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- [[总复习2023t1]] {{renderer :todomaster}}
id:: 64895ec0-51b1-47d6-9243-404b6e52d576
- DONE [[Java]] {{renderer :todomaster}}
collapsed:: true
SCHEDULED: <2023-06-12 Mon>
CLOCK: [2023-06-09 Fri 15:09:23]--[2023-06-09 Fri 16:26:51] => 01:17:28
- DONE lab
- DONE 写 lab8
CLOCK: [2023-06-09 Fri 15:06:46]--[2023-06-09 Fri 16:26:50] => 01:20:04
- DONE (考前)复习 labs
collapsed:: true
- DONE [#A] 从 t14 复制过来
- 1
CLOCK: [2023-06-10 Sat 21:08:02]--[2023-06-10 Sat 21:08:03] => 00:00:01
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CLOCK: [2023-06-10 Sat 21:08:02]--[2023-06-10 Sat 21:08:03] => 00:00:01
- DONE 课件
collapsed:: true
CLOCK: [2023-06-12 Mon 10:47:42]--[2023-06-12 Mon 14:12:02] => 03:24:20
- DONE 看 revision (java file IO 可以考前再看一遍)
collapsed:: true
CLOCK: [2023-06-12 Mon 11:40:14]--[2023-06-12 Mon 12:58:33] => 01:18:19
- DONE [#A] Review past exam papers
- DONE java file IO
collapsed:: true
CLOCK: [2023-06-09 Fri 16:44:33]--[2023-06-09 Fri 17:13:37] => 00:29:04
- DONE Buffered Reader / Writer
- DONE File objects
- DONE GUI (自学不考)
collapsed:: true
- DONE Graphics Classes: Color, Font, FontMetrics, JLabel
- StringBuffer vs. StringBuilder
- String is immutable whereas StringBuffer and StringBuilder are mutable classes.
- StringBuffer is thread-safe and synchronized whereas StringBuilder is not. That’s why StringBuilder is faster than StringBuffer.
- String concatenation operator (+) internally uses StringBuffer or StringBuilder class.
- For String manipulations in a non-multi threaded environment, we should use StringBuilder else use StringBuffer class.
- DONE 题
- DONE 看 qm 上错题 [gradeplus](https://qmplus.qmul.ac.uk/grade/report/user/index.php?id=21582)
- DONE this 的用法
collapsed:: true
- In Java, the `this` keyword is a reference to the current object within a non-static method or constructor. It represents the instance of the class on which the method or constructor is being called.
- When a class is instantiated to create an object, that object has its own set of instance variables and methods. The `this` keyword allows you to refer to those instance variables and methods from within the class itself. It is primarily used to differentiate between instance variables and parameters or local variables that have the same name.
- Here are a few common uses of the `this` keyword in Java:
collapsed:: true
- Accessing instance variables: You can use `this` to access or modify the instance variables of the current object. For example, `this.variableName` refers to the instance variable `variableName` of the current object.
- Invoking constructors: In a constructor, `this` can be used to invoke another constructor in the same class. It is useful for constructor chaining, where one constructor calls another constructor to initialize the object.
- Passing the current object as a parameter: Sometimes, you may need to pass the current object as an argument to another method. In such cases, you can use `this` to pass a reference to the current object.
- Returning the current object: A method can use `this` to return the current object. This is often used in method chaining, where multiple method calls are chained together on the same object.
- It's important to note that `this` can only be used within non-static contexts, as it refers to the current instance of the class. Static methods and variables do not belong to any specific instance, so `this` cannot be used inside them.
- Overall, the `this` keyword provides a way to refer to the current object and access its members, helping to avoid naming conflicts and make the code more readable.
- DONE Past exam papers
CLOCK: [2023-06-11 Sun 21:37:16]--[2023-06-12 Mon 12:58:29] => 15:21:13
CLOCK: [2023-06-12 Mon 14:12:05]--[2023-06-12 Mon 17:55:24] => 03:43:19
- DONE Access Modifiers
- DONE Javadoc tags and modifiers [tutorial](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_documentation.htm)
- Syntax:
- ```java
// This is a single line comment
* This is a regular multi-line comment
* This is a Javadoc
- @throws ExceptionType reason
- DONE Garbage collection
collapsed:: true
- **The working:** Java garbage collection is an automatic process. Automatic garbage
collection is the process of looking at heap memory, identifying which
objects are in use and which are not, and deleting the unused objects.
An in-use object, or a referenced object, means that some part of your
program still maintains a pointer to that object. An unused or
unreferenced object is no longer referenced by any part of your program.
So the memory used by an unreferenced object can be reclaimed. The
programmer does not need to mark objects to be deleted explicitly. The
garbage collection implementation lives in the JVM.
- **Eligibility for garbage collection:** An object is said to be eligible for GC(garbage collection) if it is unreachable.
- DONE ==THREE main concepts when doing GUI programming in Java==
- **Component**: An object that the user can see on the screen and can also
interact with
- **Container**: A component that can hold other components
- **Event**: An action triggered by the user
- Designing a GUI involves creating components, putting them into containers, and
arranging for the program to respond to events (e.g. responding to mouse clicks).
- DONE ==Review Java File IO==
- DONE Exception Terms
- java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:
- IOException
- ArithmeticException
- NegativeArraySizeException
- ArrayStoreException
- LATER four fundamental OOP concepts.
CLOCK: [2023-06-12 Mon 14:12:16]--[2023-06-12 Mon 14:12:18] => 00:00:02
- inheritance
- Inheritance in Java is **a concept that acquires the properties from one class to other classes**
- ## polymorphism
- encapsulation
- Encapsulation in Java is a mechanism of **wrapping the data** (variables) and code acting on the data (methods) together as a single unit. In encapsulation, the variables of a class will be hidden from other classes, and can be accessed only through the methods of their current class. Therefore, it is also known as **data hiding**.
- abstraction.
- Data **abstraction** is the process **of hiding certain details** and showing only essential information to the user.
- Abstraction can be achieved with either **abstract classes** or
[**interfaces**](https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_interface.asp) (which you will learn more about in the next chapter).
- Overloading vs. overriding
- When two or more methods in the same class have the same method name but different parameters, this is called overloading. In contrast, overriding occurs when two methods have the same name and parameters
- Interface
- DONE 毛概 {{renderer :todomaster}}
collapsed:: true
SCHEDULED: <2023-06-13 Tue>
- DONE 看笔记
- DONE 做题
CLOCK: [2023-06-11 Sun 09:51:00]--[2023-06-11 Sun 09:51:01] => 00:00:01
- DONE 整理错题
deck:: 2023t1/Mao
- 在 1978 年的关于真理标准问题的⼤讨论中,邓⼩平指出,关于真理标准问题的讨论实质就在于( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard
id:: 64895ec0-db81-4923-8c25-48429b1b0999
- 创新包括各⽅⾯的创新,如理论创新、技术创新、制度创新等,其中在各项创新中处于先导地位的是 ( {{c1 b}})#flashcard
extra:: 社会主义主打一个空想
id:: 64895ec0-eb6a-4252-9bb6-89eff3bc6e76
A.⽣产关系适合⽣产⼒ B.理论联系实际
C.实事求是 D.在实践中检验真理和发展真理
- extra:: 三个有利于:改革得失
- 4.中国共产党在新⺠主主义⾰命领导权问题上有着深刻认识,党认为实现对⾰命的领导权的根本
id:: 64895ec0-a0c3-4205-9240-3bbea356fab0
保证是( {{c1 c}} )。 #flashcard
A.动员全⺠开展武装⽃争 B.建⽴最⼴泛的⼈⺠统⼀战线
C.加强中国共产党的建设 D.扩⼤⾰命的影响⼒和控制⼒
- extra:: a: 抢国民党
id:: 64895ec0-f849-4a5c-8fe9-d3deb0e3fdcb
1. 建国初期我国社会主义国营经济建⽴的主要途径是( {{c1 a}} )#flashcard
A. 没收官僚资本 B. 没收帝国主义在华企业
C. 剥夺封建地主阶级的财产 D. 赎买⺠族资产阶级的财产
- extra:: 学苏联
- extra:: b 反右运动 c 文革 d 从来没有
- extra:: 创新性方法:学苏联自由派
B.剥夺⽣产资料 C.公私合营
- extra:: 十大关系指出要多快好省建设社会主义基本思想
- 1.社会主义的**根本**原则是( {{c1 a}} ) #flashcard
extra:: 根本原则
id:: 64895ec0-3dc2-4451-a8fe-24381236c3fd
A. 坚持以公有制为主体,实现共同富裕 B.扩⼤改⾰开放,增强综合国⼒
C.实⾏按劳分配,改善⼈⺠⽣活 D. 不断发展⽣产,增加社会财富
是( {{c1 d}} ) #flashcard
B. 怎样建设党
D. 什么是社会主义
- 5.坚持四项基本原则的核⼼是 ( {{c1 c}} ) #flashcard
extra:: 共产党要独裁,别人都不行
id:: 64895ec0-9e79-4649-93be-cf27f0fc42ba
A.坚持社会主义道路 B.坚持⼈⺠⺠主专政
C.坚持共产党的领导 D.坚持⻢列主义、⽑泽东思想
- 3.社会主义初级阶段与新⺠主主义社会在经济基础⽅⾯的本质区别在于( {{c1 a}} )#flashcard
extra:: d: 不谈这些
id:: 64895ec0-7ac9-4e1d-bb5b-ce5ee51f4897
A. 是否存在多种所有制经济
B. ⾮公有制经济是否成为社会主义经济的必要补充
C. 国有经济是否起主导作⽤
D. 公有制经济是否成为社会经济的主体
- 2.正确处理改⾰、发展、稳定三者关系的重要结合点是( {{c1 b}} )#flashcard
id:: 64895ec0-d70c-4c98-94bb-80fcbe503533
- 5.经过 30 多年的对外开放,我国形成了全⽅位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局。所谓全⽅位就是
指( {c1 a})#flashcard
extra:: 全方位:a; 多层次:合作框架, 宽领域:跨越政治
id:: 64895ec0-0a5a-4f41-a262-adbb511a9af6
B. 根据各地区的实际和特点,通过经济特区、沿海开放城市、经济技术开发区等不同开放程度的
D. 坚持“引进来”和“⾛出去”相结合
- 1.我国现阶段公有制的主要实现形式是( {{c1 a}} )#flashcard
extra:: b: 农村银行
id:: 64895ec0-a04c-4640-a3a9-e1dd807a7745
A. 股份制
B.股份合作制 C.租赁、承包制
- 是( {{c1 b}} ) #flashcard
extra:: 领导利益优先
id:: 64895ec0-a755-4622-9044-19bef1cbc32e
A.维护最⼴⼤⼈⺠的根本利益 B.如何妥善协调各⽅⾯的利益关系问题
C.兼顾不同⽅⾯群众的利益 D.效率优先、兼顾公平
- 1.新⺠主主义⾰命初期,⽑泽东⽐较了中外资产阶级⾰命的性质后,提出中国⾰命胜利后,应该建⽴的国家政权形式是 ( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard
extra:: 共产党约等于革命民众
id:: 64895ec0-8194-401b-9372-ecb960a032eb
A. ⼈⺠⺠主专政的国家
B. 各⾰命⺠众合作统治的国家
C. ⺠主联合政府的国家
D. 以⼯农为主的⼯农⺠主政权
- 2.中国共产党和各⺠主党派合作的政治基础是 ( {{c1 c}} ). #flashcard
extra:: 四项基本原则不允许争议,指“社会主义”,“民主”,“共产党独裁”,“马列毛思想”不允许反对
id:: 64895ec0-3678-4873-adfd-82b4df53da19
A. 中国共产党和各⺠主党派全作的政治基础是
B. 遵循“⻓期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共”的⽅针
C. 坚持四项基本原则
D. 中国共产党是执政党,⺠主党派是参政党
- 5.社会主义⺠主政治的**本质**是 ( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard
extra:: 红二代当家作主最重要
id:: 64895ec0-da3e-46f8-92ab-c0da5efe157e
A. ⼈⺠当家作主
B. ⼈⺠⺠主专政
C. ⼈⺠代表⼤会制度
D. ⼈⺠参与国家管理
- A. 爱国主义
extra:: 共产党最爱吹的金句
id:: 64895ec0-dd09-45f4-a3d4-073860b4dd0b
B. 集体主义
C. 社会主义
D. 为⼈⺠服务
A. 为⼈⺠服务
B. 集体主义
C 诚实可信
D 爱国主义
1. 社会主义和谐社会的核⼼价值是( {{c1 d}} ). #flashcard
A. 以⼈为本
B. 以⺠为本
C 社会公平
D 公平和正义
- 2 我国社会保障制度的基本⽬标是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard
extra:: 竟然是和其他所有国家一样
id:: 64895ec0-8e70-4ef1-81a7-5cd033cfac67
A. 保证⼈们最基本的⽣活需要
B. 使劳动者⽣活⽔平不断提⾼
C. 保证劳动者充分就业
D. 实现共同富裕
- extra::
A. 不断推进⼈的全⾯发展
B. 不断推进共同富裕
C. 不断满⾜⼈⺠的物质⽂化⽣活需要
D. 不断创造共同富裕的物质基础
- A. 祖国统⼀
extra:: 因为是假想敌,所以想要统一
id:: 64895ec0-11d5-40f6-84d9-dc9fef824774
B. ⼀国两制
C. ⼀国两政府
D. “三通”
1. 和平与发展是时代的主题,和平与发展的核⼼问题是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard
A. 南北问题
B. .维护世界和平问题
C. 反对霸权主义、强权政治问题
D. 建⽴国际经济政治新秩序问题
A. 提⾼中国的国际地位
B. 维护世界和平,促进⼈类共同繁荣和发展
C. 反对霸权主义和强权政治
D. 实现全⼈类的解放
- extra:: 是全球的南北
id:: 64895ec0-83fb-4abe-9f80-566a43e15750
1. 和平与发展是时代的主题,**和平与发展**的核⼼问题是( {{c1 a}} ). #flashcard
A. 南北问题
B. .维护世界和平问题
C. 反对霸权主义、强权政治问题
D. 建⽴国际经济政治新秩序问题
- extra:: 美国=霸权主义,反对美国来维护世界和平
A. 实⾏有效裁军和军控
B. 发挥联合国的维和作⽤
C. 反对霸权主义和强权政治
D. 加强国际⼲预
- extra:: 民族资产阶级最后被收购了
id:: 64895ec0-83af-4a8b-9fb9-805f7ec7d617
1. 中国新⺠主主义⾰命时期的统⼀战线包含着两个联盟。其中基本的、主要的联盟是( {{c1 b}} ). #flashcard
A. ⼯⼈阶级同城市⼩资产阶级的联盟
B. 以⼯农联盟为主体的⼯⼈阶级同农⺠、⼩资产阶级等其他劳动⼈⺠的联盟
C. 以⼯农联盟为主体的⼯⼈阶级同农⺠、⼩资产阶级和⺠族资产阶级的联盟
D. ⼯⼈阶级同可以合作的⾮劳动⼈⺠的联盟
- extra:: 共产党你是会恶心人的
A. 爱国主义性质的
B. 政治联盟性质的
C. 社会主义性质的
D. ⼈⺠⺠主性质的
- extra:: 硬背吧
A. 建设有中国特⾊社会主义
B. 实现国家统⼀
C. 加强⺠族团结
D. 增强⼈⺠凝聚⼒
- extra:: 重点是体制
id:: 64895ec0-21ac-4215-9fd7-63c4fff95559
1. ⼗六届四中全会指出,提⾼党的执政能⼒的核⼼是( {{c1 d}} ). #flashcard
A. 加强党的领导
B. 改善党的领导体制
C. 建设⾼素质的⼲部队伍
D. 保持党和⼈⺠群众的⾎⾁关系
- extra:: 共产党纯变态
A. 政党是阶级⽃争发展到⼀定历史阶段的产物
B. 政党同国家政权紧密联系
C. 政党有⾃⼰的纲领
D. 政党有⾃⼰的奋⽃⽬标
A. 取得执政地位
B. 代表先进⽣产⽅式
C. 维护⽆产阶级利益
D. 符合统治阶级的需要
- DONE [[学交]] {{renderer :todomaster}}
collapsed:: true
SCHEDULED: <2023-06-13 Tue>
- DONE 看格式要求 _Follow the ABC (Abstract Body Conclusion) Format for all Letters/Memos_
- DONE Job application letter
- Cover letter (application letter)
[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your city, state and zip code]
[Hiring manager's name]
[Hiring manager's title]
[Company name]
[Company address]
[Company city, state and zip code]
Dear [Hiring manager's name],
I'm writing to express my interest in the position of [job title] at [company]. [Explain how you heard about the job and name your contact if you were referred by someone within the company.] I believe my [skills and qualifications] make me an ideal fit for this job.
