class View{ constructor(controller, bg, songTitle, songDifficulty){ this.controller = controller = bg this.songTitle = songTitle this.songDifficulty = songDifficulty this.pauseMenu = document.getElementById("pause-menu") this.cursor = document.getElementById("cursor") this.gameDiv = document.getElementById("game") var docW = document.body.offsetWidth var docH = document.body.offsetHeight if(this.controller.multiplayer === 2){ this.canvas = new ScalableCanvas("canvas-p2", docW, docH / 3 * 2) = "absolute" = "33%" this.gameDiv.appendChild(this.canvas.canvas) }else{ this.canvas = new ScalableCanvas("canvas", docW, docH) } this.winW = this.canvas.scaledWidth this.winH = this.canvas.scaledHeight if(this.controller.multiplayer === 2){ this.winH = this.winH / 2 * 3 } this.ctx = this.canvas.ctx this.taikoSquareW = this.winW / 4 this.slotX = this.taikoSquareW + 100 this.currentScore = 0 this.special = "" this.scoreDispCount = -1 this.scoreOpacity = 1 this.lastMeasure = 0 this.currentTimingPoint = 0 //Distance to be done by the circle this.distanceForCircle = this.winW - this.slotX this.currentCircleFace = 0 this.currentDonFace = 0 this.currentBigDonFace = 1 this.nextBeat = 0 this.gogoTime = 0 this.gogoTimeStarted = -Infinity this.drumroll = [] this.beatInterval = this.controller.getSongData().beatInfo.beatInterval this.assets = new ViewAssets(this) this.touch = -Infinity if(this.controller.touchEnabled){ this.touchEnabled = true this.touchDrumDiv = document.getElementById("touch-drum") this.touchDrumImg = document.getElementById("touch-drum-img") this.gameDiv.classList.add("touch-visible") pageEvents.add(this.canvas.canvas, "touchstart", this.ontouch.bind(this)) this.touchFullBtn = document.getElementById("touch-full-btn") pageEvents.add(this.touchFullBtn, "click", toggleFullscreen) this.touchPauseBtn = document.getElementById("touch-pause-btn") pageEvents.add(this.touchPauseBtn, "click", () => { this.controller.togglePauseMenu() }) } } run(){ this.ctx.font = "normal 14pt TnT" this.setBackground() if(this.controller.multiplayer !== 2){ var gameSong = document.getElementsByClassName("game-song")[0] gameSong.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.songTitle)) gameSong.setAttribute("alt", this.songTitle) } this.lastMousemove = this.controller.getElapsedTime() pageEvents.mouseAdd(this, this.onmousemove.bind(this)) this.refresh() } setBackground(){ var gameDiv = document.getElementById("game") var selectedSong = this.controller.selectedSong if(selectedSong.defaultBg){ var categories = { "J-POP": 0, "アニメ": 1, "ボーカロイド™曲": 2, "バラエティ": 3, "クラシック": 4, "ゲームミュージック": 5, "ナムコオリジナル": 6 } var catId = 7 if(selectedSong.category in categories){ catId = categories[selectedSong.category] } = assets.image["bg_genre_" + catId].src gameDiv.classList.add("default-bg") } = "url('" + + "')" } positionning(){ var docW = document.body.offsetWidth var docH = document.body.offsetHeight this.canvas.rescale() if(this.controller.multiplayer === 2){ docH = docH / 3 * 2 } this.canvas.resize(docW, docH) this.winW = this.canvas.scaledWidth this.winH = this.canvas.scaledHeight if(this.controller.multiplayer === 2){ this.winH = this.winH / 2 * 3 } this.barY = 0.25 * this.winH this.barH = 0.23 * this.winH this.lyricsBarH = 0.2 * this.barH this.taikoSquareW = this.winW / 4 this.taikoH = this.barH this.taikoW = this.taikoH / 1.2 this.taikoX = this.taikoSquareW * 0.76 - this.taikoW / 2 this.taikoY = this.barY + 5 this.slotX = this.taikoSquareW + this.barH * 0.5 this.scoreSquareW = this.taikoSquareW * 0.55 this.scoreSquareH = this.barH * 0.25 this.circleSize = this.barH * 0.18 this.bigCircleSize = this.circleSize * (5 / 3) this.circleY = this.barY + (this.barH - this.lyricsBarH) / 2 this.lyricsSize = this.lyricsBarH * 0.6 var HPBarRatio = 703 / 51 this.HPBarW = this.taikoSquareW * 2.475 this.HPBarH = this.barH * 0.35 if(this.HPBarW/this.HPBarH > HPBarRatio){ this.HPBarW = this.HPBarH * HPBarRatio }else{ this.HPBarH = this.HPBarW / HPBarRatio } this.HPBarX = this.winW - this.HPBarW this.HPBarY = this.barY - this.HPBarH this.HPbarColX = this.HPBarX + this.HPBarW * 0.008 this.HPbarColY = this.HPBarY + this.HPBarH * 0.14 this.HPBarColMaxW = this.HPBarW * 0.925 this.HPBarColH = this.HPBarH * 0.8 var diffRatio = 176 / 120 this.diffH = this.winH * 0.16 this.diffW = this.diffH * diffRatio this.diffX = this.taikoX * 0.10 this.diffY = this.taikoY * 1.05 + this.taikoH * 0.19 this.touchDrum = (() => { var sw = 842 var sh = 340 var x = 0 var y = this.barY + this.barH + 5 var paddingTop = this.barH * 0.1 var w = this.winW var maxH = this.winH - (this.barY + this.barH + 5) var h = maxH - paddingTop if(w / h >= sw / sh){ w = h / sh * sw x = (this.winW - w) / 2 y += paddingTop }else{ h = w / sw * sh y = y + (maxH - h) } return { x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h } })() this.touchCircle = (() => { return { x: this.winW / 2, y: this.winH + this.touchDrum.h * 0.1, rx: this.touchDrum.w / 2 - this.touchDrum.h * 0.03, ry: this.touchDrum.h * 1.07 } })() } refresh(){ this.positionning() this.distanceForCircle = this.winW - this.slotX this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.scaledWidth, this.canvas.scaledHeight) // Draw this.assets.drawAssets("background") this.drawBar() this.drawSlot() this.drawHPBar() this.assets.drawAssets("bar") this.drawMeasures() this.drawScore() this.drawCircles(this.controller.getCircles()) this.drawCircles(this.drumroll) this.drawTaikoSquare() this.drawDifficulty() this.drawPressedKeys() this.drawCombo() this.drawGlobalScore() this.updateDonFaces() this.drawGogoTime() this.mouseIdle() if(!this.touchEnabled){ this.assets.drawAssets("foreground") } this.drawTouch() //this.drawTime() } updateDonFaces(){ if(this.controller.getElapsedTime() >= this.nextBeat){ this.nextBeat += this.beatInterval if(this.controller.getCombo() >= 50){ this.currentBigDonFace = (this.currentBigDonFace + 1) % 2 this.currentDonFace = (this.currentDonFace + 1) % 2 } else{ this.currentBigDonFace = 1 this.currentDonFace = 0 } } } drawHPBar(){ var z = this.canvas.scale var bottomSquareX = this.taikoSquareW var borderSize = this.HPBarH * 0.2 this.ctx.fillStyle = "#000" this.ctx.beginPath() // Right hand black square this.ctx.fillRect( this.HPBarX + this.HPBarW - this.HPBarY * 0.2, this.HPBarY, this.HPBarW * 0.2, this.HPBarH ) this.ctx.fillRect( bottomSquareX + borderSize, this.HPBarY + 0.435 * this.HPBarH, this.winW - bottomSquareX - borderSize, this.HPBarH / 2 + 2 * z ) this.ctx.fillRect( bottomSquareX, this.HPBarY + 0.68 * this.HPBarH, this.HPBarW * 0.8, this.HPBarH / 4 + 2 * z ) this.ctx.arc( bottomSquareX+borderSize, this.HPBarY+ 0.435 * this.HPBarH + borderSize, borderSize, 0, Math.PI * 2 ) this.ctx.fill() this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.fillOpacity = 0.5 this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["hp-bar-bg"], this.HPBarX, this.HPBarY, this.HPBarW, this.HPBarH ) this.ctx.fillOpacity = 1 var hpBar = this.getHP() this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["hp-bar-colour"], 0, 0, Math.max(1, hpBar.imgW), 40, this.HPbarColX, this.HPbarColY, hpBar.canvasW, this.HPBarColH ) } getHP(){ var circles = this.controller.getCircles() var currentCircle = this.controller.getCurrentCircle() var gauge = this.controller.getGlobalScore().gauge var width = Math.floor(gauge * 650 / 1000) * 10 return { imgW: width, canvasW: width / 650 * this.HPBarColMaxW } } drawMeasures(){ var measures = this.controller.getSongData().measures var currentTime = this.controller.getElapsedTime() measures.forEach((measure, index)=>{ var timeForDistance = this.posToMs(this.distanceForCircle, measure.speed) if( currentTime >= - timeForDistance && currentTime <= + 350 && measure.nb == 0 ){ this.drawMeasure(measure) } }) } drawMeasure(measure){ var z = this.canvas.scale var currentTime = this.controller.getElapsedTime() var measureX = this.slotX + this.msToPos( - currentTime, measure.speed) this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#bab8b8" this.ctx.lineWidth = 2 this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.moveTo(measureX, this.barY + 5 * z) this.ctx.lineTo(measureX, this.barY + this.barH - this.lyricsBarH - 5 * z) this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.stroke() } drawCombo(){ var comboCount = this.controller.getCombo() if(comboCount >= 10){ var comboX = this.taikoX + this.taikoW / 2 var comboY = this.barY + this.barH / 2 var fontSize = this.taikoH * 0.4 this.ctx.font = "normal " + fontSize + "px TnT" this.ctx.textAlign = "center" this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" this.ctx.lineWidth = fontSize / 10 var glyph = this.ctx.measureText("0").width var comboText = this.controller.getCombo().toString().split("") for(var i in comboText){ var textX = comboX + glyph * (i - (comboText.length - 1) / 2) if(comboCount >= 100){ var grd = this.ctx.createLinearGradient( textX - glyph * 0.2, comboY - fontSize * 0.8, textX + glyph * 0.2, comboY - fontSize * 0.2 ) grd.addColorStop(0, "#f00") grd.addColorStop(1, "#fe0") this.ctx.fillStyle = grd }else{ this.ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" } this.strokeFillText(comboText[i], textX, comboY ) } var fontSize = this.taikoH * 0.12 if(comboCount >= 100){ var grd = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, comboY + fontSize * 0.5, 0, comboY + fontSize * 1.5) grd.addColorStop(0, "#f00") grd.addColorStop(1, "#fe0") this.ctx.fillStyle = grd }else{ this.ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" } this.ctx.font = "normal " + fontSize + "px TnT" this.ctx.lineWidth = fontSize / 5 this.strokeFillText("コンボ", comboX, comboY + fontSize * 1.5 ) this.scoreDispCount++ } } strokeFillText(text, x, y){ this.ctx.strokeText(text, x, y) this.ctx.fillText(text, x, y) } drawGlobalScore(){ // Draw score square this.ctx.fillStyle="#000" this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.fillRect(0, this.barY, this.scoreSquareW, this.scoreSquareH - 10) this.ctx.fillRect(0, this.barY, this.scoreSquareW - 10, this.scoreSquareH) this.ctx.arc( this.scoreSquareW - 10, this.barY + this.scoreSquareH - 10, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2 ) this.ctx.fill() this.ctx.closePath() var fontSize = 0.7 * this.scoreSquareH // Draw score text this.ctx.font = "normal " + fontSize + "px TnT" this.ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" this.ctx.textAlign = "center" var glyph = this.ctx.measureText("0").width var pointsText = this.controller.getGlobalScore().points.toString().split("") for(var i in pointsText){ this.ctx.fillText(pointsText[i], this.scoreSquareW - 30 + glyph * (i - pointsText.length + 1), this.barY + this.scoreSquareH * 0.7 ) } } drawPressedKeys(){ var ms = this.controller.getElapsedTime() var keyTime = this.controller.getKeyTime() var kbd = this.controller.getBindings() if(keyTime[kbd["ka_l"]] > ms - 150){ var elemW = 0.45 * this.taikoW this.ctx.globalAlpha = Math.min(1, 4 - (ms - keyTime[kbd["ka_l"]]) / 37.5) this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["taiko-key-blue"], 0, 0, 68, 124, this.taikoX + this.taikoW * 0.05, this.taikoY + this.taikoH * 0.03, elemW, 124 / 68 * elemW ) } if(keyTime[kbd["don_l"]] > ms - 150){ var elemW = 0.35 * this.taikoW this.ctx.globalAlpha = Math.min(1, 4 - (ms - keyTime[kbd["don_l"]]) / 37.5) this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["taiko-key-red"], 0, 0, 53, 100, this.taikoX + this.taikoW * 0.15, this.taikoY + this.taikoH * 0.09, elemW, 100 / 53 * elemW ) } if(keyTime[kbd["don_r"]] > ms - 150){ var elemW = 0.35 * this.taikoW this.ctx.globalAlpha = Math.min(1, 4 - (ms - keyTime[kbd["don_r"]]) / 37.5) this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["taiko-key-red"], 53, 0, 53, 100, this.taikoX + this.taikoW * 0.15 + elemW, this.taikoY + this.taikoH * 0.09, elemW, 100 / 53 * elemW ) } if(keyTime[kbd["ka_r"]] > ms - 150){ var elemW = 0.45 * this.taikoW this.ctx.globalAlpha = Math.min(1, 4 - (ms - keyTime[kbd["ka_r"]]) / 37.5) this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["taiko-key-blue"], 68, 0, 68, 124, this.taikoX + this.taikoW * 0.05 + elemW, this.taikoY + this.taikoH * 0.03, elemW, 124 / 68 * elemW ) } this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 } displayScore(score, notPlayed){ this.currentScore = score this.special = notPlayed ? "-b" : "" this.scoreDispCount = 0 this.scoreOpacity = 1 } drawScore(){ if(this.scoreDispCount >= 0 && this.scoreDispCount <= 20){ this.ctx.globalAlpha = this.scoreOpacity var scoreIMG = assets.image["score-" + this.currentScore + this.special] this.ctx.drawImage(scoreIMG, this.slotX - this.barH / 2, this.barY + (this.barH - this.lyricsBarH) / 2 - this.barH / 2, this.barH, this.barH ) this.scoreDispCount++ if(this.scoreOpacity - 0.1 >= 0 && this.currentScore != 0){ this.scoreOpacity -= 0.1 } }else if(this.scoreDispCount === 21){ this.scoreDispCount = -1 } this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 } posToMs(pos, speed){ return 140 / this.circleSize * pos / speed } msToPos(ms, speed){ return speed / (140 / this.circleSize) * ms } drawCircles(circles){ for(var i = circles.length; i--;){ var circle = circles[i] var ms = this.controller.getElapsedTime() var speed = circle.getSpeed() var timeForDistance = this.posToMs(this.distanceForCircle + this.bigCircleSize / 2, speed) var startingTime = circle.getMS() - timeForDistance var finishTime = circle.getEndTime() + this.posToMs(this.slotX - this.taikoSquareW + this.bigCircleSize * 3, speed) if(circle.getPlayed() <= 0 || circle.getScore() === 0){ if(ms >= startingTime && ms <= finishTime && circle.getPlayed() !== -1){ this.drawCircle(circle) } }else if(!circle.isAnimated()){ // Start animation to HP bar circle.animate() } if(ms >= && !circle.gogoChecked){ if(this.gogoTime != circle.gogoTime){ this.toggleGogoTime(circle) } circle.gogoChecked = true } if(circle.isAnimated()){ var animationDuration = 470 if(ms <= finishTime + animationDuration){ var curveDistance = this.HPBarX + this.HPBarW - this.slotX var bezierPoint = this.calcBezierPoint(circle.getAnimT(), [{ x: this.slotX + this.circleSize * 0.4, y: this.circleY - this.circleSize * 0.8 }, { x: this.slotX + curveDistance * 0.15, y: this.barH * 0.5 }, { x: this.slotX + curveDistance * 0.35, y: 0 }, { x: this.slotX + curveDistance, y: this.HPbarColY }]) this.drawCircle(circle, {x: bezierPoint.x, y: bezierPoint.y}) // Update animation frame circle.incAnimT() circle.incFrame() } else{ circle.endAnimation() } } } } calcBezierPoint(t, data){ var at = 1 - t for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++){ for(var k = 0; k < data.length - i; k++){ data[k] = { x: data[k].x * at + data[k + 1].x * t, y: data[k].y * at + data[k + 1].y * t } } } return data[0] } drawCircle(circle, circlePos){ var z = this.canvas.scale var fill, size, faceID var type = circle.getType() var ms = this.controller.getElapsedTime() var circleMs = circle.getMS() var endTime = circle.getEndTime() var animated = circle.isAnimated() var speed = circle.getSpeed() var played = circle.getPlayed() if(!circlePos){ circlePos = { x: this.slotX + this.msToPos(circleMs - ms, speed), y: this.circleY } } if(animated){ var currentDonFace = 0 var currentBigDonFace = 1 }else{ var