function Game(controller, selectedSong, songData){ var _this = this; var _selectedSong = selectedSong; this.elapsedTime = {} //current time in ms from the beginning of the song var _offsetDate; //date when the chrono is started (before the game begins) var _startDate; //real start date (when the chrono will be 0) var _currentDate; // refreshed date var _songData=songData; var _currentCircle=0; var _currentScore=0; var _combo=0; var _globalScore={points:0, great:0, good:0, fail:0, maxCombo:0, hp:0, song:selectedSong.title}; var _HPGain= 100/_songData.circles.length; var _paused=false; var _started=false; var _mainMusicPlaying=false; var _latestDate; var _elapsedTimeSincePause=0; var _musicFadeOut=0; var _fadeOutStarted=false; var _currentTimingPoint=0; var _offsetTime=0; var _hitcircleSpeed=_songData.difficulty.sliderMultiplier*8; var _timeForDistanceCircle; var _mainAsset assets.songs.forEach(song => { if( == selectedSong.folder){ _mainAsset = song.sound } }) = function(){ _timeForDistanceCircle=2500 _this.initTiming(); } this.initTiming = function(){ _offsetDate = new Date(); _this.setElapsedTime(-_timeForDistanceCircle |0) _offsetTime = _timeForDistanceCircle |0 _startDate = new Date(); // The real start for the game will start when chrono will reach 0 _startDate.setMilliseconds(_startDate.getMilliseconds()+_offsetTime); } this.update = function(){ // Main operations _this.updateTime(); _this.checkTiming(); _this.updateCirclesStatus(); _this.checkPlays(); // Event operations _this.whenFadeoutMusic(); _this.whenLastCirclePlayed(); } this.getCircles = function(){ return _songData.circles; } this.updateCirclesStatus = function(){ var circles = _songData.circles; circles.forEach(function(circle){ if(!circle.getPlayed()){ var currentTime = _this.getElapsedTime().ms; var startingTime = circle.getMS()-_timeForDistanceCircle; // At circle.getMS(), the circle fits the slot var finishTime = circle.getMS(); if( currentTime >= startingTime && currentTime <= finishTime+200){ if(currentTime>= finishTime-50 && currentTime < finishTime-30){ circle.updateStatus(0); } else if(currentTime>= finishTime-30 && currentTime < finishTime){ circle.updateStatus(230); } else if(currentTime >= finishTime && currentTime < finishTime+200){ circle.updateStatus(450); } } else if(currentTime>finishTime+200 && currentTime<=finishTime+300){ if(controller.multiplayer != 2){ circle.updateStatus(-1); _currentScore=0; circle.played(_currentScore); controller.displayScore(_currentScore, true); _this.updateCurrentCircle(); _this.updateCombo(_currentScore); _this.updateGlobalScore(_currentScore); } if(controller.multiplayer == 1){ p2.send("note", { score: -1 }) } } } }); } this.setHPGain = function(gain){ _HPGain=gain; } this.checkPlays = function(){ var circles = _songData.circles; var circle = circles[_currentCircle]; if(circle){ if(controller.autoPlayEnabled){ return controller.autoPlay(circle) } var keys = controller.getKeys() var kbd = controller.getBindings() if(keys[kbd["don_l"]]){ _this.checkKey(kbd["don_l"], circle) } if(keys[kbd["don_r"]]){ _this.checkKey(kbd["don_r"], circle) } if(keys[kbd["ka_l"]]){ _this.checkKey(kbd["ka_l"], circle) } if(keys[kbd["ka_r"]]){ _this.checkKey(kbd["ka_r"], circle) } } } this.checkKey = function(keyCode, circle){ if(!circle.getPlayed() && !controller.isWaitingForKeyup(keyCode, "score") && circle.getStatus()!=-1){ var score = _this.checkScore(circle); circle.played(score); _this.updateCurrentCircle(); controller.waitForKeyup(keyCode, "score"); if(controller.multiplayer == 1){ p2.send("note", { score: score, ms: circle.getMS() - _this.getElapsedTime().ms }) } } } this.checkScore = function(circle){ var keys = controller.getKeys() var kbd = controller.getBindings() if( ((keys[kbd["don_l"]] || keys[kbd["don_r"]]) && (circle.getType()=="don" || circle.getType()=="daiDon")) || ((keys[kbd["ka_l"]] || keys[kbd["ka_r"]]) && (circle.getType()=="ka" || circle.getType()=="daiKa")) ){ switch(circle.getStatus()){ case 230: _currentScore=230; break; case 450: _currentScore=450; break; } controller.displayScore(_currentScore); } else{ _currentScore=0; controller.displayScore(_currentScore, true); } _this.updateCombo(_currentScore); _this.updateGlobalScore(_currentScore); return _currentScore; } this.whenLastCirclePlayed = function(){ var circles = _songData.circles; var lastCircle = circles[_songData.circles.length-1]; if(!