and integrity of database transactions. - id:: 64895e97-937b-43cb-9f90-ce439704f41c + id:: 648974ba-4174-45b7-8903-38ffea39a200 - Data Integrity :-> The accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data stored in a database. - id:: 64895e97-0f29-47e9-baae-845a07d966a1 + id:: 648974ba-7797-4a43-b644-f0780da5121b - Database Schema :-> The structure or blueprint of a database, defining the tables, fields, relationships, and constraints. - id:: 64895e97-ad1a-43ac-914c-4a68b512de39 + id:: 648974ba-7b5c-45d1-ac86-ef7211c9672a - Database Management System (DBMS) :-> Software that provides an interface to interact with databases, managing their creation, modification, and retrieval. - id:: 64895e97-ac70-4bf6-9f15-df74ee6eb99c + id:: 648974ba-627d-463c-9237-56777d45b8af - DONE basic concepts of Relational model - A data model :- > a graphical description of the components of database. - A relation, is :-> a two-dimensional table arranged in columns and rows. - id:: 64895e97-f5ee-48d6-abc4-529b9e2d2da4 + id:: 648974ba-40ec-4600-af39-d438a5f75339 - A relational database is :-> a collection of relations. - id:: 64895e97-741c-41bb-ae45-9d0ec533d8c5 + id:: 648974ba-c76d-4f2b-a8ad-ef1ad3a16b2c - Candidate Key #flashcard - id:: 64895e97-3dc7-4b11-a490-e2af1907955c + id:: 648974ba-a2f3-43a1-a5ea-c170c68314e1 - A set of attributes that uniquely identifies a tuple within a relation. - Uniqueness : In each tuple, candidate key uniquely identify @@ -942,76 +922,160 @@ - Irreducibility: No proper subset of the candidate key has the uniqueness property. - Primary Key #flashcard - id:: 64895e97-18a9-4a3e-830e-a5c2ffa12db6 + id:: 648974ba-c5dc-44cb-8894-8f5838714f2a - Candidate key selected to identify tuples uniquely within relation. - Foreign Key #flashcard - id:: 64895e97-5e3f-4986-a800-49e675d1adf8 + id:: 648974ba-da05-48b6-aded-75d1ea5f1342 - Attribute, or set of attributes, within one relation that matches candidate key of some (possibly same) relation. - Composite Key #flashcard - id:: 64895e97-e491-4b48-b684-27525b33ccc4 + id:: 648974ba-7242-4c00-b67b-5418c3f71e77 - A candidate key that consists of two or more attributes. - Recursive Relationship #flashcard - id:: 64895e97-5522-4bf6-af2c-17ed377fa27a + id:: 648974ba-eb07-4e80-a1c3-87555fb04d1a - Relationship type where same entity type participates more than once in different roles. - Multiplicity :-> number (or range) of possible - id:: 64895e97-48c7-47b8-bfaf-dd5f816055ba + id:: 648974ba-5d96-4c64-a1b0-e9e61aa3563a occurrences of an entity type that may relate to a single occurrence of an associated entity type through a particular relationship. ![image.png](../assets/image_1686723218703_0.png) - Cardinality #flashcard - id:: 64895e97-020c-48c7-8194-eaf629b33344 + id:: 648974ba-b24d-40a3-8669-9dbc85dedaf7 - Describes {{c1 maximum}} number of possible relationship occurrences for an entity participating in a given relationship type. - id:: 64895e97-e0eb-4193-ba36-57bd21764513 + id:: 648974ba-ea33-489d-bb7b-1951685babd0 - Participation #flashcard - id:: 64895e97-4b62-4f57-8d73-3cfd7809216a + id:: 648974ba-6dc5-4805-9dfd-7db5a83efe3f - Determines whether all or only some entity occurrences participate in a relationship. - Gives the minimum number for an entity occurrences participating in a given relationship type. - Ternary relationship #flashcard - id:: 64895e97-f068-42f3-ac18-ba5be5df945e + id:: 648974ba-9b7a-4543-b243-e7a78cfc8175 - a ternary relationship is not the same as three binary relationships! - - LATER basic concepts associated with Entity-Relationship(ER) model. + - DONE basic concepts associated with Entity-Relationship(ER) model. - LATER Forming sql queries - collapsed:: true - DONE Review relational algebra - LATER review lab2 - LATER SQL join - - LATER Block 2 - - LATER EER - - LATER designing ER diagram + - DONE Block 2 + - DONE EER + - Most useful additional concept of EER model: + specialization/generalization. + - Specialization + - Process of maximizing differences between + members of an entity by identifying their + distinguishing characteristics. + - Generalization + - Process of minimizing differences between + entities by identifying their common + characteristics. + - Two constraints that may apply to a #flashcard + id:: 64896085-645b-408f-b17a-109b6cd82aeb + specialization/generalization: + - participation constraints :-> Determines whether every member in superclass + id:: 6489683b-319a-4173-a55b-6fa3b2c09aeb + must participate as a member of a subclass. + - May be mandatory or optional. #flashcard + id:: 648960d0-ae7f-4452-a1b9-cab8a9b13443 + - Mandatory: member of superclass must be + member of subclass + - Optional: member of superclass may be member + of subclass. + - disjoint constraints :-> Describes relationship between members of the subclasses and indicates whether member of a superclass can be a member of one, or more than one, subclass. #flashcard + id:: 6489683b-039f-4161-94b1-91177f713ee5 + - Disjoint: member of superclass is member of at most one subclass (or) + - Nondisjoint: member of superclass can be member of more than one subclass (and) + - Superclass / Subclass + - Superclass :-> An entity type that includes one or more distinct + id:: 64895f2f-b868-46ec-9d80-7079eaf3197d + subgroupings of its occurrences. + - Superclass/subclass relationship is {{c1 one-to-one + id:: 64895f70-57e0-4023-9c32-34f1380aba1e + (1:1).}} #flashcard + - Superclass may contain overlapping or distinct + subclasses. + - Not all members of a superclass need be a + member of a subclass. + - Subclass :-> A distinct subgrouping of occurrences of an entity + id:: 64895f39-d886-436b-9afe-ba75d37c8b45 + type. + - When to use them? either one or both #flashcard + id:: 6489683b-7d47-4246-afdf-83fdb35a00f6 + - There are attributes that apply to some (but not all) instances of an entity. + - The instances of a potential subclass participate in a relationship unique to that subclass. + - DONE Designing databases + - Understand Database Design Methodology #flashcard + - Conceptual database design + - The process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise, independent of all physical considerations. + - Logical database design + - Maps the conceptual data model on to a logical model (e.g. relational), but independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations. + - Physical database design + - The process of producing a description of the implementation of the database (tailored to specific DBMS); + - general steps for Database Design Methodology. #flashcard + - Gather requirements + - Conceptual database design + - Logical database design + - Physical database design + - LATER SQL + - purpose and importance of SQL. + - retrieve data from database and formulate queries using SELECT and + - Use compound WHERE conditions. + - Sort query results using ORDER BY. + - Use aggregate functions. + - Group data using GROUP BY and HAVING. + - Join tables together. + - Use subqueries. - DONE Block 3 collapsed:: true - DONE DB transaction management - - DONE ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability): A set of properties that guarantee the reliability and integrity of database transactions. - - Atomicity: The property that ensures a transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit of work. It either executes all its operations successfully or rolls back to the initial state if any operation fails. - - Consistency: The property that ensures a transaction transforms the database from one consistent state to another consistent state. It maintains data integrity and adheres to defined business rules. - - Isolation: The property that ensures concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other. Each transaction operates in isolation until it completes, preventing interference or conflicts. - - Durability: The property that ensures committed changes made by a transaction are permanently saved and will survive any subsequent system failures or crashes. + - DONE Deadlock and how it can be resolved. #flashcard + id:: 64841da4-d8ce-46f5-bbe6-4dee620cde75 + - A deadlock is a situation in which two or more transactions are unable + to proceed because each is waiting for a resource held by the other, + resulting in a circular dependency and a system halt. It is a form of + resource contention that can occur in concurrent systems, including + database management systems. + - Example: + - Cascading rollback #flashcard + id:: 64897f0b-dda6-4cc3-a9c3-cf630bcb0658 + - Cascading Rollback: a transaction (T1) causes a + failure and a rollback must be performed. Other + transactions dependent on T1's actions must also + be rollbacked, thus causing a cascading effect. + - One transaction's failure causes many to fail. + - DONE ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability): A set of properties that guarantee the reliability and integrity of database transactions. #flashcard + id:: 64841da4-0055-4d34-9f61-1402ff068ec7 + collapsed:: true + - Atomicity: :-> The property that ensures a transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit of work. It either executes all its operations successfully or rolls back to the initial state if any operation fails. + id:: 64841d38-4ea9-4b76-8585-8b9de23915da + - Consistency: :-> The property that ensures a transaction transforms the