[Use the second paragraph to elaborate on how you would help the company. Reference specific campaigns or projects when possible.]
[Use the third paragraph to summarize your key qualifications. Elaborate on your most important accomplishments and include details that you were unable to provide in the more concise format of your resume.]
[Use the fourth paragraph to briefly explain why you want to work for this company. Mention the additional documents included with your cover letter, and express your excitement about moving forward in the hiring process.]
[Your name]
- DONE Academic
- DONE research proposal
- Format
Your proposal should include the following:
Your title should give a clear indication of your proposed research approach or key question
You should include:
the background and issues of your proposed research
identify your discipline
a short literature review
a summary of key debates and developments in the field
You should formulate these clearly, giving an explanation as to what problems and issues are to be explored and why they are worth exploring
You should provide an outline of:
the theoretical resources to be drawn on
the research approach (theoretical framework)
the research methods appropriate for the proposed research
a discussion of advantages as well as limits of particular approaches and methods
You should include an outline of the various stages and corresponding time lines for developing and implementing the research, including writing up your thesis.
For full-time study your research should be completed within three years, with writing up completed in the fourth year of registration.
For part-time study your research should be completed within six years, with writing up completed by the eighth year.
You should include:
a list of references to key articles and texts discussed within your research proposal
a selection of sources appropriate to the proposed research
- DONE academic paper
- DONE abstract
- Major Types of Abstract - Descriptive Abstracts
- ● Short -uaually less than 120 words.
- ● Includes:
- ● purpose of the paper/work (objectives)
- ● methods used
- ● scope of the paper/work
- ● introducing the subject.
- ● Doesn’t include:
- ● results, conclusions and recommendations
- It aims to provide the reader with brief summaries (1-2 sentences) of each of the sections of the paper.
- ● A descriptive abstract summarizes the main points of a document without
providing any analysis or interpretation, simply describing what the document
contains. It is typically very short and doesn't provide any information beyond
what you would find in the document's table of contents.
- ● An outline of your work
- •Major Types of Abstract - Informative Abstracts
- ● Fairly short - from 250 words to a page or more.
- ● Include:
- ● purpose of the work/paper (research background /objectives)
- ● method used
- ● scope of the work
- ● results / findings
- ● conclusions and recommendations
- ● contributions, novelty (optional)
- It focuses on providing the results of the research and describing the
conclusion, contribution and vovelty that can be drawn from these
- DONE introduction
- a clear sense of purpose,
thorough understanding of reader needs, and
close attention to correct formats.
- Research paper introductions are always unique.
After all, research is original by definition. However, they often
contain six essential items. These are:
- **An overview of the topic.**Start with a general overview of
your topic. Narrow the overview until you address your paper’s specific
subject. Then, mention questions or concerns you had about the case.
Note that you will address them in the publication.
- **Prior research.**Your introduction is the place to review
other conclusions on your topic. Include both older scholars and modern
scholars. This background information shows that you are aware of prior
research. It also introduces past findings to those who might not have
that expertise.
- **A rationale for your paper.**Explain why your topic needs to
be addressed right now. If applicable, connect it to current issues.
Additionally, you can show a problem with former theories or reveal a
gap in current research. No matter how you do it, a good rationale will
interest your readers and demonstrate why they must read the rest of
your paper.
- **Describe the methodology you used.**Recount your processes to
make your paper more credible. Lay out your goal and the questions you
will address. Reveal how you conducted research and describe how you
measured results. Moreover, explain why you made key choices.
- **A thesis statement.**Your main introduction should end with a
thesis statement. This statement summarizes the ideas that will run
through your entire research article. It should be straightforward and
- **An outline.**Introductions often conclude with an outline.
Your layout should quickly review what you intend to cover in the
following sections. Think of it as a roadmap, guiding your reader to the
end of your paper.
- These six items are emphasized more or less,
depending on your field. For example, a physics research paper might
emphasize methodology. An English journal article might highlight the
- DONE conclusion
- Presenting the last word on the issues you raised in your paper.
- Summarizing your thoughts and conveying the larger implications of your study.
- Demonstrating the importance of your ideas.
- Introducing possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the research problem.
- DONE Report
- Informal
- DONE letter report
- Format
This form is used in the case of brief and informal reports. Its main parts are:
Complimentary close;
The body of the letter can be divided into the following parts:
Introduction: Here the writer states the problem.
Findings: Here the finding of the investigation are presented.
Recommendation: After the findings, recommendations are given in the last paragraph of the body.
The sample is given below to give an idea about the structure of a report.
- Sample
- ```text
Opex Apparel Ltd.
(A house for best Garments)
Dhanmondi, Dhaka
25th, May 2021
Managing Director
Opex Apparel Ltd.
Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
Ref: Negligence of duty by the staff in our Uttara Showroom.
Dear Sir,
In accordance with” your instructions, I personally visited our Uttara
showroom to look into its functioning. I made some investigation and
therefore submitting my report hereunder. <abstract, introduction>
A number of worthy customers purchased some exclusive garments
but found some problems with fitting after purchase. They tried their
best to return the garments but failed because there was no
attendant to take the complaint and providing the change. As a
result, they made a phone call to our complaint department and filed
complaints regarding this issue. <findings>
In our Uttara branch, there is only one attendant named Mr. Saker to
handle the after-sales service. He has been found to be irregular for
the last three (3) months. As a result, our customers are getting
dissatisfaction causing a decrease in our sales. In this age of
competition, losing customers means “Red Alert to the business.
I have no hesitation to recommend that Mr. Saker may be served
with a notice and a really efficient and active man may be sent there
for proper functioning. <recommendation>
I hope that quick action will be taken based on my recommendation
for the betterment of our company.<close>
Yours faithfully
M. A Khan Secretary
- DONE memo report
- Format
- Abstract
- Clear statement of memo's purpose
Outline of main parts of memo
- Body
- Supporting points, with strong points at the beginning and/or end
Frequent use of short paragraphs or listed items
Absolute clarity about what memo has to do with reader
Tactful presentation of any negative news
- Conclusion
- Clear statement of what step should occur next
Another effort to retain goodwill and cooperation of readers
- Sample:
- ```text
I'm writing to inform you that [statement, reason for writing memo].
As our company continues to grow … [evidence or reason to support your opening
Please let me know if you have any questions. In the meantime, I'd appreciate your
cooperation as [official business information] takes place.
- Formal
- DONE Letter Text Combination Form
- Types
- proposal: A proposal report is a document that outlines a plan or suggestion for a
particular project, initiative, or course of action. It is typically
prepared by an individual or a team who wants to propose a specific
idea, action, or solution to a problem. The purpose of a proposal report
is to convince the intended audience that the proposed plan is viable,
beneficial, and worth pursuing.
- feasibility: A feasibility report determines the outcome of a proposed solution by analyzing all relevant factors.
- progress: A progress report is a document that provides an update on the status,
achievements, and ongoing activities of a project, task, or initiative.
It is typically prepared on a regular basis, such as weekly, monthly, or
quarterly, to inform stakeholders about the progress made toward
established goals and objectives.
- evaluation: An evaluation report is a document that assesses and analyzes the
performance, effectiveness, or impact of a project, program, policy, or
initiative. It provides an in-depth examination and critique of the
subject being evaluated, based on specific criteria and objectives.
- problem analysis: A problem analysis report is a document that examines and analyzes a specific problem or issue in depth. It aims to identify the root causes
of the problem, understand its impact, and propose potential solutions
or recommendations.
- recommendation: Recommendation reports, also known as justification reports, propose a specific idea to the reader and provide evidence to support the
- Template
- ```text
Report on [topic of the report]
Submitted on [date of submission]
Summary or Abstract
[This summarizes the contents of the report, including your main findings and
overall conclusion.]
[This provides insight into the purpose of the report.]
[This section provides background information for the reader to understand the
context of the remaining content.]
[This section explains to the reader what method you followed to gather your
findings and make your conclusions. For example, describe if you're using
qualitative or quantitative methods in your research.]
[Present your findings based on your research.]
The main issues we found were as follows:
[Outline the main issues to address based on your findings.]
To address these central issues, we recommend the following steps:
[Offer clear recommendations of actions based on your findings and conclusions
to help solve the problem.]
[List any references used for your research, including articles, papers, or other
sources. You can also include any reference materials, such as surveys, tables,
charts, or diagrams referenced in your report.]
- LATER 写几篇试试手
- DONE 数电 {{renderer :todomaster}}
SCHEDULED: <2023-06-14 Wed>
deck:: 2023t1/Circuits
collapsed:: true
- DONE 看 block4
deck:: 2023t1/Circuits
- Buses #flashcard what is it? connection types?
id:: 64895ec0-bc6b-4db5-b6a9-ce4cd728dd78
- Set of two or more electrical conductors representing a
binary value
- Often more than just a one-to-one connection
- Data Storage Devices
- Random Access: #flashcard Access parallel? Access time? address length? two categories of random access?
id:: 64895ec0-0708-4f9d-b106-24296716fa8d
- All memory contents can be accessed in the same time as
each other.
- Equal time to access any location
- n-bit address
- Volatile #flashcard: content lost? also called? two types?
id:: 64895ec0-ee26-4729-aaa3-56f824aa8d43
- Volatile memory loses its contents when the power is switched off
- Volatile memory is commonly called {{c1 RAM(Random Access Memory)}}. Often used as “working
id:: 64895ec0-3638-4913-98ab-53cea78b5f2a
memory” #flashcard
- Static RAM (SRAM): Uses {{c3 transistors}} to store a single bit
id:: 64895ec0-f8f6-4e99-8557-db4f6b38b40a
of information and does not need to be refreshed
periodically. #flashcard
- more expensive and less dense
- Dynamic RAM (DRAM)Uses a {{c2 capacitor}} to store the
id:: 64895ec0-dd35-4cf8-b386-5a244312a79b
data bit and needs to be periodically refreshed to maintain
the charge in the capacitors. #flashcard
- Because of the small cell size, DRAM can have very high
- It is the main memory in personal computers.
- Non-volatile #flashcard data loss? abbrevation?
id:: 64895ec0-aad5-47f6-84a6-543ea7d930a5
- Non-volatile memory keeps its contents even if there is no
power to the device.
- Non-volatile memory is commonly called as {{c1 ROM}}
id:: 64895ec0-e7ff-4a6c-bb06-731bb9f26413
- Definition :-> Read-Only Memory where the contents cannot be
id:: 64895ec0-0b10-47d5-9a55-d86e9d711777
changed by normal CPU operations.
- used to store fixed data or information.
- Mask ROM :-> programmed in manufacture
id:: 64895ec0-665d-48e3-9c6f-8d98d499fb44
- PROM :-> Programmable ROM
id:: 64895ec0-7ad7-4186-a070-46403fa1adbd
- EPROM :-> Erasable PROM
id:: 64895ec0-d5d4-4888-8c51-0cc852162e81
- EEPROM :-> Electrically Erasable PROM
id:: 64895ec0-82fd-4910-8365-bbcb7ec7b089
- Serial Access
- Stores data bits in series
Head must travel from current position to new address passing the
other addresses in between – time consuming
Can store large amounts of data
- Read Only
- R / W
- SI bytes:
8bit = 1byte

- DONE 往年题
- DONE Review slides
CLOCK: [2023-06-11 Sun 20:05:19]--[2023-06-11 Sun 21:37:27] => 01:32:08
- DONE Tutorial 1
CLOCK: [2023-06-11 Sun 20:06:12]--[2023-06-11 Sun 21:13:20] => 01:07:08
- DONE Base conversion
- Integer
- Digits
- If calculating integer part, from up to down :-> LSB to MSB
id:: 64895ec0-d31b-4520-9651-c06319d4fca2
- fractional part is the reverse, :-> from MSB to LSB, since we are multiplying.
id:: 64895ec0-eb02-4a85-b47c-e55ec4ff9e63
- DONE ==2's complement==
CLOCK: [2023-06-11 Sun 20:24:32]
CLOCK: [2023-06-11 Sun 20:24:34]--[2023-06-11 Sun 20:32:57] => 00:08:23
- convert to 2's complement (negative numbers)
- Invert the bits of that representation
logseq.order-list-type:: number
- add 1
logseq.order-list-type:: number
- convert from 2's complement (negative numbers)
- subtract 1
logseq.order-list-type:: number
- invert the bits of that representation
logseq.order-list-type:: number
- or:
- invert bits
logseq.order-list-type:: number
- add 1
logseq.order-list-type:: number
- Subtraction with 2's complement
- DONE Floating point formats
CLOCK: [2023-06-11 Sun 20:53:09]--[2023-06-11 Sun 21:09:13] => 00:16:04
- IEEE 754 FP
- $$ Value = (-1)^s _ 1.f _ 2^{e-127} $$
- s: sign
- f: Mantissa
- e: exponent
- Parity
- DONE Tutorial 2
collapsed:: true
CLOCK: [2023-06-13 Tue 19:02:54]--[2023-06-13 Tue 19:53:03] => 00:50:09
- Drawing gates
- Boolean algebra
- Theorems
- Consensus theorem
- $$ (X + Y) (X + Z) = X + YZ $$
- Distributivity theorem
- $$ XY + X'Z + YZ = XY + X'Z $$
- Minterms and Maxterms
- Minterm
- Algebraic sum of minterms, SOP, Canonical Sum
- Algebraic product of maxterms, POS, Canonical Product
- DONE Tutorial 3
CLOCK: [2023-06-13 Tue 19:56:43]--[2023-06-13 Tue 20:31:16] => 00:34:33
- Draw latches
- SR
- SR with control
- D
- Draw Functional table
- DONE When the output is invalid
- Synchronous state machine
- Input / next state / output equations
- Transition table, State table, State / Output Table
- Circuit synthesis
- K-map
- State diagram
- DONE Tutorial 4
CLOCK: [2023-06-13 Tue 20:36:09]--[2023-06-13 Tue 21:21:19] => 00:45:10
- Calculating address bits
- Calculating bits required to select memory chips
- draw diagrams
- DONE Draw block diagram of circuit using decoder so that memory can be addrerssed
CLOCK: [2023-06-13 Tue 21:33:12]--[2023-06-13 Tue 21:33:12] => 00:00:00

- DONE Draw block diagram of a system in which a memory space comprises multiple memory devices of smaller capacity and explain its operation
CLOCK: [2023-06-13 Tue 21:33:12]--[2023-06-13 Tue 21:33:12] => 00:00:00
- DONE Mux switch
CLOCK: [2023-06-13 Tue 21:33:12]--[2023-06-13 Tue 21:33:12] => 00:00:00

CLOCK: [2023-06-13 Tue 21:33:12]--[2023-06-13 Tue 21:33:12] => 00:00:00

The address is from b to a (down to up):
c b a addr
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
==mux switch left 1, right 0==
- DONE Ripple parallel adder implemented by FAs

- DONE Ripple parallel subtractor implemented by FAs

- Transforming bit, byte, kb, mb, gb
- DONE 看数据库 {{renderer :todomaster}}
deck:: 2023t1/database
collapsed:: true
- DONE 课件
collapsed:: true
CLOCK: [2023-06-01 Thu 17:01:28]--[2023-06-01 Thu 17:01:30] => 00:00:02
CLOCK: [2023-06-01 Thu 17:01:41]--[2023-06-01 Thu 17:38:19] => 00:36:38
- DONE Transactions
- DONE Distributed DMBSs
- DONE Data Mining
- DONE Theory
collapsed:: true
CLOCK: [2023-06-04 Sun 16:27:23]--[2023-06-04 Sun 16:54:55] => 00:27:32
- DONE Block 1
deck:: 2023t1/database
- Database is :-> a shared collection of logically related data (and a description of this data), designed to meet the information needs of an organization.
