# Smart climate ## Definition - Climate Data Record: Data to make climate smart: - Time series of measurements - Length, consistency, continuity - Determine climate variability, and change - To monitor changes in order to predict / mitiagte the consequences - Variability: - El Nino - La Nina - Land disturbance: A **event** that triggers disrupts in ecosystems, community or population structure, and changes resources, substance availability or physical environment - Climate change: global warming - Succession - Process that the structure of a biological community changes over time ## Reason - Animal-based food production emits GCG - Climate change - Areas affected by desertification ## Implementation - Before smart climate - Data collected and managed by governments - Greenhouse gas (GCG) emission relies on self reporting - Calculated based on known fuel consumption - Data is sparse in space and time, also incomplete - Earth observation: acquire data from a variety of sensors - Remote sensing: - Capture images in a spectrum - Classify land coverage and use, incl. change over time - Measure the geometry of natural and human made objects - Identify and differenciate species of vegetation - Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) - Change agent characterization: - Change agent: a driver or factor of change - Direct or proxiamte causes - Distal or underlying driving forces - Attribution: - Can happen simultaneously or in proximity - Result in change - Challenging to collect high quality change agent ## Examples ### Detecting fire with remote sensing ### Detecting change agent #### Using random forest ### Detecting deforestation with remote sensing ### Frequency of observations ## Collaborate for better EO information - data fusion proces - Input: Hetereogeneous data - Process: data alignment and data / object correlation - Intemediate output: Alighed and correlated data - Process: Attribute or identity estimation - Result: fusion data - Obervation level, feature level, decision level