database from one consistent state to another consistent state. It maintains data integrity and adheres to defined business rules. + id:: 64841d38-2854-4dfb-8f21-0013fca66a0a + - Isolation: :-> The property that ensures concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other. Each transaction operates in isolation until it completes, preventing interference or conflicts. + id:: 64841d38-fd2b-435e-bd45-3bf487a74b6f + - Durability: :-> The property that ensures committed changes made by a transaction are permanently saved and will survive any subsequent system failures or crashes. + id:: 64841d38-950c-431e-8f28-ece98e230554 - DONE Concurrency control - - DONE Meaning of serialisability. - - DONE How locking can ensure serialisability. + - DONE Meaning of serialisability. #flashcard + id:: 648428e1-5136-4d15-97c0-12087085b47f + - The objective of serialisability is to find nonserial schedules that are equivalent to some serial schedule. Such a schedule is called serialisable. + - DONE How locking can ensure serialisability. #flashcard + id:: 64841da4-8812-405f-b49a-69eec9a069d2 - Locking achieves serializability by using locks to control access to shared resources (e.g., database objects like tables or rows) and prevent conflicts between concurrent transactions. - - DONE 2PL + - DONE 2PL #flashcard + id:: 64841da4-eab4-40db-819f-249fe1437250 - In the 2PL protocol, transactions acquire and release locks on database objects (e.g., tables, rows) in two distinct phases: the growing phase and the shrinking phase. - - DONE Deadlock and how it can be resolved. - - A deadlock is a situation in which two or more transactions are unable - to proceed because each is waiting for a resource held by the other, - resulting in a circular dependency and a system halt. It is a form of - resource contention that can occur in concurrent systems, including - database management systems. - - DONE How timestamping can ensure serialisability. + - DONE How timestamping can ensure serialisability. #flashcard + id:: 64842000-07a7-4439-8ce6-7789e0a3358d - By using transaction timestamps and enforcing the read and write validation checks, concurrency control mechanisms can ensure that transactions are executed in a way that maintains data consistency and serializability. - - DONE Recovery Control + - ==DONE Recovery Control== - DONE Some causes of database failure. - System crashes, resulting in loss of main memory. - Power failures @@ -1020,20 +1084,23 @@ - Natural physical disasters. - User mistakes. - Sabotage. - - DONE Purpose of transaction log file. + - DONE Purpose of transaction log file. #flashcard + id:: 64841f8f-5a9e-4f22-8f51-47931937998a - Contains information about all updates to database: - Transaction records. - Checkpoint records. - Often used for other purposes (for example, auditing). - For autiding - - DONE Purpose of checkpointing. + - DONE Purpose of checkpointing. #flashcard + id:: 64841f91-1d24-49f6-9f83-7c8b565c647f - When failure occurs, redo all transactions that committed since the checkpoint and undo all transactions active at time of crash. - DONE Normalization background-color:: yellow - - DONE Functional dependencies [g4g]( + - DONE Functional dependencies [g4g]( #flashcard + id:: 648428e1-e704-4e23-941d-af9833de6f93 - In a relational database management, functional dependency is a concept that specifies the relationship between two sets of attributes where one attribute determines the value of another attribute. It is denoted as **X → Y**, where the attribute set on the left side of the arrow, **X** is called **Determinant** , and **Y** is called the **Dependent**. @@ -1042,122 +1109,142 @@ CLOCK: [2023-06-01 Thu 17:38:55]--[2023-06-01 Thu 17:38:56] => 00:00:01 :END: - DONE kinds of NF [tutorial]( - - First Normal Form (1NF): This is the most basic level of + - First Normal Form (1NF): :-> This is the most basic level of + id:: 648974ba-7334-4e73-a0ae-6b8fc6ec99ab normalization. In 1NF, each table cell should contain _only a single value, and each column should have a unique name_. The first normal form helps to eliminate duplicate data and simplify queries. - - Second Normal Form (2NF): 2NF eliminates redundant data by requiring that each _non-key attribute_ be dependent on the primary key. This means that _each column should be directly related to the primary key_, and not to other + - Second Normal Form (2NF): :-> 2NF eliminates redundant data by requiring that each _non-key attribute_ be ==dependent on the primary key==. This means that _each column should be directly related to the primary key_, and not to other + id:: 648974ba-cc9e-4cdf-a312-3af1bcab23f2 columns. - - Third Normal