diff --git a/pages/总复习2023t1.md b/pages/总复习2023t1.md index 2426f8c..4c7a71c 100644 --- a/pages/总复习2023t1.md +++ b/pages/总复习2023t1.md @@ -1940,7 +1940,9 @@ - ◦ 专利地域性:国际专利条约一般是指,在决定谁在其他国家享有优先权时,以你在自己国家的申请日为申请日 - ◦ 专利的好处 #flashcard id:: 648ae5be-f9c8-49f4-9b6d-aa644128135b - - ▪ 在专利期限内,只有所有者 (个人或组织 )才能从发明中受益。专利所有者可以自己在法商业上利用他们的想,也可以向其他机构收取专利使用费,从而找到一个替代收入来源。这在组织没有资源或市场知识来开发与专利相关的发明时特别有用·Only the owner (individual or organisation) can benefit from the invention for the duration of the patent·Patent owners can commercially exploit their ideas themselves or they can charge other organisations to use their patent – thereby identifying an alternative source of income¡ ·This is particularly useful where an organisation does not have the resources or market knowledge toexploit the invention associated with the patent(比如使用专利权/专有技术使用权入股) + - ▪ 在专利期限内,只有所有者 (个人或组织 )才能从发明中受益。Only the owner (individual or organisation) can benefit from the invention for the duration of the patent + - 专利所有者可以自己在法商业上利用他们的想,也可以向其他机构收取专利使用费,从而找到一个替代收入来源。·Patent owners can commercially exploit their ideas themselves or they can charge other organisations to use their patent – thereby identifying an alternative source of income + - 这在组织没有资源或市场知识来开发与专利相关的发明时特别有用·¡ ·This is particularly useful where an organisation does not have the resources or market knowledge to exploit the invention associated with the patent(比如使用专利权/专有技术使用权入股) - ◦ 专利限制 - ▪ 原则上,必须申请专利。申请专利的国家为了享有专利保护,专利申请应符合形式和实质要求,专利发明应向公众公开。这些要求在法律上和技术上可能很复杂,遵守这些要求通常需要法律专家的帮助。如果专利侵权,就要由专利所有人在法庭上为专利辩护,这对小企业来说可能非常昂贵,而且通常是不可能的。保持专利有效需要年费¡ ·A patent must be applied for, in principle, in each country in which you seek patent ¡ ·In order to enjoy patent protection, an application for a patent shall comply with both formal and substantive requirements, and a patented invention shall be disclosed to the public¡· These requirements can be legally and technically complex, and their compliance often requires a legal expert’s assistance ¡ ·It is up to the patent owner to defend a patent in the courts if there is infringement, which can prove very expensive and often impossible for a small business¡ ·Annual fees are needed to keep the patent in force首先是专利申请很难,你要符合专利申请的条件。其次申请后的专利应该向共中披露,对于有些公司来说可能不愿意公开。而专利又是个很复杂的事情,不仅要有技术专家还得请法律专家。如果侵权诉讼你要支付一笔昂贵的律师费用和其他费用,而且一般来说专利侵权能难界定,并且很难打官司同时每年还得上交专利年费。 - ◦ 专利里的内容 #flashcard