id:: 648974ba-3221-48b2-8f9c-2d9275174f48
- Table :-> A collection of related data organized into rows (also called records) and columns (also called fields).
id:: 648974ba-7b5a-4cff-8d21-3bcc7e0c1fe8
- Row/Record :-> A single set of data in a table, representing a specific instance or entity.
id:: 648974ba-d192-4027-945a-9c6113ac218f
- Column/Field :-> A specific attribute or data element within a table.
id:: 648974ba-89e7-434a-b242-68a1ea3f7f6b
- Primary Key :-> A unique identifier for each row/record in a table. It ensures the integrity and uniqueness of the data.
id:: 648974ba-611e-4d5c-849b-9cd57b7bddb9
- Foreign Key :-> A field in one table that refers to the primary key in another table, establishing a relationship between the two tables.
id:: 648974ba-bc0d-4b78-a8cb-7a081ca1b2ac
- Relationship :-> The connection between tables based on common data values, such as primary and foreign keys.
id:: 648974ba-851d-42a7-95c1-2619fed22d3a
- Normalization :-> The process of organizing and structuring a database design to eliminate redundancy and improve data integrity.
id:: 648974ba-53b0-4176-b67b-cd51d1ea09c6
- Index :-> A data structure that improves the retrieval speed of data from a database table by creating a quick reference to the location of the data.
id:: 648974ba-2246-42c3-aa0c-7609107af7c5
- Query :-> A request for data or information from a database, usually written using Structured Query Language (SQL).
id:: 648974ba-4b3e-4f99-90fd-b4c9a1a43a53
- SQL (Structured Query Language) :-> A programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. It allows you to create, modify, and retrieve data from databases.
id:: 648974ba-a844-4e21-a1ca-e0b26668f1b7
- CRUD Operations :-> An acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations, which are the basic operations used to manage data in a database.
id:: 648974ba-34d4-49df-91c9-b44b018120c6
- ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) :-> A set of properties that guarantee the reliability and integrity of database transactions.
id:: 648974ba-4174-45b7-8903-38ffea39a200
- Data Integrity :-> The accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data stored in a database.
id:: 648974ba-7797-4a43-b644-f0780da5121b
- Database Schema :-> The structure or blueprint of a database, defining the tables, fields, relationships, and constraints.
id:: 648974ba-7b5c-45d1-ac86-ef7211c9672a
- Database Management System (DBMS) :-> Software that provides an interface to interact with databases, managing their creation, modification, and retrieval.
id:: 648974ba-627d-463c-9237-56777d45b8af
- DONE basic concepts of Relational model
- A data model :- > a graphical description of the
components of database.
- A relation, is :-> a two-dimensional table arranged in columns and rows.
id:: 648974ba-40ec-4600-af39-d438a5f75339
- A relational database is :-> a collection of relations.
id:: 648974ba-c76d-4f2b-a8ad-ef1ad3a16b2c
- Candidate Key #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-a2f3-43a1-a5ea-c170c68314e1
- A set of attributes that uniquely identifies a tuple within a
- Uniqueness : In each tuple, candidate key uniquely identify
that tuple.
- Irreducibility: No proper subset of the candidate key has the
uniqueness property.
- Primary Key #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-c5dc-44cb-8894-8f5838714f2a
- Candidate key selected to identify tuples uniquely within
- Foreign Key #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-da05-48b6-aded-75d1ea5f1342
- Attribute, or set of attributes, within one relation that
matches candidate key of some (possibly same) relation.
- Composite Key #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-7242-4c00-b67b-5418c3f71e77
- A candidate key that consists of two or more attributes.
- Recursive Relationship #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-eb07-4e80-a1c3-87555fb04d1a
- Relationship type where same entity type participates
more than once in different roles.
- Multiplicity :-> number (or range) of possible
id:: 648974ba-5d96-4c64-a1b0-e9e61aa3563a
occurrences of an entity type that may relate to a
single occurrence of an associated entity type
through a particular relationship.

- Cardinality #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-b24d-40a3-8669-9dbc85dedaf7
- Describes {{c1 maximum}} number of possible relationship occurrences for an entity participating in a given relationship type.
id:: 648974ba-ea33-489d-bb7b-1951685babd0
- Participation #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-6dc5-4805-9dfd-7db5a83efe3f
- Determines whether all or only some entity occurrences participate in a relationship.
- Gives the minimum number for an entity occurrences participating in a given relationship type.
- Ternary relationship #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-9b7a-4543-b243-e7a78cfc8175
- a ternary relationship is not the same as three binary relationships!
- DONE basic concepts associated with Entity-Relationship(ER) model.
- DONE Forming sql queries
- DONE Review relational algebra https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-of-relational-algebra-in-dbms/
- LATER review lab2
- DONE SQL join
- DONE Block 2
- Most useful additional concept of EER model:
- Specialization
- Process of maximizing differences between
members of an entity by identifying their
distinguishing characteristics.
- Generalization
- Process of minimizing differences between
entities by identifying their common
- Two constraints that may apply to a #flashcard
id:: 64896085-645b-408f-b17a-109b6cd82aeb
- participation constraints :-> Determines whether every member in superclass
id:: 6489683b-319a-4173-a55b-6fa3b2c09aeb
must participate as a member of a subclass.
- May be mandatory or optional. #flashcard
id:: 648960d0-ae7f-4452-a1b9-cab8a9b13443
- Mandatory: member of superclass must be
member of subclass
- Optional: member of superclass may be member
of subclass.
- disjoint constraints :-> Describes relationship between members of the subclasses and indicates whether member of a superclass can be a member of one, or more than one, subclass. #flashcard
id:: 6489683b-039f-4161-94b1-91177f713ee5
- Disjoint: member of superclass is member of at most one subclass (or)
- Nondisjoint: member of superclass can be member of more than one subclass (and)
- Superclass / Subclass
- Superclass :-> An entity type that includes one or more distinct
id:: 64895f2f-b868-46ec-9d80-7079eaf3197d
subgroupings of its occurrences.
- Superclass/subclass relationship is {{c1 one-to-one
id:: 64895f70-57e0-4023-9c32-34f1380aba1e
(1:1).}} #flashcard
- Superclass may contain overlapping or distinct
- Not all members of a superclass need be a
member of a subclass.
- Subclass :-> A distinct subgrouping of occurrences of an entity
id:: 64895f39-d886-436b-9afe-ba75d37c8b45
- When to use them? either one or both #flashcard
id:: 6489683b-7d47-4246-afdf-83fdb35a00f6
- There are attributes that apply to some (but not all) instances of an entity.
- The instances of a potential subclass participate in a relationship unique to that subclass.
- DONE Designing databases
- Understand Database Design Methodology #flashcard
id:: 6489a99e-3ed0-4673-814d-f823e4998168
- Conceptual database design
- The process of constructing a **model** of the data used in an enterprise, independent of all physical considerations.
- Logical database design
- Maps the conceptual data model on to a **logical model (e.g. relational)**, but i*ndependent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations*.
- Physical database design
- The process of producing a description of the **implementation of the database (tailored to specific DBMS)**;
- general steps for Database Design Methodology. #flashcard
id:: 6489a9b5-14ea-4b2b-bd47-07b93ae94124
- Gather requirements
- Conceptual database design
- Logical database design
- Physical database design
- purpose and importance of SQL.
- SQL is a transform-oriented language with 2
id:: 6489c210-8ab6-4a38-979a-01af7618a3a4
major components: #flashcard
- A DDL for defining database structure.
- Create table
- Drop table
- A DML for retrieving and updating data.
- Insert
- Delete
- update
- Select
- Importance:
- it is non-procedural - you specify what
information you require, rather than how to get it;
- it is essentially free-format.
- easy to learn
- retrieve data from database and formulate queries using SELECT and
- Use compound WHERE conditions.
- Sort query results using ORDER BY.
- Use aggregate functions.
- Group data using GROUP BY and HAVING.
- Join tables together.
- Use subqueries.
- update database and formulate queries using INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
- DONE [#A] Write some SQL!!
- DONE Block 3
- DONE DB transaction management
- DONE Deadlock and how it can be resolved. #flashcard
id:: 64841da4-d8ce-46f5-bbe6-4dee620cde75
- A deadlock is a situation in which two or more transactions are unable
to proceed because each is waiting for a resource held by the other,
resulting in a circular dependency and a system halt. It is a form of
resource contention that can occur in concurrent systems, including
database management systems.
- Example:
- Cascading rollback #flashcard
id:: 64897f0b-dda6-4cc3-a9c3-cf630bcb0658
- Cascading Rollback: a transaction (T1) causes a
failure and a rollback must be performed. Other
transactions dependent on T1's actions must also
be rollbacked, thus causing a cascading effect.
- One transaction's failure causes many to fail.
- DONE ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability): A set of properties that guarantee the reliability and integrity of database transactions. #flashcard
id:: 64841da4-0055-4d34-9f61-1402ff068ec7
- Atomicity: :-> The property that ensures a transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit of work. It either executes all its operations successfully or rolls back to the initial state if any operation fails.
id:: 64841d38-4ea9-4b76-8585-8b9de23915da
- Consistency: :-> The property that ensures a transaction transforms the database from one consistent state to another consistent state. It maintains data integrity and adheres to defined business rules.
id:: 64841d38-2854-4dfb-8f21-0013fca66a0a
- Isolation: :-> The property that ensures concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other. Each transaction operates in isolation until it completes, preventing interference or conflicts.
id:: 64841d38-fd2b-435e-bd45-3bf487a74b6f
- Durability: :-> The property that ensures committed changes made by a transaction are permanently saved and will survive any subsequent system failures or crashes.
id:: 64841d38-950c-431e-8f28-ece98e230554
- DONE Concurrency control
- DONE Meaning of serialisability. #flashcard
id:: 648428e1-5136-4d15-97c0-12087085b47f
- The objective of serialisability is to find nonserial schedules that are equivalent to some serial schedule. Such a schedule is called serialisable.
- DONE How locking can ensure serialisability. #flashcard
id:: 64841da4-8812-405f-b49a-69eec9a069d2
- Locking achieves serializability by using locks to control access to
shared resources (e.g., database objects like tables or rows) and
prevent conflicts between concurrent transactions.
- DONE 2PL #flashcard
id:: 64841da4-eab4-40db-819f-249fe1437250
- In the 2PL protocol, transactions acquire and release locks on database
objects (e.g., tables, rows) in two distinct phases: the growing phase
and the shrinking phase.
- DONE [#A] How timestamping can ensure serialisability. #flashcard
id:: 64842000-07a7-4439-8ce6-7789e0a3358d
- By using transaction timestamps and enforcing the read and write
validation checks, concurrency control mechanisms can ensure that
transactions are executed in a way that maintains data consistency and
- ==DONE Recovery Control==
- DONE Some causes of database failure.
- System crashes, resulting in loss of main memory.
- Power failures
- Disk crashes, resulting in loss of parts of secondary storage.
- Application software errors.
- Natural physical disasters.
- User mistakes.
- Sabotage.
- DONE Purpose of transaction log file. #flashcard
id:: 64841f8f-5a9e-4f22-8f51-47931937998a
- Contains information about all updates to
- Transaction records.
- Checkpoint records.
- Often used for other purposes (for example, auditing).
- For autiding
- DONE Purpose of checkpointing. #flashcard
id:: 64841f91-1d24-49f6-9f83-7c8b565c647f
- When failure occurs, redo all transactions that
committed since the checkpoint and undo all
transactions active at time of crash.
- DONE Normalization
background-color:: yellow
- DONE Functional dependencies [g4g](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/types-of-functional-dependencies-in-dbms/) #flashcard
id:: 648428e1-e704-4e23-941d-af9833de6f93
- In a relational database management, functional dependency is a concept
that specifies the relationship between two sets of attributes where one
attribute determines the value of another attribute. It is denoted as **X → Y**, where the attribute set on the left side of the arrow, **X** is called **Determinant** , and **Y** is called the **Dependent**.
CLOCK: [2023-06-01 Thu 17:38:55]--[2023-06-01 Thu 17:38:56] => 00:00:01
- DONE kinds of NF [tutorial](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/normal-forms-in-dbms/)
- First Normal Form (1NF): :-> This is the most basic level of
id:: 648974ba-7334-4e73-a0ae-6b8fc6ec99ab
normalization. In 1NF, each table cell should contain _only a single value, and each column should have a unique name_. The first normal form helps to eliminate duplicate data and simplify queries.
- Second Normal Form (2NF): :-> 2NF eliminates redundant data by requiring that each _non-key attribute_ be ==dependent on the primary key==. This means that _each column should be directly related to the primary key_, and not to other
id:: 648974ba-cc9e-4cdf-a312-3af1bcab23f2
- Third Normal Form (3NF): :-> 3NF builds on 2NF by requiring
id:: 648974ba-f325-450e-aede-9a7d92bcf888
that _all non-key attributes are **independent** of each other._ This means that each column should be **directly related to the primary key**, and not to any other columns in the same table.
- Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF): :-> BCNF is a stricter form of 3NF that ensures that each determinant in a table is a candidate key. In other words, BCNF ensures that _each non-key attribute is dependent **only on the candidate key**._
id:: 64842000-c15a-4b8f-95c3-d6c6e49e4af0
- Fourth Normal Form (4NF): 4NF is a further refinement of BCNF that ensures that _a table does not contain any multi-valued dependencies._
- Fifth Normal Form (5NF): 5NF is the highest level of normalization and involves decomposing a table into smaller tables to _remove data redundancy and improve data integrity._
- Anomaly
- Update Anomalies #flashcard
id:: 6489a420-c0cb-4360-b34f-26a3a01ff46a
- Insertion anomalies
- If there is a new row inserted in the table and it creates the
inconsistency in the table then it is called the insertion anomaly. For
example, if in the above table, we create a new row of a worker, and if
it is not allocated to any department then we cannot insert it in the
table so, it will create an insertion anomaly.
- Deletion anomalies
- If we delete some rows from the table and if any other information or
data which is required is also deleted from the database, this is called
the deletion anomaly in the database. For example, in the above table,
if we want to delete the department number ECT669 then the details of
Rajesh will also be deleted since Rajesh's details are dependent on the
row of ECT669. So, there will be deletion anomalies in the table.