Form (3NF): 3NF builds on 2NF by requiring - that _all non-key attributes are independent of each other._ This means that each column should be directly related to the primary key, and not to any other columns in the same table. - - Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF): BCNF is a stricter form of 3NF that ensures that each determinant in a table is a candidate key. In other words, BCNF ensures that _each non-key attribute is dependent only on the candidate key._ + - Third Normal Form (3NF): :-> 3NF builds on 2NF by requiring + id:: 648974ba-f325-450e-aede-9a7d92bcf888 + that _all non-key attributes are **independent** of each other._ This means that each column should be **directly related to the primary key**, and not to any other columns in the same table. + - Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF): :-> BCNF is a stricter form of 3NF that ensures that each determinant in a table is a candidate key. In other words, BCNF ensures that _each non-key attribute is dependent **only on the candidate key**._ + id:: 64842000-c15a-4b8f-95c3-d6c6e49e4af0 - Fourth Normal Form (4NF): 4NF is a further refinement of BCNF that ensures that _a table does not contain any multi-valued dependencies._ - Fifth Normal Form (5NF): 5NF is the highest level of normalization and involves decomposing a table into smaller tables to _remove data redundancy and improve data integrity._ - - DONE Block 4 + - Anomaly + - Update Anomalies #flashcard + - Insertion anomalies + - If there is a new row inserted in the table and it creates the + inconsistency in the table then it is called the insertion anomaly. For + example, if in the above table, we create a new row of a worker, and if + it is not allocated to any department then we cannot insert it in the + table so, it will create an insertion anomaly. + - Deletion anomalies + - If we delete some rows from the table and if any other information or + data which is required is also deleted from the database, this is called + the deletion anomaly in the database. For example, in the above table, + if we want to delete the department number ECT669 then the details of + Rajesh will also be deleted since Rajesh's details are dependent on the + row of ECT669. So, there will be deletion anomalies in the table. + - Modification anomalies + - When we update some rows in the table, and if it leads to the + inconsistency of the table then this anomaly occurs. This type of + anomaly is known as an updation anomaly. In the above table, if we want + to update the address of Ramesh then we will have to update all the rows + where Ramesh is present. If during the update we miss any single row, + then there will be two addresses of Ramesh, which will lead to + inconsistent and wrong databases. + - LATER Block 4 - DONE Distributed DBMS - collapsed:: true - - DONE client server arch - collapsed:: true + - DONE client server arch #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-9c11-4816-9d5e-0623dc4d4d45 - Computers (client) connected over wired or wireless local area network (LAN) - The database itself and the DBMS are stored on a central device called the database server, which is also connected to the network. - - Distributed Database - collapsed:: true + - Distributed Database #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-b13a-4f3f-8409-ea02b5ef5894 - A logically interrelated collection of shared data (and a description of this data), physically spread over a computer network. - - Distributed DBMS - collapsed:: true + - Distributed DBMS #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-997c-4f43-b2d6-d972cfc23d36 - Software system that permits the management of the distributed database and makes the distribution transparent to users. - - the key issues - collapsed:: true + - the key issues #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-4c63-4215-b420-d537c2a93675 - Fragmentation - Allocation - Replication - - importance and different types of fragmentation - collapsed:: true + - importance and different types of fragmentation #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-07aa-4c51-aa70-1c8dfb4570e7 - Horizontal - Vertical - Mixed - - different types of transparency - collapsed:: true + - different types of transparency #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-6db5-4d3a-af62-1695e7c3a9b7 - Distribution Transparency: The database feels as a single, logical entity - Transaction Transparency: Ensures that all distributed transactions maintain distributed database’s integrity and consistency. - Performance Transparency: must perform as if it were a centralized DBMS. - - advantages and disadvantages of distributed