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Ryan 2023-06-15 20:13:06 +08:00
parent bf6319675a
commit 456dca2d5f

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@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@
- Underestimate _costs_
- A lack of _commitment_
- A lack of _skills_
- ## Topic 10: Intellectual Property
- ## Topic 10: ==Intellectual Property==
- 知识产权分类 #flashcard
id:: 648ae540-d111-47d6-8742-5709ab330e29
- 专利 (patent):专利是政府向发明人授予的暂时垄断权以排除他人使用该发明。在美国专利有效期自其存档日期起共20年。“ 专利是个人或组织与国家之间的契约”专利是由政府授予的有限时间的垄断,作为交换,它向公众传授新的有用的知识 其目的是通过授予临时垄断来鼓励一个经济体内部的创造力和创新·a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention ¡ ·“a patent is a contract between an individual or organisation and the state¡· A patent is a limited-time monopoly, granted by government, in exchange for teaching the public new and useful knowledge ¡ ·The aim is to encourage creativity and innovation within an economy by granting a temporary monopolyThis means that individuals and organisations will know that any l· idea that is created from their R&D investment will be protected (if patentable), and l ·any Return On Investment (ROI) will be received by them and not others也就是说个人和组织将知道他们所研发的想法将得到保护同时任何投资回报ROI将由他们获得而不是别人
@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@
- 知识产权允许人们像拥有有形财产一样拥有自己的创造力和创新。 Intellectual property rights (IPRs) allow people to own their creativity and innovation in the same way that they can own physical property.
- 所有者可以控制并从使用他们的知识产权中获得回报这鼓励了进一步的创新和创造对我们所有人都有好处。The owner can control and be rewarded for the use of their IP, and this encourages further innovation and creativity to the benefit of us all.
- DONE Week 3
- ## Topic 11: System Level Design
- ## Topic 11: ==System Level Design==
- 系统级设计System-level Design
产品架构可以描述为 :“ 将产品的功能元素排列成物理块以及块之间相互作用的方案”功能性——有助于整体绩效的单个操作和转换.物理–实现产品功能的零件、组件和子组件(通俗来讲,顺序是完成相应功能的零件 component--->组件 chunks---->产品,产品架构就是以实体组件来实现产品的各功能单元,并使各组件相互作用的配置方案) Product Architecture can be described as: 1."the **scheme** by which the functional elements of the product are arranged into physical chunks and by which the chunks interact” 2.**Functional** individual operations and transformations that contribute to its overall performance 3.**Physical** parts, components and subassemblies that implement the products functions
- 目的 :-> 架构决策允许将这些物理模块的详细设计和测试分配给团队、个人和 /或供应商,以便不同部分的开发可以同时进行 Architectural decisions allow the detailed design and testing of these physical blocks to be assigned to teams, individuals, and/or suppliers, so that the development of different portions can be carried out simultaneously
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- 组件之间的联系有两种类型。
- 首先是基本的相互作用关系 (fundamental interaction), 它与 示意图中连接各组件的那些线条相对应。例如, 一张纸从纸张托盘移动到打印装置中,因为 这种基本的相互作用关系是系统运行的基础,所以,在最早设计示意图时就应该计划好,并 要很好地加以理解。其次是附属的相互作用关系 (incidental interaction), 它是功能单元特定的 实体设置或组件之间具体的几何排列造成的。例如,纸张托盘中的传动器所引起的震动会干 扰打印墨盒在 X 轴的精确定位。 It is most likely that a different person or group will be assigned to design each chunk ¡ Because the chunks interact with one another in both planned and unintended ways, these different groups will have to coordinate their activities and exchange information ¡ To manage this coordination process better, the team should identify the known interactions between chunks during the system-level design phase There are two categories of interaction l Fundamental ¡ Those which correspond to the lines on the schematic that connect the chunks to one another ¡ These are the fundamental interactions of the systems operation l Incidental ¡ Those that arise because of l the particular physical implementation of functional elements, or l because of the geometric arrangement of the chunks ¡ An incidental interaction graph is used to document this type of interaction, see next slide
- ==## Topic 12 / 13: Detail Design and Prototypes==
- ## ==Topic 12 / 13: Detail Design and Prototypes==
- 此阶段的部门职责是 #flashcard
- ·营销Marketing
- 制定营销计划 ·Develop marketing plan