- Modification anomalies
- When we update some rows in the table, and if it leads to the
inconsistency of the table then this anomaly occurs. This type of
anomaly is known as an updation anomaly. In the above table, if we want
to update the address of Ramesh then we will have to update all the rows
where Ramesh is present. If during the update we miss any single row,
then there will be two addresses of Ramesh, which will lead to
inconsistent and wrong databases.
- DONE Block 4
- DONE Distributed DBMS
- DONE client server arch #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-9c11-4816-9d5e-0623dc4d4d45
- Computers (client) connected over wired or wireless local area network (LAN)
- The database itself and the DBMS are stored on a central device called the database server, which is also connected to the network.
- Distributed Database #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-b13a-4f3f-8409-ea02b5ef5894
- A logically interrelated collection of shared data (and a description of this data), physically spread over a computer network.
- Distributed DBMS #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-997c-4f43-b2d6-d972cfc23d36
- Software system that permits the management of the distributed database and makes the distribution transparent to users.
- the key issues #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-4c63-4215-b420-d537c2a93675
- Fragmentation
- Allocation
- Replication
- importance and different types of fragmentation #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-07aa-4c51-aa70-1c8dfb4570e7
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Mixed
- different types of transparency #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-6db5-4d3a-af62-1695e7c3a9b7
- Distribution Transparency: The database feels as a single, logical entity
- Transaction Transparency: Ensures that all distributed transactions maintain distributed database’s integrity and consistency.
- Performance Transparency: must perform as if it were a centralized DBMS.
- DONE advantages and disadvantages of distributed databases #flashcard
id:: 6489c210-385e-483b-aa5c-dbe688c5f43b
- Advantages
- Reflects organizational structure
- Improved shareability and local autonomy
- Improved availability
- Improved reliability
- Improved performance
- Economics
- Modular growth
- Disadbantages
- Complexity
- Cost
- Security
- Integrity control more difficult
- Lack of standards
- Lack of experience
- Database design more complex
- DONE XML definition and basic concepts #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-afab-457e-9633-488450e9e16f
- eXtensible Markup Language
- A meta-language (i.e. a language for describing other languages) that
enables designers to create their own customised tags to provide
functionality not available with HTML.
- DONE Relational model versus XML #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-d417-4eef-be28-46cd5894c5c7
- is a special-purpose programming language
- You can: manage data in a relational databases.
- is a markup specification language
- You can: design ways of describing information (text or data), usually for storage, transmission, or processing by a program (you can use it in combination with a programming language).
- It says nothing about what you should do with the data (although your choice of element names may hint at what they are for).
- DONE Well-formed XML, Valid XML #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-fb70-4207-8010-a8ddda35ccf7
- Adheres to basic structural requirements - Single root element
- Matched tags, proper nesting
- Unique attributes within elements
- DTD: Defines the valid syntax of an XML document
- XSD: a more comprehensive method of defining content model of
an XML document.
- DONE Practice reading and writing XML, XSD
- DONE Data Mining
- concept #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-bf4c-4046-b7ce-510596ad421a
- The process of extracting valid, previously unknown, comprehensible,
and actionable information from large databases and using it to make
crucial business decisions.
- different applications #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-7440-4ac2-8730-b33e9f50570c
- Retail / Marketing
- Banking
- Insurance
- Medicine
- basic techniques
- predictive modelling, #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-a007-420c-87db-1a029c1a39e6
- uses observations to form a model of the important characteristics of some
- database segmentation, #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-18a0-474e-96de-6a824969d0ec
- Uses unsupervised learning to discover homogeneous subpopulations in a database to improve the accuracy of the profiles.
- link analysis, #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-0868-469f-9b8f-94a44163c87f
- Establishing links, called associations, between the individual
records, or sets of records, in a database.
- deviation detection. #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-a77e-47ba-9f0d-6ed14e880333
- Identifies outliers, which express deviation from some previously
known expectation and norm.
- the motivation for NoSQL #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-91af-424f-b392-928e947740de
- By giving up ACID constraints, one can achieve
much higher performance and scalability.
- explain the concepts of NoSQL #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-370b-44a8-9474-5b58d1d0dd28
- NoSQL databases (aka "not only SQL") are non-tabular databases and store
data differently than relational tables. NoSQL databases come in a
variety of types based on their data model. The main types are document,
key-value, wide-column, and graph. They provide flexible schemas and
scale easily with large amounts of data and high user loads.
- explain the application areas of NoSQL #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-b39b-47b7-8b9f-ca9250bef8ba
- NoSQL is an alternative, non-traditional DB technology to be
used in large scale environments where (ACID) transactions are not a priority. (low updates)
- CAP theorem: #flashcard
id:: 648974ba-910d-42ae-89a9-5017194f6827
- There are 3 main properties for distributed management:
1. Consistency → A data item has the same value at the same time (to
ensure coherency).
2. Availability → Data is available, even if a server is down.
3. Partition Tolerance → A query must have an answer, even if the system
is partitioned (unless there is a global failure).
- BASE: #flashcard
id:: 6489dbd1-f9aa-47fa-8e9f-dfb2c73eff3c
- **Basically Available:**
Instead of making it compulsory for immediate consistency,
BASE-modelled NoSQL databases will ensure the availability of data by
spreading and replicating it across the nodes of the database cluster.
- **Soft State:**
Due to the lack of immediate consistency, the data values may change
over time. The BASE model breaks off with the concept of a database that
obligates its own consistency, delegating that responsibility to
- **Eventually Consistent**:
The fact that BASE does not obligates immediate consistency but it does
not mean that it never achieves it. However, until it does, the data
reads are still possible (even though they might not reflect reality).
- DONE Terms in: [chatGPT](https://chat.openai.com/c/db2ea8df-3bd0-4404-98ae-266afdd8fec1)
- LATER Exercises
- DONE past year exercise 1
- DONE past year exercise 2
- LATER past year exercise 3
- LATER [[产品开发]] {{renderer :todomaster}}
SCHEDULED: <2023-06-16 Fri>
- DONE 整理考点
CLOCK: [2023-06-09 Fri 15:05:10]--[2023-06-09 Fri 15:05:11] => 00:00:01
- LATER See past exam papers
- LATER 整理 ppt
deck:: 2023t1/product
- DONE Week 1
- ## Topic 2: Project Mtasks and in estimating the required development resources and development time.
id:: 648581e7-cc5c-4514-9c2a-0b6af4adc5bb
collapsed:: true
Do project schedulinganagement
- **Define** what is project management #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- For all but the simplest products, product development involves many people completing many different tasks.
- is the activity of planning and coordinating resources and tasks to achieve these goals.
- Two Phases of **PM** #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Project planning involves scheduling the project tasks and determining resource requirements. The project plan is first laid out during the concept development phase, although it is a dynamic entity and continues to evolve throughout the development process.
- Project execution, sometimes called project control, involves coordinating and facilitating the myriad tasks required to complete the project in the face of inevitable unanticipated events and the arrival of new information. Execution is just as important as planning; Many teams fail because they do not remain focused on their goals for the duration of the project.
- **Project Planning**: Understand and represent different tasks in projects
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- Sequential, Parallel, and Coupled Tasks
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- The Design Structure Matrix
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- **Definition** :-> A useful tool for representing and analysing
task dependencies is the design structure matrix
- Working:
collapsed:: true
- A project task is assigned to a row and a corresponding column.
- The rows and columns are named and ordered identically, although generally only the rows list the complete names of the tasks. Each task is defined by a row of the matrix.
- We represent a task’s dependencies by placing marks in the columns to indicate the other tasks (columns) on which it depends.
- Reading across a row reveals all of the tasks whose output is required to perform the task corresponding to the row.
- Reading down a column reveals which tasks receive information from the task corresponding to the column.
- The diagonal cells are usually filled in with dots or the task labels, simply to separate the upper and lower triangles of the matrix and to facilitate tracing dependencies.
- Gantt Chart
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- Features: #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Gantt charts show how the work is broken down into a set of activities
- They show the scheduling of these activities as a series of horizontal bands against a series of vertical lines representing dates
- They can be used to show dependencies between activities
- They can be used to measure progress on a project or compare planned production with actual production
- PERT Charts #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- PERT (program evaluation and review technique) charts explicitly represent both dependencies and timing, in effect combining some of the information contained in the DSM and Gantt chart.
- The Critical Path #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- The _dependencies_ among the tasks in a PERT chart, some of which may be arranged sequentially and some of which may be arranged in parallel, lead to the concept of a critical path.
- The _critical path_ is the longest chain of dependent events. This is the single sequence of tasks whose combined required times define the minimum possible completion time for the entire set of tasks.
- Undertake a baseline project plan
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- **Definition** :-> project plan is the roadmap for the remaining development effort. The plan is important in coordinating the remaining tasks and in estimating the required development resources and development time.
- Do project scheduling
collapsed:: true
- Methods: #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Contract Book
- Project Task List
- Team staffing & Organisation
- Project Schedule
- Project Budget
- Project Risk Plan
- Modifying the baseline plan
- Accelerate projects
collapsed:: true
- Product development time is often the dominant concern in project planning and execution. There are a set of guidelines for accelerating product development projects.
- **Execute** projects #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Smooth execution of even a well-planned project requires careful attention. Three problems of project execution are particularly important: 1. What mechanisms can be used to coordinate tasks? 2. How can project status be assessed? and 3. What actions can the team take to correct for undesirable deviations from the project plan?
- ## Topic 3: Opportunity Identification
id:: 648594af-3833-4991-a4c2-2e9c8430a122
collapsed:: true
- Opportunity, definition and types
collapsed:: true
- Definition: #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- an idea for a new product
- It is a product description in an embryonic form
collapsed:: true
- a newly sensed need,
- a newly discovered technology,
- a rough match between a need and a possible solution
- It can be thought of as a hypothesis about how value might be created
- Type #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Ansoff’s growth matrix

- Market penetration #flashcard
logseq.order-list-type:: number
collapsed:: true
- **Opportunities** can exist within a business’s existing
markets through increasing the volume of sales
of existing products
- market development #flashcard
logseq.order-list-type:: number
collapsed:: true
- **Opportunities** are said to exist for a business’s
collapsed:: true
products through making them available to new
- e.g. using existing products in new
geographical markets
- e.g. selling your existing products to a new age
group of customers
- product development #flashcard
logseq.order-list-type:: number
collapsed:: true
- **Opportunities**: offering new or improved products to
logseq.order-list-type:: number
existing markets
- diversification #flashcard
logseq.order-list-type:: number
collapsed:: true
- **Opportunities**: Moving into new markets, potentially with a base
logseq.order-list-type:: number
from your existing product knowledge or
diversification through acquisition of other
- Risk #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- The element of risk _increases the further the strategy moves away from known quantities_ the existing product and the existing market
- **Product development** (requiring, in effect, a new product) and market extension (a new market) involve a greater risk than market penetration
- **Diversification** (both new products and new markets) generally carries the greatest risk of all
- Opportunity identification process
collapsed:: true
- Establish **a charter**
collapsed:: true
- A **charter** :-> articulates **the goals of the organisation**
(in relation to NPD) and establishes the **boundary
conditions for an innovation effort.** Charters can be
termed as mission statement for a new product.
- Generate and sense **many opportunities**
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- Focus has to be both on **internal** and **external** sources of raw opportunities. Some of these are generated: #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Internally
collapsed:: true
- R&D department
- Externally
collapsed:: true
- customer
- competitive product
- sales forces
- collab. with universities
- investors
- distribution partners
- other partner companies
- Sense opportunities: Where do they come from? #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Passively
- Proactively #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Document **frustrations** and **complaints** that current **customers** experience with existing products
- Interview lead users, with attention devoted to
collapsed:: true
- **innovations** by these users and
- **modifications** these users may have
made to existing products
- **trends**
- Systematically gather suggestions from **current customers**
- **Competitors**
- **Transfer** emerging tech.
- **R&D**: _Research_ and _Development_
collapsed:: true
- **Definition** :-> to develop new knowledge and apply scientific or engineering knowledge to connect the knowledge in one field to that in others
- Roles:
collapsed:: true
- **Discovering and developing** new technologies Improving understanding of the technology in existing products
- **Improving and strengthening** understanding of technologies used in manufacturing
- **Understanding research results** from universities and other research institutions
- Areas:
collapsed:: true
- R&D for existing businesses
- R&D for new businesses
- R&D for exploratory research
- **Screen** opportunities
collapsed:: true
- Purpose: #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- to eliminate any opportunities that are **unlikely to result in the creation of value**,
- to focus attention on the opportunities **worthy of further investigation**
- **not to** pick the _single best opportunity_!
- Approach: #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- Web-based **surveys**
- Workshops with **multi-voting**: collaborative sessions or meetings where participants engage in a voting process to prioritize or make decisions on various options or ideas.
- Develop **promising opportunities**
collapsed:: true
- Details #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- customer interviews,
- testing of existing products,
- concept generation,
- quick prototypes,
- estimates of market sizes and growth rates.
- Goal #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- resolve the greatest uncertainty surrounding each one at the lowest cost in time and money.
- Select **exceptional opportunities**
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- Goal #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- select a few that warrant a significant investment in product development.
- Approach:**Real-Win-Worth-it** #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- **Real**: Is the opportunity real?
- **Win**: Can you win with this opportunity?
- **Worth** It: Is it worth doing?
- **Reflect** on the result and process.
collapsed:: true
Ask the following questions: #flashcard
- **How many** of the opportunities identified came from internal sources versus external sources?
- Did we consider **dozens or hundreds** of opportunities?
- Was the innovation charter **too narrowly focused**?
- Were our filtering criteria **biased**, or largely based on the best possible estimates of eventual product success?
- Are the resulting opportunities **exciting** to the team?
- ## topic 4 产品规划Product Planning
collapsed:: true
- 概念 #flashcard
产品规划 (product planning)流程发生在一个产品开发项目正式启动,大量的资源开始使 用及更大的开发团队形成之前。该流程将确定一个公司应该从事的项目组合 (portfolio, 或译 为项目投资组合),并决定什么时候从事什么子项目。产品规划流程确保产品开发项目可以支持公司未来更多的商业策略·This phase takes place before a product development project is formally approved·It takes place before substantial resources are applied ·It takes place before the larger development team is formed ·Product planning is an activity that ·considers the portfolio of projects that an organisation might pursue. i.e. what mix of new products and markets to develop, if they focus is on basic or applied research or diversification projects and ·determines what subset of these projects will be pursued over what time period
- 步骤 #flashcard
collapsed:: true
- (1)确认市场机会Identify Opportunities
collapsed:: true
- 规划流程始于对产品开发机会的识别,这种机会可能包括上述四种类型项目中的任何一 种。这一步可以看成是机会漏斗 (opportunity funnel), 因为它将来自整个公司的各种投入汇聚到一起。每个想法应该有一个简短的描述,包括产品概念、市场机会等。把这些想法方放到一起然后进行筛选·The first stage of the planning process is to identify product development opportunities·Each of the ideas should be expanded into a short description – including the potential business opportunity·These ideas can then be stored and revisited later·Each of the ideas should have a ‘champion’ who is responsible for supporting the idea through theprocess
- 项目评价和优先级排序Evaluate and prioritise projects
collapsed:: true
- 如果能实施有效的管理,机会漏斗在一年中可以收集成百上千个机会,这些机会中有些对于企业的其他活动没有意义,因为在多数情况下,有太多的机会要求企业立即去把握。因 此,产品规划流程的第二步就是要选出最有希望的项目。对已有产品领域中新产品机会进行 评价和优先级排序时,需要仔细讨论以下四个基本方面:竞争策略、市场细分、技术曲线和产品平台。·In this step, the organisation is looking to decide which of the projects to pursue·There are four perspectives that can be used to assist in the evaluation and analysis of each of the projects l Competitive strategy l Market segmentation l Technological trajectories l Product platforms在这么多提交上来的想法和项目中你要进行选择,选择一个好的项目最主要的是看它能不能挣钱。可以从以下四个角度去思考:1.技术曲线:有没有能力做成这个项目 2.产品平台:能不能做成一系列产品 3.市场细分:产品投放到哪,以及市场定位是什么 4.竞争策略:怎么在同类型产品中脱颖而出,占据市场
- collapsed:: true
* 竞争策略competitive strategy决定了它在市场和产品上针对竞争者的基本运作方法
- * ● 技术优势 (technology leadership): 为实施这一策略,企业必须强调新技术的研究和开发,并将其应用到产品开发流程中。 A focus on basic research and development of new technologies
- * ● 成本优势 (cost leadership): 这一策略要求企业在生产效率上进行竞争,可以实行规模经济,使用先进的制造方法和低成本的劳动力,或者引入更好的管理生产系统。Competitive focus on production efficiency
- * ● 以顾客为中心 (customer focus): 为实施这一策略,企业必须跟新老顾客保持密切联系以评价其需求和偏好的变化。精心设计的产品平台有助于快速开发拥有满足顾客 偏好的新特点或新功能的派生产品。这种策略将造就用来满足不同层次顾客需求的多种产品生产线。 The organisation works closely with customers to assess changing needs and preferences
- * ● 模仿策略 (imitative): 这一策略要求紧跟市场趋势,允许竞争者探索每一部分已获成功的新产品。当确定了可行机会之后,企业快速开始模仿成功竞争者的新产品。快速的 发流程对于这一策略的有效实施至关重要When a clear opportunity has been identified and has been successful, the organisation launches a competitive version.