databases + - LATER advantages and disadvantages of distributed databases - DONE XML - collapsed:: true - - XML definition and basic concepts - collapsed:: true + - LATER XML definition and basic concepts #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-afab-457e-9633-488450e9e16f - eXtensible Markup Language - A meta-language (i.e. a language for describing other languages) that enables designers to create their own customised tags to provide functionality not available with HTML. - - Relational model versus XML - collapsed:: true + - LATER Relational model versus XML #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-d417-4eef-be28-46cd5894c5c7 - SQL - collapsed:: true - is a special-purpose programming language - You can: manage data in a relational databases. - XML - collapsed:: true - is a markup specification language - You can: design ways of describing information (text or data), usually for storage, transmission, or processing by a program (you can use it in combination with a programming language). - It says nothing about what you should do with the data (although your choice of element names may hint at what they are for). - - Well-formed XML, Valid XML - collapsed:: true + - LATER Well-formed XML, Valid XML #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-fb70-4207-8010-a8ddda35ccf7 - Adheres to basic structural requirements - Single root element - Matched tags, proper nesting - Unique attributes within elements - - DTD, XSD - collapsed:: true + - LATER DTD, XSD - DTD: Defines the valid syntax of an XML document - XSD: a more comprehensive method of defining content model of an XML document. + - LATER Practice reading and writing XML, XSD - DONE Data Mining - collapsed:: true - - concept - collapsed:: true + - concept #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-bf4c-4046-b7ce-510596ad421a - The process of extracting valid, previously unknown, comprehensible, and actionable information from large databases and using it to make crucial business decisions. - - different applications - collapsed:: true + - different applications #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-7440-4ac2-8730-b33e9f50570c - Retail / Marketing - Banking - Insurance - Medicine - basic techniques - collapsed:: true - - predictive modelling, - collapsed:: true + - predictive modelling, #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-a007-420c-87db-1a029c1a39e6 - uses observations to form a model of the important characteristics of some phenomenon - - database segmentation, - collapsed:: true + - database segmentation, #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-18a0-474e-96de-6a824969d0ec - Uses unsupervised learning to discover homogeneous subpopulations in a database to improve the accuracy of the profiles. - - link analysis, - collapsed:: true + - link analysis, #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-0868-469f-9b8f-94a44163c87f - Establishing links, called associations, between the individual records, or sets of records, in a database. - - deviation detection. - collapsed:: true + - deviation detection. #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-a77e-47ba-9f0d-6ed14e880333 - Identifies outliers, which express deviation from some previously known expectation and norm. - DONE NoSQL - collapsed:: true - - the motivation for NoSQL - collapsed:: true + - the motivation for NoSQL #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-91af-424f-b392-928e947740de - By giving up ACID constraints, one can achieve much higher performance and scalability. - - explain the concepts of NoSQL - collapsed:: true + - explain the concepts of NoSQL #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-370b-44a8-9474-5b58d1d0dd28 - NoSQL databases (aka "not only SQL") are non-tabular databases and store data differently than relational tables. NoSQL databases come in a variety of types based on their data model. The main types are document, key-value, wide-column, and graph. They provide flexible schemas and scale easily with large amounts of data and high user loads. - - explain the application areas of NoSQL - collapsed:: true + - explain the application areas of NoSQL #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-b39b-47b7-8b9f-ca9250bef8ba - NoSQL is an alternative, non-traditional DB technology to be used in large scale environments where (ACID) transactions are not a priority. - - CAP theorem: - collapsed:: true + - CAP theorem: #flashcard + id:: 648974ba-910d-42ae-89a9-5017194f6827 - There are 3 main properties for distributed management: 1. Consistency → A data item has the same value at the same time (to ensure coherency).