currentDonFace = this.currentDonFace var currentBigDonFace = this.currentBigDonFace } if(type === "don" || type === "daiDon" && played === 1){ fill = "#f34728" size = this.circleSize faceID = "don-" + currentDonFace }else if(type === "ka" || type === "daiKa" && played === 1){ fill = "#65bdbb" size = this.circleSize faceID = "don-" + currentDonFace }else if(type === "daiDon"){ fill = "#f34728" size = this.bigCircleSize faceID = "big-don-" + currentBigDonFace }else if(type === "daiKa"){ fill = "#65bdbb" size = this.bigCircleSize faceID = "big-don-" + currentBigDonFace }else if(type === "balloon"){ if(animated){ fill = "#f34728" size = this.bigCircleSize * 0.8 faceID = "big-don-" + currentBigDonFace }else{ fill = "#f87700" size = this.circleSize faceID = "don-" + currentDonFace var h = size * 1.8 if(circleMs < ms && ms <= endTime){ circlePos.x = this.slotX }else if(ms > endTime){ circlePos.x = this.slotX + this.msToPos(endTime - ms, speed) } this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["balloon"], circlePos.x + size - 3, circlePos.y - h / 2, h / 61 * 115, h ) } }else if(type === "drumroll" || type === "daiDrumroll"){ fill = "#f3b500" if(type == "drumroll"){ size = this.circleSize faceID = "don-" + currentDonFace }else{ size = this.bigCircleSize faceID = "big-don-" + currentBigDonFace } var endX = this.msToPos(endTime - circleMs, speed) this.ctx.fillStyle = fill this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#1f1a17" this.ctx.lineWidth = this.lyricsSize / 10 this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.moveTo(circlePos.x, circlePos.y - size) this.ctx.lineTo(circlePos.x + endX, circlePos.y - size) this.ctx.arc(circlePos.x + endX, circlePos.y, size, -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2) this.ctx.lineTo(circlePos.x, circlePos.y + size) this.ctx.fill() this.ctx.stroke() } // Main circle this.ctx.fillStyle = fill this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.arc(circlePos.x, circlePos.y, size, 0, Math.PI * 2) this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.fill() // Face on circle this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image[faceID], circlePos.x - size - 2, circlePos.y - size - 4, size * 2 + 5, size * 2 + 6 ) if(!circle.isAnimated()){ // Text this.ctx.font = "normal bold " + this.lyricsSize + "px Kozuka" this.ctx.textAlign = "center" this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" this.ctx.lineWidth = this.lyricsSize / 5 this.ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" this.strokeFillText(circle.getText(), circlePos.x, this.barY + this.barH - this.lyricsBarH * 0.3 ) } } togglePauseMenu(){ if({ = "block" this.lastMousemove = this.controller.getElapsedTime() this.cursorHidden = false this.mouseIdle() }else{ = "" } } drawDifficulty(){ this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["muzu_" + this.songDifficulty], this.diffX, this.diffY, this.diffW, this.diffH ) if(this.controller.autoPlayEnabled){ this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image["badge_auto"], this.diffX + this.diffW * 0.71, this.diffY + this.diffH * 0.01, this.diffH * 0.3, this.diffH * 0.3 ) } this.ctx.drawImage(assets.image.taiko, this.taikoX, this.taikoY, this.taikoW, this.taikoH ) } drawTime(){ var z = this.canvas.scale var ms = this.controller.getElapsedTime() var sign = Math.sign(ms) < 0 ? "-" : "" ms = Math.abs(ms) + (sign === "-" ? 1000 : 0) var time = { sec: Math.floor(ms / 1000) % 60, min: Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60) % 60, hour: Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 / 60) % 60 } this.ctx.globalAlpha = 0.7 this.ctx.fillStyle = "#000" this.ctx.fillRect(this.winW - 110 * z, this.winH - 60 * z, this.winW, this.winH) this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 this.ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" var formatedH = ("0" + time.hour).slice(-2) var formatedM = ("0" + time.min).slice(-2) var formatedS = ("0" + time.sec).slice(-2) this.ctx.font = "normal " + (this.barH / 12) + "px Kozuka" this.ctx.textAlign = "right" this.ctx.fillText(sign + formatedH + ":" + formatedM + ":" + formatedS, this.winW - 10 * z, this.winH - 30 * z ) this.ctx.fillText(sign + Math.floor(ms), this.winW - 10 * z, this.winH - 10 * z) } drawBar(){ this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" this.ctx.fillStyle = "#232323" this.ctx.lineWidth = 10 this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.rect(0, this.barY, this.winW, this.barH) this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.fill() var ms = this.controller.getElapsedTime() var keyTime = this.controller.getKeyTime() var sound = keyTime["don"] > keyTime["ka"] ? "don" : "ka" if(this.gogoTime || ms <= this.gogoTimeStarted + 100){ var grd = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, this.barY, this.winW, this.barH) grd.addColorStop(0, "#512a2c") grd.addColorStop(0.46, "#6f2a2d") grd.addColorStop(0.76, "#8a4763") grd.addColorStop(1, "#2c2a2c") this.ctx.fillStyle = grd this.ctx.rect(0, this.barY, this.winW, this.barH) var alpha = Math.min(100, this.controller.getElapsedTime() - this.gogoTimeStarted) / 100 if(!this.gogoTime){ alpha = 1 - alpha } this.ctx.globalAlpha = alpha this.ctx.fill() this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 } if(keyTime[sound] > ms - 200){ var gradients = { "don": ["#f54c25", "#232323"], "ka": ["#75cee9", "#232323"] } var grd = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, this.barY, this.winW, this.barH) grd.addColorStop(0, gradients[sound][0]) grd.addColorStop(1, gradients[sound][1]) this.ctx.fillStyle = grd this.ctx.rect(0, this.barY, this.winW, this.barH) this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - (ms - keyTime[sound]) / 200 this.ctx.fill() this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1 } this.ctx.stroke() // Lyrics bar this.ctx.fillStyle = "#888888" this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.rect(0, this.barY + this.barH - this.lyricsBarH, this.winW, this.lyricsBarH) this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.fill() this.ctx.stroke() } drawSlot(){ // Main circle this.ctx.fillStyle = "#6f6f6e" this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.arc(this.slotX, this.circleY, this.circleSize - 0.2 * this.circleSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI) this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.fill() // Big stroke circle this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#9e9f9f" this.ctx.lineWidth = 3 this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.arc(this.slotX, this.circleY, this.circleSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI) this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.stroke() // Bigger stroke circle this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#6f6f6e" this.ctx.lineWidth = 3 this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.arc(this.slotX, this.circleY, this.bigCircleSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI) this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.stroke() } drawTaikoSquare(){ // Taiko square this.ctx.lineWidth = 7 this.ctx.fillStyle = "#ff3c00" this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.rect(0,this.barY, this.taikoSquareW,this.barH) this.ctx.fill() this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.stroke() } toggleGogoTime(circle){ this.gogoTime = circle.gogoTime this.gogoTimeStarted = if(this.gogoTime){ this.assets.fireworks.forEach(fireworksAsset => { fireworksAsset.setAnimation("normal") fireworksAsset.setAnimationStart( var length = fireworksAsset.getAnimationLength("normal") fireworksAsset.setAnimationEnd( + length * fireworksAsset.speed, () => { fireworksAsset.setAnimation(false) }) })"normal") var don = this.assets.don don.setAnimation("gogostart") var length = don.getAnimationLength("gogo") don.setUpdateSpeed(this.beatInterval / (length / 4)) var start = - ( % this.beatInterval) don.setAnimationStart(start) var length = don.getAnimationLength("gogostart") don.setAnimationEnd(start + length * don.speed, don.normalAnimation) } } drawGogoTime(){ var ms = this.controller.getElapsedTime() if(this.gogoTime){ var circles = this.controller.parsedSongData.circles var lastCircle = circles[circles.length - 1] var endTime = lastCircle.getEndTime() + 3000 if(ms >= endTime){ this.toggleGogoTime({ gogoTime: 0, ms: endTime }) } }else{ var animation = this.assets.don.getAnimation() if(animation === "gogo" || this.controller.getGlobalScore().gauge >= 50 && animation === "normal"){ this.assets.don.normalAnimation() } if(ms >= this.gogoTimeStarted + 100){ } } } updateCombo(combo){ var don = this.assets.don var animation = don.getAnimation() if( combo > 0 && combo % 10 === 0 && animation !== "10combo" && animation !== "gogostart" && animation !== "gogo" ){ don.setAnimation("10combo") var ms = this.controller.getElapsedTime() don.setAnimationStart(ms) var length = don.getAnimationLength("normal") don.setUpdateSpeed(this.beatInterval / (length / 4)) var length = don.getAnimationLength("10combo") don.setAnimationEnd(ms + length * don.speed, don.normalAnimation) } } drawTouch(){ if(this.touchEnabled){ var ms = this.controller.getElapsedTime() var drumWidth = this.touchDrum.w / this.canvas.scale var drumHeight = this.touchDrum.h / this.canvas.scale if(drumHeight !== this.touchDrumHeight || drumWidth !== this.touchDrumWidth){ this.touchDrumWidth = drumWidth this.touchDrumHeight = drumHeight = drumWidth + "px" = drumHeight + "px" } if(this.touch > ms - 150){ if(!this.drumPadding){ this.drumPadding = true = "1%" } }else if(this.drumPadding){ this.drumPadding = false = "" } } } ontouch(event){ for(let touch of event.changedTouches){ event.preventDefault() var scale = this.canvas.scale var pageX = touch.pageX * scale var pageY = touch.pageY * scale var c = this.touchCircle var pi = Math.PI var inPath = () => this.ctx.isPointInPath(pageX, pageY) this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.ellipse(c.x, c.y, c.rx, c.ry, 0, pi, 0) if(inPath()){ if(pageX < this.winW / 2){ this.touchNote("don_l") }else{ this.touchNote("don_r") } }else{ if(pageX < this.winW / 2){ this.touchNote("ka_l") }else{ this.touchNote("ka_r") } } } } touchNote(note){ var keyboard = this.controller.keyboard var kbd = keyboard.getBindings() var ms = this.touch = ms keyboard.setKey(kbd[note], false) keyboard.setKey(kbd[note], true, ms) } onmousemove(event){ this.lastMousemove = this.controller.getElapsedTime() this.cursorHidden = false } mouseIdle(){ var lastMouse = pageEvents.getMouse() if(lastMouse && !this.cursorHidden){ if(this.controller.getElapsedTime() >= this.lastMousemove + 2000){ = lastMouse.clientY + "px" = lastMouse.clientX + "px" = "auto" this.cursorHidden = true }else{ = "" = "" = "" } } } clean(){ pageEvents.mouseRemove(this) if(this.controller.multiplayer === 2){ this.canvas.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(this.canvas.canvas) }else{ this.cursor.parentNode.removeChild(this.cursor) } if(this.touchEnabled){ pageEvents.remove(this.canvas.canvas, "touchstart") pageEvents.remove(this.touchFullBtn, "click") pageEvents.remove(this.touchPauseBtn, "click") this.gameDiv.classList.remove("touch-visible") delete this.touchDrumDiv delete this.touchDrumImg delete this.touchFullBtn delete this.touchPauseBtn } delete this.pauseMenu delete this.cursor delete this.gameDiv delete this.canvas delete this.ctx } }