- * 市场细分Market Segmentation一般认为顾客属于市场的不同部分。把市场分为不同的部分,使企业能够按照各详细定义的顾客群来考虑竞争者的行动和企业已有产品的市场力度。通过将竞争者的产品和企业自己的产品对应到各个细分市场,企业就可以评价哪些产品机会最好,以揭示出企业自身的(或竞 争者的)产品生产线问题Divide the market into segments in order to be more focused on the customer and competitors
- * 技术曲线Technological Trajectories在技术密集型企业,产品规划的关键决策是什么时候在生产线上采用一种新的基本技术。When to shift to implementation of the new technology as part of the core product range
- * 产品平台规划Product Platform Planning产品平台是指由一系列产品共享的一整套资产。通常,零件和部件是这些资产中最重要的部分。 一个有效的平台可以更快更容易地制造出许多衍生品,每种产品提供一个特定细分市场所需要的特点和功能由于平台开发项目在时间和资金上的消耗是衍生品开发项目的2~10倍,企业不可能使 每个项目都成为平台开发项目
- 评 价 全 新 产 品 的 机 会(这个不是四个基本方面里的,但PPT里写出来了,应该是指在四个基本方面结束/以外的评估方法)除了已有产品领域的新型产品之外,企业还将面对许多机会,如新的市场或全新技术。 尽管在使用新技术或为进入新市场而进行的产品开发中投入紧缺资源有很大风险,但是这 种投入对于定期更新产品组合是必要的
collapsed:: true
- ● 市场规模(单位/年 · 平均价格)
- ● 市场增长率(每年百分比)
- ● 竞争激烈程度(竞争者的数量和实力)
- ● 企业对市场的了解程度
- ● 企业对技术的了解程度
- ● 与企业其他产品的匹配
- ● 与企业能力的匹配
- ● 专利、商业秘密或其他竞争障碍的潜在压力
- ● 企业中冠军产品 (product champion) 的存在l Market size (units/year x average price)l Market growth rate (percent per year)l Competitive intensity (number of competitors and their strengths)l Depth of the firm’s existing knowledge of the marketevaluation criteria (contd.)l Depth of the firm’s existing knowledge of the technologyl Fit with the firm’s capabilitiesl Fit with the firm’s other productsl Potential for patents, trade secrets or other barriers to competitionl Existence of a product champion within the firm
- (3)资源分配和时间安排Allocate resources and plan timing
collapsed:: true
- 资源分配Resource Allocation如果公司开发太多的项目而不考虑开发资源的有限性,那么有经验的工程师和经理就会被分配到越来越多的项目上,生产效率急剧下降,项目完成时间延长,产品上市迟缓,利润水平低下。l Over commitment of resources will inevitably lead to a drop in productivity l An example of over commitment would be allocating engineers and managers to more than one project (where they are already at full capacity working on one)
collapsed:: true
- 综合计划(这个也不属于它列出来的两个之一,但也不是总的概括。我也不知道PPT为什么放到资源分配之后,感觉是资源分配的一个概括,就先放着了)
- 项目时间安排Project Timing
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- 产品上市时间: 通常情况下产品上市越快越好。但是,产品质量未达标就上市,会损害企业的声誉。Timing of product introductions - Time to Market (TTM)
- 技 术 储 备 :基础技术的稳健性对于规划流程十分重要。 一 种被证实了的、成熟度高的技术可以快速可靠地集成到产品中去。 Technology readiness
- 市场准备: 产品上市的顺序决定了最初使用者的购买意图 — — 是先购买低端产品,再买 更高价的产品,还是直接购买价格高的高端产品。 一方面,改进的产品上市太快,会打击紧追产品更新步伐的顾客;另一反面,新品上市太慢会面临落后于竞争者的风险。 Market readiness
- 竞 争 :竞争性产品的预期上市将会加快开发项目的进度。Competition
* product planl This is the set of projects approved by the planning processl These are sequenced in time l The plan may include a mix of fundamentally new products, platform projects and derivative projects l The updating of these plans is usually undertaken on a periodic basis e.g. quarterly or annually(这个同样不属于资源分配和时间安排里的两步,但是PPT放上去了)
- (4)完成项目前期规划Complete pre-project planning
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* 当项目确定下来,但是还未进行物质资源的分配时,就需要进行项目前期规划。这一过程涉及一个小的跨职能团队,通常被称为核心团队 (core team),分别代表技术、市场、制造和服务部门等多方。¡ After project approval, but before the commitment of resources, a pre-project planning activity takes place¡ This activity involves a small, cross-functional team – the Core Team
- 任务陈述(mission statement) #flashcard
- * ● 对产品的概括性描述 (用一句话描述):这一描述通常包括产品的主要用途,但要避免包含特定的产品概念。实际上它可以是产品的前景说明。 A brief description of the product
- * ● 获益方案 (或称为获益建议, benefit proposition): 这一部分阐述了顾客会购买商品的几个关键原因。Typically includes the key customer benefit of the product
- * ● 主要商业目标: 除了支持公司战略的项目目标之外,这些目标通常包括时间、成本和质量目标(如产品的上市时间、预期财务效益和市场份额目标等)。 ¡ The goals which support the corporate strategy ¡ The goals for l Time e.g. timing for product introduction l Cost e.g. desired financial performance l Quality
- * ● 产品目标市场: 每一种产品可能会有几个目标市场。任务陈述的这一部分确定了一级市场和二级市场。 Target market for the product Primary and secondary markets that should be considered in the development effort
- * ● 指导开发工作的设想和限制: 必须仔细地制定设想,尽管它会限制可能的产品概念范 围,但是它有助于项目管理。有关设想和限制的决策信息可以附加到任务书中。 Assumptions and constraints that guide the development effort
- * ● 利益相关者 (stakeholder): 确保开发流程中的细微问题均被考虑到的一种方法是,清楚地列出产品的所有利益相关者,也就是所有受产品成败影响的人群。利益相关者列表以末端使用者(最终的外部顾客)和做出产品购买决定的外部顾客开始,包括企业内 部与产品相关的人,如经销商、服务商和生产部门。利益相关者列表可以提醒团队考 虑被产品影响到的每个人的需求。¡ List all of the product’s stakeholders to ensure that many of the subtle development issues are addressed ¡ The list of stakeholders serves as a reminder for the team to consider the needs of everyone who will be influenced by the product
- (5)对结果和过程进行反思Reflect on the results and the process
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* 在规划流程的最后一步,团队应该问几个关于评价过程和结果质量的问题。我们推荐的问题是:
- ● 机会漏斗收集到各种令人激动的产品机会了吗?
- ● 产品规划支持企业的竞争策略吗?
- ● 产品规划是否针对企业现在面临的最重要的机遇?
- ● 分配给产品开发的资源足以贯彻企业的竞争策略吗?
- ● 使有限资源发挥最大作用的方法被充分考虑了吗?例如产品平台的使用、合资,以及 与供应商合作等。
- ● 核心团队接受最终任务书的挑战了吗?
- ● 任务书的各个部分一致吗?
- ● 任务书的假定条件真的必要吗?项目的限制过多吗?开发团队能自由开发最好的产 品吗?
- ● 怎样才能改进产品规划流程?
● 不能以有竞争力的产品占有足够的目标市场份额。
- ● 产品引入市场的时间安排不合理。
- ● 总开发能力与所从事的项目数量不匹配。
- ● 资源分配不合理, 一些项目人员过多而另外一些却人手不足。
- ● 构思错误的项目,启动后又取消。
- ● 项目方向经常变动。l ·Inadequate coverage of target markets with competitive products l ·Poor timing of market introductions of products l ·Mismatches between aggregate development capacity and the number of projects pursued l ·Poor distribution of resources, with some projects overstaffed and others understaffed l ·Initiation and subsequent cancellation of illconceived projects l ·Frequent changes in the directions of projects
- 产品开发的四种类型 #flashcard
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- ● 全新产品 (fundamentally new products): 这类项目涉及全新的产品或生产技术,并由此进入一个新的、不熟知的市场。这种项目本质上存在更大的风险,但是,公司的长期成功可能要依赖从这种重要的项目中获得的经验。New product or production technology for new and unfamiliar markets
新产品平台 (new product platform): 这类项目主要致力于在一个新的通用平台基础开发出一个新产品家族,这一新产品家族将进入相关市场和产品领域。New products for familiar markets and product categories
- ● 已有产品平台的衍生品 (derivatives of existing product platform): 这类项目是在已有产品平台上进行扩展,用一种或多种新产品更好地占有相关市场。Projects extend an existing product platform to better addresses familiar markets with one or two more products
- ● 对已有产品的改进 (incremental improvements to existing products): 这类项目只是增加或改进已有产品的特点,以使生产线跟上潮流和具有竞争力。May only involve adding or modifying some features of existing products to keep the product line current and competitive
- ## Topic 5: Identify Customer Needs (Preliminary of Concept Development)
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- **Market Research** for NPD (New Product Development)
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- **Definition** :-> the function that links the consumer, customer
and public to the marketer through information
– information used
- **Goal**: #flashcard
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- to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems;
- to generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions;
- to monitor marketing performance;
- to improve understanding of the marketing process
- When to use it?

- **Gather** raw **data** from customers #flashcard
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- **Interviews**: One or more development team members discuss with a single customer
- **Focus groups**: A moderator facilitates a two-hour discussion with a group of 8 or 12 customers
- **Observing** the product in use
- **Surveys**: direct mail or web-based questionnaires;
- **Interpret** the raw **data** in terms of customer needs #flashcard
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- The data gathered in Step 1 then has to be used to
express the customers’ needs in terms of what the
product has to do, not in terms of how it might do
- Use positive, not negative phrasing
- Express the needs as attributes of the product
- Organize **the needs** into a hierarchy of needs
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- **Structure** the needs into #flashcard
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- **Must-haves** – *“I wont buy without”*
- **Delighters** – *“What an unexpected treat”*
- **Linear Satisfiers** – *“The more the merrier”*
- **Neutrals** – *“No big deal”*
- This is the *Kano* classification
- Consumer needs can be very **elusive**
- **Intuitions** are often wrong
- Establish the **relative importance** of the needs #flashcard
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- Measuring **preference** is central to market research
- **Reflect** on the results and the process
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- Questions to ask: #flashcard
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- Have we interacted with all **important customers** in
our target market?
- Can we see the **latent needs** of customers beyond
our current product range?
- Can we **further involve** any of the customers in our
product development?
- Did we involve the **right people** in our organisation?
- Can we **improve** our process?
- DONE Week 2
- ## Topic 6 - Phase 1: Concept Development 概念开发
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- What is Concept Development? 概念开发是什么 #flashcard
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- The needs of the target market are identified
Alternative product concepts are generated and
evaluated 需求
- One or more concepts are selected for further
development and testing 多种概念被生成,经过挑选后选择其中一个
- A concept is a description of the form, function
and features of a product 概念是一个产品的描述,功能和特性
Evaluation and screening criteria are used to aid
in the selection 评估和测试可以辅助选择(screen = test)
- Usually accompanied by a set of specifications, an
analysis of competitive products and an economic
justification for the project 伴随着来自个方面的要求,与竞争对手的比较和分析,还有经济方面的考虑(能不能赚钱)
- This can be concluded as 图解如下
- #### Identify Customer Needs 用户需求是什么 #flashcard
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- to understand customers needs,
then to effectively communicate them to the
development team 和研发队伍沟通
The output of this step is:
Customer need statements organised in a
hierarchical list, with importance weightings
for many or all of the needs 把用户的需求整理成加权列表
- #### Establishing target specifications 确立规格要求 #flashcard
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- 1. Prepare the list of metrics, i.e. the technical or
manufacturing features of the product based on
the customer needs 准备一些数据的列表
- 2. Collect competitive benchmarking information 竞争对手的产品性能
- 3. Set ideal and marginally acceptable target values 理想的和可接受的要求
- 4. Reflect on the results and the process 通过结果和进一步完善
- #### Concept generation 想一个概念
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- Steps: #flashcard
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- external search 在外面搜索
- creative problem solving within the team, and 团队灵机一动
- systematic exploration of the various solution
fragments the team generates 系统地寻找解决方法
- The result of this activity is usually a set of 10-20
concepts – each is typically represented by a sketch
and a brief descriptive text 产生 10-20 个概念
- #### Concept selection 选一两个出来 #flashcard
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- the activity in which various
product concepts are analysed and sequentially
eliminated to identify the most promising
- {:height 564, :width 688}
- There are 5 stages to the screening and
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evaluation process: 用以下方式选择好的概念 #flashcard
- 1. Initial screen - The key evaluation criteria given in the table on the
previous slides can be developed further using a
scoring model or weighted checklist 用之前的要求测试
- 2. Customer screen - An informal discussion with customers to
explain a concept 和客户沟通
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3. Technical screen 在科技实现上咨询第一方和第三方的专家
- informal technical discussions with experts
- extensive analysis by a 3 rd party
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4. Final screen 最终测试
- Involves the use of screening models and computer assessment programs
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5. Business analysis 看下赚不赚钱
- preliminary marketing plans,
- technical plans,
- financial reviews and
- projected budgets
- #### Concept testing 测试
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- There are 7 steps to this process #flashcard
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- 1. Define the purpose of the concept test 定义测试的目的
- 2. Choose a survey population 选问卷调查的目标对象
- 3. Choose a survey format 格式
- 4. Communicate the concept 和目标对象沟通这个概念
- 5. Measure customer response 客户怎么想
- 6. Interpret the results 分析结果
- 7. Reflect on the results and process 用结果改进
- #### Setting final specifications 最终规格
Target specifications are revisited after a concept has been selected and tested
- #### Project planning 计划
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- The final activity of concept development
- Steps: #flashcard
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- creates a detailed development schedule 产品开发时间线
- devises a strategy to minimise development time and 定一个计划
- identifies the resources required to complete the project 需求是什么
- #### Economic analysis
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- 拿出去卖亏不亏钱
- #### Benchmarking & modelling
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- 和竞争对手比较,品质行不行
- ## Topic 7: Innovation
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- ### Definition of Innovation #flashcard
Innovation is the process of creating something new that adds value to society. It can involve developing new products, services, processes, or business models. Innovation can be driven by a variety of factors, such as technological advances, changes in consumer preferences, or shifts in the competitive landscape.