_fadeOutStarted && _this.getElapsedTime().ms>=lastCircle.getMS()+2000){ _fadeOutStarted=_this.getElapsedTime().ms } } this.whenFadeoutMusic = function(){ if(_fadeOutStarted){ if(_musicFadeOut==0){ snd.musicGain.fadeOut(1.6) _musicFadeOut++ if(controller.multiplayer == 1){ p2.send("gameend") } } if(_musicFadeOut==1 && _this.getElapsedTime().ms>=_fadeOutStarted+1600){ controller.fadeOutOver() _mainAsset.stop() _musicFadeOut++ setTimeout(() => { snd.musicGain.fadeIn() snd.musicGain.unmute() }, 1000) } } } this.checkTiming = function(){ if(_songData.timingPoints[_currentTimingPoint+1]){ if(_this.getElapsedTime().ms>=_songData.timingPoints[_currentTimingPoint+1].start){ _currentTimingPoint++; } } } this.getCurrentTimingPoint = function(){ return _songData.timingPoints[_currentTimingPoint]; } this.playMainMusic = function(){ var ms = _this.getElapsedTime().ms if(!_mainMusicPlaying && (!_fadeOutStarted || ms<_fadeOutStarted+1600)){ if(controller.multiplayer != 2){ < 0 ? -ms : 0) / 1000, false, Math.max(0, ms / 1000)); } _mainMusicPlaying=true; } } this.fadeOutOver = function(){ } this.getHitcircleSpeed = function(){ return _hitcircleSpeed; } this.togglePause = function(){ if(!_paused){ assets.sounds["pause"].play(); _paused=true; _latestDate = new Date(); _mainAsset.stop(); _mainMusicPlaying=false; } else{ assets.sounds["cancel"].play(); _paused=false; var currentDate = new Date(); _elapsedTimeSincePause = _elapsedTimeSincePause + currentDate.getTime() - _latestDate.getTime(); } } this.isPaused = function(){ return _paused; } this.getElapsedTime = function(){ return this.elapsedTime; } this.setElapsedTime = function(time){ = time this.elapsedTime.sec = ( / 1000 |0) % 60 this.elapsedTime.min = ( / 1000 / 60 |0) % 60 this.elapsedTime.hour = ( / 1000 / 60 / 60 |0) % 60 } this.updateTime = function(){ _currentDate = new Date(); var time = _this.getElapsedTime() if(<0){ _this.setElapsedTime(_currentDate.getTime() - _startDate.getTime() - _elapsedTimeSincePause) } else if(>=0 && !_started){ _startDate = new Date(); _elapsedTimeSincePause = 0; _this.setElapsedTime(_currentDate.getTime() - _startDate.getTime()) _started=true; } else if(>=0 && _started){ _this.setElapsedTime(_currentDate.getTime() - _startDate.getTime() - _elapsedTimeSincePause) } } this.getCircles = function(){ return _songData.circles; } this.getSongData = function(){ return _songData; } this.updateCurrentCircle = function(){ _currentCircle++; } this.getCurrentCircle = function(){ return _currentCircle; } this.updateCombo = function(score){ (score!=0) ? _combo++ : _combo=0; if(_combo>_globalScore.maxCombo) _globalScore.maxCombo = _combo; switch(_combo){ case 50: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-50"); break; case 100: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-100"); break; case 200: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-200"); break; case 300: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-300"); break; case 400: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-400"); break; case 500: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-500"); break; case 600: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-600"); break; case 700: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-700"); break; case 800: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-800"); break; case 900: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-900"); break; case 1000: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-1000"); break; case 1100: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-1100"); break; case 1200: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-1200"); break; case 1300: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-1300"); break; case 1400: controller.playSoundMeka("combo-1400"); break; } } this.getCombo = function(){ return _combo; } this.getGlobalScore = function(){ return _globalScore; } this.updateGlobalScore = function(score){ /* Circle score */ switch(score){ case 450: _globalScore.great++; break; case 230: _globalScore.good++; break; case 0:; break; } /* HP Update */ if(score!=0){ _globalScore.hp+=_HPGain; } else{ if(_globalScore.hp-_HPGain>0) _globalScore.hp-=_HPGain; else _globalScore.hp=0; } /* Points update */ if(_combo>=11 && _combo<=20){ score+=100; } else if(_combo>=21 && _combo<=30){ score+=200; } else if(_combo>=31 && _combo<=40){ score+=300; } else if(_combo>=41 && _combo<=50){ score+=400; } else if(_combo>=51 && _combo<=60){ score+=500; } else if(_combo>=61 && _combo<=70){ score+=500; } else if(_combo>=71 && _combo<=80){ score+=600; } else if(_combo>=81 && _combo<=90){ score+=700; } else if(_combo>=91 && _combo<=100){ score+=800; } _globalScore.points+=score; } }