- ### Types of Innovation
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There are different types of innovation, including: #flashcard
- Radical innovation: involves creating something entirely new that disrupts existing markets or creates new ones.
- Incremental innovation: involves making small improvements to existing products or processes.
- Disruptive innovation: involves creating a new product or service that initially serves a niche market but eventually disrupts the existing market.
- Sustaining innovation: involves making improvements to existing products or processes that help maintain a company's competitive position.
- ### Models of Innovation
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Innovation can follow different models, such as: #flashcard
- Linear model: involves a sequential process of research, development, and commercialization.
- Cyclical model: involves a continuous process of feedback and iteration.
- Open innovation: involves collaborating with external partners to develop new products or services.
- ### Characteristics of Innovative Companies
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Innovative companies share certain characteristics, such as: #flashcard
- A willingness to take risks and experiment with new ideas.
- A focus on customer needs and preferences.
- A culture that encourages creativity, collaboration, and learning.
- A commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.
- ### Strategies for Fostering a Culture of Innovation
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Companies can foster a culture of innovation by: #flashcard
- Providing resources, such as funding, time, and expertise, to support innovation initiatives.
- Encouraging collaboration and cross-functional teams.
- Rewarding creativity and risk-taking.
- Creating a supportive and inclusive work environment.
- ### Examples of Innovative Companies and Products
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There are many examples of innovative companies and products, such as:
- Apple: known for its innovative products, such as the iPhone and iPad.
- Tesla: known for its innovative electric vehicles and renewable energy solutions.
- Sinclair C5: an innovative electric vehicle developed in the 1980s that was ahead of its time.
- ### Further Resources
The PDF provides links to further resources for learning about innovation, such as a video and short videos about new inventions. These resources can help individuals and companies stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in innovation and product development.
- ## Topic 8: Digital Transofrmation and Digital Products
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- Digital Transformation
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- Terms
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- **Digitisation** is :-> the process of converting information from analog to digital.
- **Digitalisation** is :-> the process of using digitised information to make established ways of working simpler and more efficient.
- **Digital transformation** is :-> the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements
- **Types** of Digital transformation #flashcard
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- **Process Transformation** :-> aims to process such as data, analytics, AI, and any process that can work towards lowering costs and driving operational efficiency in the business.
- **Business Model Transformation** :-> aims to make fundamental changes in how a business or organization runs which can include personnel, processes, and technology.
- **Domain Transformation** :-> This area offers a great opportunity to move into a new domain or area that a business may not have explored before by acquiring new technologies.
- **Cultural/Organizational Transformation** :-> This is about redefining mindsets, processes, capabilities and skills for a digital world. It’s about driving digital transformation forward through growth initiatives that are grounded in a new culture and way of thinking.
- **Guidelines** for a successful Digital Transformation #flashcard
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- Understand your technology
- Embrace Cultural Change
- Consider a new digital business model
- Digital upskilling
- Ensure Collaboration
- Top Management Support
- Digital Product
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- Characteristics #flashcard
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- no physical form, exist only in the digital realm,
- _intangible_ items delivered _electronically_,
- anything that can be _downloaded_ and _used digitally_ can be considered a digital product,
- sold online or through brick-and-mortar retailers,
- can be easily updated or modified to keep up with changing technology and trends because they're intangible,
- often come with a license that allows a customer to use them in unlimited ways.
- Will everything become digital? #flashcard
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- In practice, most products and experiences they are part of are _hybrid_.
- **Why** digital products? #flashcard
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- Customer happiness is how you win in business. Modern customer expectations are being driven by largely digital technology and digital innovations.
- Low investment, (potentially) high returns
- More profitable than physical goods
- No inventory, shipping or rent hassle
- Automated delivery for passive income
- Serve a niche at scale
- Digital products offer unique ways to communicate directly with the customers.
- Digital Project Development #flashcard
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- Phase 1. **Discovery** :-> the process of identifying the problem to be
solved, making sure the problem is worth solving, and
envisioning the solution to that problem.
- Phase 2. **Ideate** :-> The goal is to brainstorm possible solutions to the
problem identified in the discovery phase, creating a
strategy for how to build a product that will solve that
- Phase 3. **Test** :-> The testing phase is all about gathering data,
refining and improving your idea, and gathering more data
until you have a sharp idea. The testing phase should
involve at least four steps, known as the lean validation
- Phase 4. **Execute** :-> This stage aims to develop the“most
valuable player” namely the _Minimum Viable
Product (MVP)._
- Phase 5. **Launch** :-> Once your MVP is ready to go, it’s time to launch. A
digital product launch usually means putting the MVP
on the market and giving customers their first crack at
your solution.
- Phase 6. **Grow** :-> As refine the digital product into its final form, based on
the feedback from the MVP launch, it’s time to consider
the growth or scaling phase.
- Digital Project Management
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- Terms
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- **Digital Project Manager**: the glue that brings
together many facets of a successful digital product—
customers, design, engineering, operations, sales,
marketing, finance, compliance, legal, and more.
- **Project Team for Digital Products**:
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A project team for digital product is made up of:
- **Developers or engineers** – the people who will code, test and deploy the digital application that will be used by customers.
- **Experts in customer or user experience** who focus on how the product and associated services will be used by the customer, and who create the user interface, services and other interactions with the customers
- **Sales and marketing experts**, who will actually get customers to use the product.
- mistakes to avoid
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- Having the _wrong data_
- _Resistance_ from staff
- Underestimate _costs_
- A lack of _commitment_
- A lack of _skills_
- ## Topic 10: Intellectual Property
- DONE Week 3
- ## Topic 11: System Level Design
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- 系统级设计(System-level Design)
产品架构可以描述为 :“ 将产品的功能元素排列成物理块以及块之间相互作用的方案”功能性——有助于整体绩效的单个操作和转换.物理–实现产品功能的零件、组件和子组件(通俗来讲,顺序是完成相应功能的零件component--->组件 chunks---->产品,产品架构就是以实体组件来实现产品的各功能单元,并使各组件相互作用的配置方案) Product Architecture can be described as: 1."the scheme by which the functional elements of the product are arranged into physical chunks and by which the chunks interact” 2.Functional – individual operations and transformations that contribute to its overall performance 3.Physical – parts, components and subassemblies that implement the product’s functions
- 目的:架构决策允许将这些物理模块的详细设计和测试分配给团队、个人和 /或供应商,以便不同部分的开发可以同时进行 Architectural decisions allow the detailed design and testing of these physical blocks to be assigned to teams, individuals, and/or suppliers, so that the development of different portions can be carried out simultaneously
- 模块化架构Modular & integral architecture
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- ◦模块化架构 modular architecture 特点:1.各个组件分别实现一个或多个功能 2.组件之间的关系是明确的,这种关系往往是实现一个产品功能的基础 ·Each chunk implements one or a few functions entirely. ·The interactions between chunks are well defined. ·Modular architecture has simplicity and reusability for a product family or platform. 理解:当每个功能都只被一个组件完成时,并且组件之间的配合十分完美时,这种架构允许在不改变的情况下只改变一组而不影响整体功能。也就是说各个组件可以单独设计
- ▪ 槽形模块架构 Slot-modular (the most common type) 每个接口都与于其它接口类型不同,产品中的组件不能互换 Each of the interfaces between chunks in a slot-modular architecture is of a different type from the others – therefore the various chunks in the product cannot be interchanged 例子:汽车上的收音机接口与速度仪、仪表盘的接口都不同
- ▪ 总线模型 Bus-modular 有一个通用总线,其他组件通过同类型的接口连接到这个总线上 There is a common bus to which the other chunks connect via the same type of interface 例子:轨道照明
- ▪ 组合型模块架构 Sectional-modular 所有接口都是同类型的,但是没有一个所有组件都与之相联的元件。组装是通过将同样的接口相连接而完成的 1.All interfaces are of the same type, there is no single element to which all the other chunks attach 2.The assembly is built up by connecting the chunks to each other via identical interfaces 例子:分体沙发
- ▪
- ▪ 产品架构的含义 你所做的关于产品架构的决定是有影响的 产品变化 模块化块允许对产品的一些孤立的功能元素进行修改,而不一定影响其他块的设计 改变的动机包括——升级、附加、适应、磨损、消耗、使用的灵活性、重复使用 There are implications to the decisions you make about product architecture ·Product change ·Modular chunks allow changes to be made to a few isolated functional elements of the product without necessarily affecting the design of other chunks ·Motives for change include – upgrades, add-ons, adaptation, wear, consumption, flexibility in use, reuse
- ▪ 积簇 多样性指的是企业在特定时期内根据市场需求所能生产的产品模型的范围 围绕模块化产品架构构建的产品可以更容易地变化,而不会给制造系统增加巨大的复杂性 例如移动电话手机设计、便携式音频 Product variety l Variety refers to the range of product models the firm can produce within a particular time period in response to market demand l Products built around modular product architectures can be more easily varied without adding tremendous complexity to the manufacturing system
- ◦ 集成化架构 Integral architecture 特点:
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- 1.产品的每个功能由多个组件组成
- 2.每个组件参与多个功能的单元实现
- 3.组件之间的互相关系不明确,这种相互关系对基本功能来说不重要 理解:不同于模块化结构,因为集成化结构的功能是由多个组件构成的,所以改变一个功能或者零件都涉及到多个组件的改变
- 建立产品架构(四步法)
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- ◦ 创建产品示意图Create a schematic of the product
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- ▪ 示意图 (schematic) 反映了开发人员对产品组成的认识; 不包含全部细节; 示意图不是唯一的
- ◦ 对示意图中的元素(单元)进行聚类 (cluster) Cluster the elements of the schematic
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- ▪ 把示意图中的每个元素都划分到相应的组件中去; 为了控制这些选择的复杂性,可以假定每个元素都形成一个独立的组件,然 后在有利的情况下不断加以合并。为了确定哪些合并是有利的,需要考虑以下因素,这些因 素反映了前文所讨论的产品架构的内涵:
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- • ·几何集成与精确性Geometric integration and precision:把示意图中的几个单元集成到一个组件中,会使设计人员更好地 控制这几个单元的实体关系。这样,就能使出于同一组件,需要精确定位或紧密集成 的单元得到最好的设计。 l·Assigning elements to the same chunk allows a single individual or group to control the physical relationships among the elements l ·Elements requiring precise location or close geometric integration can often be best designed if they are part of the same chunk
- • ·功能共享Function sharing: 当一个单独的实体组件可以实现产品的若干功能单元时,这些功能单元最 好集成在一起 When a single physical component can implement several functional elements of the product, these functional elements are best clustered together l For example, an integrated control panel on a car
- • ·供应商能力Capabilities of vendors: 一个可靠的供应商可能具有与产品开发密切相关的某种能力。为了很好 地利用这种能力,开发人员会把那些供应商有制造经验的单元集成到同一个组件中, 并交给供应商生产 ·A trusted vendor may have specific capabilities related to a project l· To best take advantage of such capabilities a team may choose to cluster those elements about which the vendor has expertise into one chunk
- • ·设计或技术生产的相似性Similarity of design or production technology 当两个或更多的功能单元可能用同样的设计或生产技术完 成时,将这些元素集成到同一组件中将会使设计或生产更经济 When two or more functional elements are likely to be implemented using the same design and/or production technology, then incorporating these elements into the same chunk may allow for more economical design and/or production
- • ·集中修改Localisation of change 当开发人员预计某些单元可能要做大量的修改时,就有必要把该单元独立为 一个模块化的组件,这样对该组件的修改就不会影响到其他的组件。 When a team expects there to be a great deal of change in an element, it makes sense to isolate that element into its own modular chunk l In that way, any necessary changes to the element can be carried out without disrupting any of the other chunks
- • ·适合多样化Accommodating variety 示意图中元素的聚类应该有利于企业按照客户的具体要求来对产品做出 改动。打印机将在全世界电力标准不同的各个地区销售。所以,开发团队为与直流供 电有关的元素建立了单独的组件。 ·Elements should be clustered together to enable the firm to vary the product in ways that will have value for customers l ·Example – a power supply needs to handle different mains supplies in different countries
- • ·标准化Enabling standardisation 如果有一套元件在其他的产品中也可以使用,那么应该把它们集成到一个组件中。这样可以提高组件中各实体单元的生产质量。 l ·If a set of elements will be useful in other products, they should be clustered together into a single chunk l· This allows the physical elements of the chunk to be produced in higher quantities
- • ·关联的便利性:有些相互作用可以在长距离内方便地传递。
- ◦ 设计简略的几何结构Create a rough geometric layout
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- 几何结构可以采用草图、计算机模型或物理模型(例如卡板纸或泡沫制成)在二维平面或者三维空间中进行设计。设计几何结构时,设计人员要考虑组件之间的几何关系是否可以实现,并确定组件间的基本空间关系。 A geometric layout can be created in 2 or 3 dimensions or as physical models l· an example can be found on a later slide ¡ ·Creating a geometric layout forces the team to consider l ·whether the geometric interfaces among the chunks are feasible and l ·to work out the basic dimensional relationships among the chunks
- ◦ 确定基本的和附属的相互作用关系Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions
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- ▪ 各个组件可能是由不同的个人或小组设计的。组件之间存在着确定或不确定的相互作用关 系,所以各个小组要协调他们的设计,交流各自的信息。为了更好地管理这种协作过程,开发人员应该在系统设计阶段明确组件之间那些已知的相互作用。
- 组件之间的联系有两种类型。
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- 首先是基本的相互作用关系 (fundamental interaction), 它与 示意图中连接各组件的那些线条相对应。例如, 一张纸从纸张托盘移动到打印装置中,因为 这种基本的相互作用关系是系统运行的基础,所以,在最早设计示意图时就应该计划好,并 要很好地加以理解。其次是附属的相互作用关系 (incidental interaction), 它是功能单元特定的 实体设置或组件之间具体的几何排列造成的。例如,纸张托盘中的传动器所引起的震动会干 扰打印墨盒在X 轴的精确定位。 It is most likely that a different person or group will be assigned to design each chunk ¡ Because the chunks interact with one another in both planned and unintended ways, these different groups will have to coordinate their activities and exchange information ¡ To manage this coordination process better, the team should identify the known interactions between chunks during the system-level design phase There are two categories of interaction l Fundamental ¡ Those which correspond to the lines on the schematic that connect the chunks to one another ¡ These are the fundamental interactions of the systems operation l Incidental ¡ Those that arise because of l the particular physical implementation of functional elements, or l because of the geometric arrangement of the chunks ¡ An incidental interaction graph is used to document this type of interaction, see next slide
- ## Topic 12 / 13: Detail Design and Prototypes
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- 此阶段的部门职责是
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- ·营销
- 制定营销计划 ·
- 设计
- 定义零件几何图形
- 选择材料
- 分配公差
- 完整的工业设计控制文件
- ·制造l
- ·Marketing ¡ Develop marketing plan l ·Design ¡ Define part geometry ¡ Choose materials ¡ Assign tolerances ¡ Complete industrial design control documentationl ·Manufacturing¡ Define piece-part production processes¡ Design tooling¡ Define quality assurance processes
- 阶段 3的输出是产品的控制文档,控制文件是
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- :描述要制造的每个零件的几何形状及其生产工具的图纸或计算机文件
- 制造的过程描述和
- 产品的组装
- 要购买的零件的规格
- The output of Phase 3 is the control documentation for the product¡ ·The control documentation is:l ·The drawings or computer files describing the geometry of each part to be made and its production toolingl ·The process descriptions for the fabrication and assembly of the productl· The specifications of the parts to be purchased
- 什么是原型 :-> “依据一个或多个方面的兴趣而得到的产品的近似品”(an approximation of the product along one or more dimensions of interest)a smallscale modeli.e.¡ ·Industrial designers produce prototypes of their concepts, such as models¡ ·Engineers prototype a design¡ ·Software developers write prototypeprogramsPrototyping is the process of developing such an approximation of the product
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- a原型 (alpha prototype)通常用于评估产品是否按预期工作Are typically used to assess whether the product works as intended
- β原型 (beta prototype)通常用于评估可靠性和识别产品中的剩余缺陷Are typically used to assess reliability and to identify remaining bugs in the product
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- ◦ Beta原型在内部进行了广泛的评估,并且通常由客户在他们自己的使用环境中进行测试测试原型的目标通常是回答关于性能和可靠性的问题,以便为最终产品确定必要的工程更改Beta prototypes are extensively evaluated internallyand are also typically tested by customers in their own use environment¡ The goal for the beta prototypes is usually to answer questions about performance and reliability in order to identify necessary engineering changes for the final product
- 试产原型 (preproduction prototype)是整个公司生产的第一批产品生产过程Are the first products produced by the entire production process
- 软件模型、硬件模型(Soft Models、Hard Models)
- 控制模型和CAD模型Control Models and CAD Models从 CAD数据构建和匹配的模型产品的完整模型和完整详细的组成由于成本或时间短缺,该模型的组件将被简化或忽略· Model that is constructed and matched from CAD data·Complete model and fully detailed composition of the product·Component of this model will be simplified or neglected due to cost or time shortages
分支主题 6
- 什么是原型化(prototyping):-> 原型化是快速组装工作模型 (原型 )的过程,目的是测试设计的各个方面,阐明想法或功能,并收集早期用户反馈。Prototyping is the process of quickly putting together a working model (a prototype) in order to test various aspects of a design, illustrate ideas or featuresand gather early user feedback
- 原型的作用Uses of Prototypes
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- 学习(learning):原型通常用于回答“它能否工作?”和“它满足消费者需求的程度如何?”。 当回答这类问题时,原型就作为学习的工具。Answering questions about performance or feasibility , such as“Will it work?”“How well does it meet the customer needs?”
- 沟通(communication)沟通 (communication): 原型加强了开发团队与高层管理者、供应商、合作人、开发团队 扩展成员、消费者及投资者间的沟通。·Demonstration of a product to get feedbackfrom all stakeholders·A physical, tactile, 3D representation of aproduct is much easier to understand than averbal description or even a sketch of aproduct例子:以一个可见的、能 触知的三维图形来表现一个产品,比语言草图描述更易理解。在PackBot 概念开发中,通过利 用“可视、可感知”的原型,设计工程师、经理、供应商和顾客间的沟通得到加强。新的消 费者经常对PackBot 底盘过于狭小不满意,然而,实物模型清晰地展示了有限的空间。
- 集成 integration 原型用于确保产品的子系统及组件能如预期的一样协同工作。综合化的实体原型在产品开发项目中作为集成工具最为有效,因为它们要求零件、各部件间协调,并与零件组成一个产品。要做出这样的原型,需产品开 发团队成员相互协作。如果产品任何组件的组合妨碍了 产品的整体功能,这一 问题只能在综合化的实体原型中 通过集成来检测。·Prototypes are used to ensure that componentsand subsystems of the product work together as expectedl ·Comprehensive physical prototypes are the most effective as integration tools in product development projects because they require the assembly and physical interconnection of all of the parts and subassemblies that make up a productl ·The integration of the prototype forces coordination between different members of the product development teaml ·For example: alpha or beta test models
- 里程碑 milestones 尤其是在产品开发的后期,原型用于验证产品在功能上已达到期望水 平。里程碑原型提供可触知的目标,表明了进展情况,并用来加强进度安排。Provide goals for the development team’s schedule· Milestone prototypes are defined in the product development project plan这种原型的数量和它们的时间是整个开发计划的关键要素之一作为一个基本案例,开发团队应该考虑使用 alpha、 beta和预生产原型作为里程碑The number of such prototypes and their timingis one of the key elements of the overall development planl ·As a base case, the development team should consider using alpha, beta and pre-production prototypes as milestones¡ e.g. first testable hardware
- 原型分类
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- 实体/解析
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- Physical prototypes are :-> tangible artifacts created to approximate the product ¡ ·Aspects of the product of interest to the development team are actually built into an artifact for testing and experimentation ¡· Examples of physical prototypes include l ·models which look and feel like the product l ·proof-of-concept prototypes used to test an idea quickly l· experimental hardware used to validate the functionality of a product例子:一个木制的玩具模型
- Analytical prototypes :-> represent the product in a non-tangible, usually mathematical, manner¡ ·Interesting aspects of the product are analysed, rather than built例子:数学分析、建模
- 综合/专一
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- ◦ 综合 (comprehensive) :-> 能完成产品的绝大多数属性。·Comprehensive prototypes implement most, if not all, of the attributes of a product¡ ·A comprehensive prototype corresponds closely to the everyday use of the work prototype – i.e. it is a full-scale, fully operational version of the product例子:β原型,用来给测试功能
- ◦ 专一化原型 (focused prototype) :-> 只履行(完成)产品的某个或某些属性。一个普遍的做法是用两个或多个专一化原型一起探查一个产品的所有性能。这些 原型包括外观 (looks-like)原型和工作原理 (works-like)原型。通过制造两个分离的专一化原型,开发团队可以比制造一个综合化原型更早地解决问题。·Focused prototypes implement one, or a few, of the attributes of a product¡· Examples of focused prototypes include foam models toexplore the form of a product and wire wrapped circuit boards to investigate the electronic performance of product design¡ ·A common practice is to use two or more focused prototypes together to investigate the overallperformance of a product·By building two separate focused prototypes, the team may be able to answer its questions much earlier than if it had to create one comprehensive prototype
- 选择原型类型的原则
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- ·分析原型通常比物理原型更灵活 ·
- 需要物理原型来检测意料之外的现象 ·
- 原型可以降低高成本迭代的风险 ·
- 原型可以加速其他开发步骤 ¡ ·
- Analytical prototypes are in general moreflexible than physical prototypes¡ ·Physical prototypes are required to detectunanticipated phenomena¡ ·Prototypes may reduce the risk of costlyiterations¡ ·Prototypes may expedite other developmentsteps¡ ·A prototype may restructure task dependencies示例 :在零件设计 -模具设计 -成型流程中添加原型制作步骤 原型可以重构任务依赖关系
- 市场、技术风险还有综合模型成本之间的关系:总结起来就是技术、市场风险越高,制作的模型就越多。综合模型制造成本越高,制作的模型就越少。(**即风险和模型数量成正比,成本和模型数量成反比)**
- 制定原型计划(四步) #flashcard
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- 界定原型的目的·define the purpose of the prototype原型的四个目的是:学习、沟通、集成和里程碑。在界定原型目的的过程中,开发团队列出具体的学习与沟通需求,也列出了集成需求以及这一原型是否作为整个产品开发项目中的一个里程碑。l ·The team lists its specific learning andcommunication needsl ·Team members also¡ ·list any integration needs¡· decide whether or not the prototype isintended to be one of the major milestonesof the overall product development project例子:车轮原型的目的是决定车轮的抗震性能和安全性能。虽然学习原型的目的专注于性能,但开发团队还是要考虑材料的制造成本,其中,很多材料是不可铸造的,必须机加。
- 建立原型的近似水平Establish the level of approximation of the prototype对原型进行计划需要确定原型与最终产品的相似程度。开发团队应考虑一个实体化原型是否必需,或一个解析化原型能否最好地满足它的要求。在大多数情况下,最好的原型是那个满足步骤1所设定目的的最简单原型The degree to which the final product will be approximated in the prototype must be defined l The team should consider whether a physical prototype is necessary or whether an analytical prototype would best meet its needs例子:对于车轮原型,团队要根据冲击效果来决定车轮的材料和几何形状。然而,车轮的其他 方面可能被忽视,包括生产方法(铸模或者机加)、驾驶系统的附件和铁轨带、车轮的颜色和 整体造型等。团队中一名成员先前就研究了轮辐弯曲效果的解析化原型,她认为原型的物理 特征对于确认她的分析很有必要。她发现抗震效果和车轮力量之间存在一个基本的取舍关系, 因为抗震需要轮辐柔韧,而车轮力量需要车轮尺寸更大。因此,团队使用解析型原型和物理原型来决定轮辐的尺寸。
- 制定实验大纲Outline an experimental plan大多数情况下,在产品开发中使用原型可以看成一个实验。好的实验有助于从原型化活动 中获取最大价值。实验计划包括确认各种实验变量、测试草案、进行哪些测试的指示以及分 析最终数据的计划。当必须探索许多变量时,有效的实验设计将极大地加快这一进程。·The use of a prototype in product development can be thought of as an experimentl ·Good experimental practice helps to make sure that you get the maximum value from the prototyping activity例子:对于车轮原型测试,团队决定只改变轮辐的材料和网的几何形状。根据解析化原型,团队 选择了两种样式的轮辐,每种轮辐又选择了6种材料,总共进行了12次实验。团队设计了一 个结实的平台,每个车轮被安装后由不同的高度落入平台,通过观察平台的受重就可以测试 车轮传递给 PackBot的冲击力。在完成所有的实验后,相关人员会观察车轮落下的损伤,包括 裂纹和塑性变形,然后再提高一个高度进行测试。这些测试的结果不仅可以用来选择最好的轮辐几何和材料,而且可以改善车轮的物理解析化原型。
- 制定采购、建造和测试的时间表Create a schedule for procurement,construction and testing因为建造和测试一个原型可以看作整体开发项目内的一个子项目,因此,开发团队会从制 定原型化活动计划中获益。对于一个原型计划,有三个日期特别重要:第一,部件可装配的日期(这一 日期有时被称为“部件水桶 (bucket of part)”日期);第二,原型进行首次测试的日 期(这一 日期有时被称为“冒烟实验 (smoke test)”日期,因为在这天,开发团队将首次在产品中通电并在电器系统中“寻找烟”);第三,完成测试并产生最终结果的日期。Three dates are particularly important in defining a prototyping effort¡ ·The team defines when the parts will be ready to assemble¡ ·The team defines the date when the prototype will first be tested¡ ·The team defines the date when it expects to have completed testing and produced the final results
- 整体步骤就是 :-> 1.确定目的 2.建立原型的近似水平,看是否有必要,或者要测试哪些方面 3.确定实验大纲 4.指定日期
- 好处
- Reduce uncertainty
- Make models with a defined purpose
- Consider multiple forms of prototypes
- Choose the timing of prototype cycles
- Many early models are used validate concepts
- Relatively few comprehensive models are necessary to test integration
- Plan time to learn from prototype cycles
- Avoid hardware swamp :-> where you keep building different ways out of a problem without stopping to think
- DONE Week4
- ## Topic 18
- topic 18初创企业和企业家精神
- 什么是创业(starup)
- 定义:创业公司是指经营历史有限的公司 这些公司通常是新成立的,正处于市场开发和研究阶段 通常它涉及一些新颖的技术或技术的使用,但关键是从技术中赚钱的连贯方法高科技(如电信、软件)与生物技术或医疗有很大不同\n A startup company or start-up is a company with \na limited operating history These companies, generally newly created, are in a \nphase of development and research for markets Typically it involves some novel technology, or \nuse of technology, but crucially… \nl a coherent means for making money from the \ntechnology High-tech (e.g. telecom, software) is very different \nfrom bio-tech or medica
- Spin-out通常是从大学或其他公司中分离出来的、基于某项技术或研究成果的企业项目,可能已经得到了某些技术或资金上的支持。而创业公司则是在任何地方创建的初创企业,不一定与任何大学或公司有直接关联。然而,如果一个Spin-out从大学或公司分离出来并作为一个独立的企业开始运营,那么它也可以被认为是一个创业公司。
- 企业家entrepreneur
- 拥有一家新企业或合资企业,并且承担固有风险和后果的全部责任\nl ·has possession over a new enterprise or venture\nl ·assumes full accountability for the inherent risks \nand the outcome
- 企业家精神/创业行为 Entrepreneurship
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- 它指的是个人或团队通过创造新的商业机会、设计并开发新产品或服务、组织资源和着手实现创新的一系列行动和过程。 ·Entrepreneurship is the practice of starting new\norganisations or revitalizing mature organisations,\nl ·particularly new businesses - generally in \nresponse to identified opportunities
- 两种创新/企业家精神
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- 社会(social)\n目的在造福社会而不是去赚钱,包括商业、公众等,如扶贫、环境、文化与艺术\n·Aim is to create social change rather than\nmake money Often involves business, public & charity organisations\n·Examples\nl poverty relief\nl environment\nl arts & culture
- 技术 Technological\n·目标是获得独立性,以利用某项技术。\n·经常是由于在大公司中受挫而导致的。\n·Aim is to gain independence to exploit\na technology\n·Often results from being frustrated in a\nlarge company
- 影响成功创业的因素
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- 支持创业的组织
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- business incubators 企业孵化
- science parks 科学园区
- Non-Government Organisations
- government
- 小企业会面临的风险
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- 努力工作,自己做大多数决定涉及相当大的风险融资成本高没有规模经济 Hard work, making most decisions on your own Considerable risks involved Costly to raise finance No economies of scale
- 创业的优劣势

- 早期决定
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- 什么类型的业务–type of business
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- 可扩展的全球技术公司有长期R&D计划的生物技术企业具有中期增长计划的制造工厂互联网服务商生活方式商业 Scalable, global technology player Biotech business with long-term R&D plans Manufacturing facility with medium growth plans Service provider Lifestyle business
- 什么形式的所有权——如个体经营者?
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- 营销商 Sole Trader
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- 伙伴关系 Partnership
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- 两个或两个以上的人结合资源,形成合伙关系 双方(或多方)之间存在合同。\n条款包括: \n各合伙人认缴的出资额 \n如何确定利润并在合伙人之间分配 \n合伙人的工资分配 \n合伙企业的解散程序 Two or more people combine resources and form\na partnership Contract exists between the two (or more) parties;\nterms include:\nl The amount of capital subscribed by each\npartner\nl How profits will be determined and allocated\nbetween partners\nl Salary allocation for the partners\nl Procedure for dissolving the partnership\n\n比如说你想开一家茶百道的奶茶店,你和茶百道总公司就构成了加盟关系。也比较类似于你和同伴合伙开一家公司,按照技术、资金投入占比进行股权分配和分红。当然要考虑到如果你不想在这个公司干了该怎么把钱拿回来,这就是退出机制(解散程序)
- 有限责任公司 Limited Company
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- 在这种情况下,有限意味着所有者不再对其公司的债务承担无限责任 在美国,这些被称为股份有限公司所有公司都有在公司投资的股东 所有公司都有董事,他们是由股东选出来管理公司的\n·Limited in this instance meaning that the owners no \nlonger have unlimited liability for the debts of their \ncompanies \n·In the US, these are known as incorporated \ncompanies \n·All companies have shareholders who have \ninvested in the company \n· All companies have directors who are selected by \nthe shareholders to run the company\n\n公司所有者的个人财产和资产是与公司完全独立的,这意味着企业的债务不会由个人承担,仅限于承担其所持有的股份投资。这种特殊的财务安排可以帮助创业者控制风险并保护个人财产不受经营活动的影响。
- 你是被技术驱动还是被市场驱动?
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- 市场驱动型就是根据市场需求来设计产品。技术驱动型就是发明出来一个技术后看这个技术能运用在哪,然后告诉用户这个技术有多棒
- 谁是你的客户?
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- B2C (business to consumer)\nB2B (business to business)
- 高科技创新企业是怎么样走到一起的
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- 技术
- 知识产权(保护)
- 愿景(技术能引领到哪里?
- 有市场吗
- 人事部门
- 科学领袖\
- 业务经理
- 资金筹集者
- 科学家
- 工程师金钱
- Technology Intellectual Property (Protection) The Vision (Where can the technology lead? Is there \na market for it) Personnel\nl Scientific leaders\nl Business managers\nl Fund Raisers\nl Scientists/Engineers Money
- 创建高新企业的阶段\nThe stages for creating a hitech start-up
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- 1.评估机会-产生、评估和提炼商业概念 \nassess the opportunities - generate, evaluate & \nrefine the business concept
- 2.制定商业计划并决定合资企业的结构 \nDevelop the business plan and decide on the \nstructure of the venture
- 3.获得必要的资源和资金 \nAcquire the necessary resources and funding
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- 筹资阶段 fund-raising stage
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- 投资前期 Pre-investment
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- 大学基金、朋友、银行贷款 5k- 50k\n构建演示者,构建商业计划\nPre-investment \n·University fund, friends, bank loan £5k-£50k \n build demonstrator, build business plan \n\nPre-investment(前投资)阶段通常通过大学基金、亲友关系或银行贷款等方式筹集资金,金额在5,000英镑至50,000英镑之间。这个阶段主要用于制作展示装置(demonstrator)并编制商业计划。
- A轮Round A天使投资,或特别启动基金 \n10万至50万 \n建立董事会、部分高管团队 \n5 - 10名员工\nl Angels, or special startup funds \nl £100k-£500k \nl Establish board, partial executive team \nl 5 - 10 employees
- B轮 \n风险投资\n1米至5米 \n完整的董事会和高管团队。扩展到20+\nl Venture Capital\nl £1M-£5M\nl Complete board and exec team. Expand to 20+
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- 风险投资VCs(Venture Capitalists)
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- 收集资金(例如从养老基金)然后将这些资金投资到创业公司的公司
- 追求高风险、高回报
- 价值需要大幅提升10倍或更多
- 在公司股权中持有大量股份
- 预计只有十分之一的人会成功\n A company that collects funds (e.g. from pension \nfunds) and then invests those funds in startups Go for high-risk, high reward Need very large uplift in value, 10 times or more Take large stake in company equity Expect only 1 in 10 to succeed
- 退出阶段 exit\nExit阶段
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- (退出阶段)是指企业从一个环节成功转向下一个环节,或者从某一市场上成功退出。在创业公司中,Exit通常是指公司被收购或上市交易。
- 筹资过程
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- Elevator pitch/executive summary: 简短陈述/执行摘要;
- Business plan, presentation, management team: 商业计划、演示文稿、管理团队;
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- Business plan的两个基本功能
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- 1.通过规划公司未来的发展方向和制定战略来指导公司。 \nGuiding the company by charting its future course \nand defining its strategy for following it.(内部)
- 2.吸引将提供所需资本的贷款人和投资者。Attracting lenders and investors who will provide needed capital.(外部)
- 什么是商业计划
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- 你计划进入的市场\
- 你对这个市场贡献的独特和引人注目的特点
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- 知识产权
- 商业模式和财务
- 团队和公司发展与战略
- 投资主张
- 退出策略
- The market you plan to enter\nl The unique and compelling features of your \ncontribution to this market\nl Intellectual property\nl Business model and Financials\nl Team and Company development \nand strategy\nl Investment proposition\nl Exit strategy
- 为什么需要商业计划
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- 在公司创始人之间提供一份关于未来发展方向的正式协议 可以减少创始人的自欺欺人 定义责任和奖励 帮助将抽象的目标转化为明确的目标A business plan… provides a formal agreement between the \founders of a company about the direction to be \taken can reduce self-delusion among st the founders defines responsibilities & rewards helps to translate abstract goals into explicit operational needs
- 商业模式(如何赚钱)
- 商业计划的关键要素
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- 标题页和目录
- 行动纲要
- 愿景和使命
- 陈述公司历史
- 商业和工业概况
- 商业策略
- 产品/服务描述
- 市场战略
- 记录市场索赔
- 显示客户兴趣
- 竞争对手分析管理团队的描述
- 业务计划
- 预计财务报表
- 贷款或投资建议
- Title Page and Table of Contents Executive Summary Vision and Mission Statement Company History Business and Industry Profile Business Strategy Description of Products/Services Marketing Strategy\nl Document market claims\nl Show customer interest Competitor Analysis Description of Management Team Plan of Operation Projected Financial Statements Loan or Investment Proposa
- 准备商业计划的技巧
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- 确保你的计划有一个吸引人的封面。(第一印象至关重要。)去掉你计划中所有的拼写和语法错误。让你的计划在视觉上吸引人。包括一个目录,让读者可以轻松地浏览您的计划。让它变得有趣。你的计划必须证明生意会赚钱(不一定马上赚钱,但最终会赚钱)。使用电子表格生成财务预测。总是包括现金流预测。保持你的计划“简洁”——25到40页长。永远说实话。\n Make sure your plan has an attractive cover. (First impressions are crucial.) Rid your plan of all spelling and grammatical errors. Make your plan visually appealing. Include a table of contents to allow readers to navigate your plan easily. Make it interesting Your plan must prove that the business will \nmake money (not necessarily immediately, \nbut eventually). Use spreadsheets to generate financial \nforecasts. Always include cash flow projections. Keep your plan “crisp” – between 25 and 40 pages long. Tell the truth – always. \n
- Business survey: 商业调查;
- Due diligence: 尽职调查;
- Valuation, ownership, control, legal issues: 估值、所有权、控制权、法律问题;
- FUNDING: 融资。
- 4.成长和收获风险\nGrow and harvest the venture
- 企业失败的原因
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- 缺乏技能
- 销售问题
- 财务控制
- 缺乏资金
- 融资成本高
- 破产的顾客
- 过度交易开发
- 营销问题
- 官僚主义
l lack of skills
l sales problem
l financial control
l lack of funds
l high cost of finance
l insolvent customers
l overtrading development
l marketing issues
l red tape (bureaucracy)
- ## Topic 19
- What is Cybersecurity?\n什么是网络安全?
Cybersecurity is the application of technologies, processes and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks
It aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks, and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks and technologies
Increasingly implemented through laws and regulations
Three distinct legal elements: information security, privacy and data protection, and cybercrime
Information Security信息安全
Seeks to protect all information assets, whether in hard copy or in digital form
Information is one of the most valuable assets
Good business practice
Digital revolution changed how people communicate and conduct business
Digital revolution changed how people communicate and conduct business
Privacy and Data Protection隐私和数据保护
Number of different, but related concepts
Control of personal data
Control = the ability to specify the collection, use, and sharing of their data
Personal information – private x publicly available
Data privacy are the regulations, or policies, that governs the use of my data when shared with any entity, while data protection is the mechanism — that is, the tools and procedures — to enforce the policy and regulation, including the prevention of unauthorized access or misuse of the data that I agreed to share
Information Security x Privacy信息安全x隐私
Information security and privacy are closely related, but distinct concepts
Privacy is an individual’s right to control the use and disclosure of their own personal information
Information security is the process used to keep data private
Security is the process; privacy is the result
Cybercrime is an act that violates the law, by using information and communication technology (ICT) to either target networks, systems, data, websites and/or technology or facilitate a crime
Cybercrime knows no physical or geographic boundaries and can be conducted with less effort, greater ease, and at greater speed and scale than traditional crime
Drivers of Cybersecurity网络安全的驱动因素
Legal and regulatory法律和监管
Growing legal framework establishing safeguarding and information obligation
Growing enforcement as a response to ineffective self-regulation
Growing awareness of risk, economic and legal consequences, trustworthiness of business transactions
With technological innovation comes opportunities as well as risks
Information Security信息安全
Information Security I
Processes, procedures and infrastructure to preserve: – confidentiality – integrity, and – availability of information
流程、程序和基础设施,以保持 - 信息的保密性 - 完整性,以及 - 可用性
Information Security II
Confidentiality I
Confidentiality means that only people with the right permission can access and use information
Protecting information from unauthorised access at all stages of its life cycle
Information must be created, used, stored, transmitted, and destroyed in ways that protect its confidentiality
Confidentiality II
Ensuring confidentiality – encryption, access controls
确保保密性 - 加密、访问控制
Compromising confidentiality – (intentional) shoulder surfing, social engineering; (accidental) publication
It may result in identity theft, threats to public safety
Integrity means that information systems and their data are accurate
Changes cannot be made to data without appropriate permissions
Ensuring integrity – controls ensuring the correct entry of information, authorization, antivirus
Compromising integrity – (intentional) employee or external attacks; (accidental) employee error
Specific to integrity and confidentiality considerations
Authentication is the process of validating the identity of a registered user or process before enabling access to protected networks and systems.
Analogue : signatures, handwriting, in person attestation, witnesses, notary
Digital : username and password, digital signatures, fingerprints or face recognition
Availability is the security goal of making sure information systems are reliable
Data is accessible
Individuals with proper permission can use systems and retrieve data in a dependable and timely manner
Ensuring availability – recovery plans, backup systems
Compromising availability – (intentional) denial of service (DoS) attack, (accidental) outage
破坏可用性 - (故意)拒绝服务(DoS)攻击,(意外)中断
Information Security信息安全
= Mitigating risks to the trustworthiness of information of corporations and governments by the:=减轻公司和政府的信息可信度的风险,由:
Development of strategies and制定战略和
Implementation to technologies and procedures in order to preserve its confidentiality, integrity, and availability实施技术和程序,以保护其机密性、完整性和可用性
Information Security Key Concepts信息安全的关键概念
Risk management as means to justify information security laws = process of listing the all the relevant factors and taking steps to control them where possible
There are four main concepts: Vulnerabilities ,Threats ,Risks ,Safeguards
有四个主要概念: 脆弱性、威胁、风险、保障措施
Vulnerabilities 漏洞
Vulnerabilities I
= weakness or flaw in the information system that can be exploited= 信息系统中可被利用的弱点或缺陷
Construction, design mistake建筑、设计错误
Flaws in how internal safeguards are used/not used, based on:在如何使用/不使用内部保障措施方面存在缺陷,依据是:
Facility 设施
Vulnerabilities II
separation of duties principle职责分离原则
two or more people need to split a critical task functions两个或两个以上的人需要分担一个关键任务的职能
flaws in organization’s procedures
missing step in a checklist /no checklist
failure to apply hardware and software patches
= patch is a software/code that updates a program to address security problems=补丁是一种软件/代码,用于更新程序以解决安全问题
Vulnerabilities III
flaws in physical infrastructure有形基础设施的缺陷
fences, locks, CCTV cameras围栏、门锁、闭路电视摄像机
design flaws设计缺陷
unpatched applications, improperly configured equipment未打补丁的应用程序,配置不当的设备
Successful attacks take place when vulnerability is exploited成功的攻击发生在漏洞被利用的时候
Threats I
= anything that can cause harm to an information system – successful exploits of vulnerabilities=任何能对信息系统造成伤害的东西 - 成功利用漏洞的行为
Relationship between a vulnerability and a threat脆弱性和威胁之间的关系
An organization does not have sufficient controls to prevent an employee from deleting critical computer files (lack of controls – vulnerability). An employee could delete files by mistake (employee – source of threat) (deleting critical files – threat). If the files are deleted, successful exploit of the vulnerability has taken place. If the file is not recoverable, the incident harms the organizations and its security. Availability is compromised.
Threats II
Internal and external, includes well-meaning employees and external attackers内部和外部,包括善意的雇员和外部攻击者
uncontrollable events (fire, flood)不可控制的事件(火灾、洪水)
Technology and operational
operate inside information systems (malicious code, hardware and software failures)在信息系统内部操作(恶意代码、硬件和软件故障)。
Physical and environmental – lack of physical securit物理和环境--缺乏实体安全y
Accidental or intentional意外或故意的
Internal or external attackers内部或外部攻击者
Threats III
Threats to information, networks, systems have increased对信息、网络、系统的威胁已经增加
More devices, more use, more ‘always on’更多的设备,更多的使用,更多的 "永远在线"。
More complex networks with greater ‘attack surface’更复杂的网络,有更大的 "攻击面"。
Bring your own device (BYOD) means that end points of corporate networks no longer in their control; more points of entry into enterprise networks自带设备(BYOD)意味着企业网络的终端不再受其控制;有更多的点进入企业网络
More devices with IoT; smart watches possibly not connected to enterprise authentication systems更多的设备具有物联网功能;智能手表可能没有与企业认证系统相连
Attacks have grown more sophisticated攻击已变得更加复杂
Sony’s servers wiped after internal communications stolen, but held for months索尼的服务器在内部通信被盗后被抹去,但被扣留了几个月
Attacks that take months to achieve goals; undetected需要数月才能实现目标的攻击;未被发现的攻击
'Ransomware’ = threat to encrypt data unless paid赎金软件"=威胁要加密数据,除非付费
SolarWind cyberattackSolarWind的网络攻击
Risks I
Risks II
Risks III
Safeguards I
= safeguard reduces the harm posed by information security vulnerabilities or threats=保障措施减少信息安全漏洞或威胁所带来的危害
Safeguards II
Safeguards III
Safeguards can be put in place at all layers of the system:保障措施可以在系统的所有层级落实到位:
可以在系统的所有层实施安全措施 :\n在物理硬件或设备层,例如,通过物理保护服务器机房免受水淹;\n在各种软件层,例如通过安装最新的补丁;\n在网络层,例如通过使用虚拟专用网 (“VPN”);而且,\n在用户层,确保所有人员接受适当的培训,以识别网络钓鱼电子邮件和其他形式的社会工程。
Information Security Management
有效评估组织的安全需求,评估和选择各种安全产品和策略 将信息分类 确定法律义务 评估漏洞、威胁和风险 保护 有许多挑战 标准的发展
27001:2022信息安全管理系统 全球最著名的信息安全管理系统标准 (ISMS) 它定义了 ISMS必须满足的要求 该标准为各种规模和各种行业的公司提供了建立、实施、维护和持续改进信息安全管理系统的指导 符合 ISO/IEC 27001标准意味着一个组织或企业已经建立了一个系统来管理与公司拥有或处理的数据的安全性相关的风险
ISMS规范 从自上而下的角度衡量、监控和控制安全管理的方法 第 2部分定义了一个六步“流程”,本质上是 : 定义安全策略 定义 ISMS的范围 进行风险评估 管理风险 选择要实施的控制目标和控制 准备一份适用性声明
27002:2022信息安全、网络安全和隐私保护—信息安全控制 本文档提供了一套通用信息安全控制参考,包括实施指南 本文档旨在供以下组织使用 : 在基于 ISO/IEC27001的信息安全管理系统 (ISMS)的范围内; 根据国际公认的最佳实践实施信息安全控制; 用于制定特定于组织的信息安全管理准则 确定每项控制的目标、工作原理以及公司如何成功实施
信息安全是保护信息这一宝贵资产的研究和实践\n信息安全的主要目标是保护信息的机密性、完整性和可用性 (CIA)\n关键的信息安全概念包括漏洞、威胁、风险和安全措施\n实施信息安全的法律义务和激励措施\n标准的重要性
- LATER 概率论 (隔了一个周末)
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