class SongSelect{ constructor(fromTutorial){ loader.changePage("songselect") this.canvas = document.getElementById("song-sel-canvas") this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d") this.songSkin = { "selected": { background: "#ffdb2c", border: ["#fff4b5", "#ffa600"], outline: "#000" }, "back": { background: "#efb058", border: ["#ffe7bd", "#c68229"], outline: "#ad7723" }, "random": { background: "#fa91ff", border: ["#ffdfff", "#b068b2"], outline: "#b221bb" }, "tutorial": { background: "#9afbe1", border: ["#d6ffff", "#6bae9c"], outline: "#31ae94" }, "J-POP": { sort: 0, background: "#219fbb", border: ["#7ec3d3", "#0b6773"], outline: "#005058" }, "アニメ": { sort: 1, background: "#ff9700", border: ["#ffdb8c", "#e75500"], outline: "#9c4100" }, "ボーカロイド": { sort: 2, background: "#def2ef", border: ["#f7fbff", "#79919f"], outline: "#5a6584" }, "バラエティ": { sort: 3, background: "#8fd321", border: ["#f7fbff", "#587d0b"], outline: "#374c00" }, "クラシック": { sort: 4, background: "#d1a016", border: ["#e7cf6b", "#9a6b00"], outline: "#734d00" }, "ゲームミュージック": { sort: 5, background: "#9c72c0", border: ["#bda2ce", "#63407e"], outline: "#4b1c74" }, "ナムコオリジナル": { sort: 6, background: "#ff5716", border: ["#ffa66b", "#b53000"], outline: "#9c2000" }, "default": { sort: 7, background: "#ececec", border: ["#fbfbfb", "#8b8b8b"], outline: "#656565" } } this.font = "DFPKanTeiRyu-XB" this.songs = [] for(let song of assets.songs){ this.songs.push({ id:, title: song.title, skin: this.songSkin[song.category || "default"], stars: song.stars, category: song.category, preview: song.preview || 0 }) } this.songs.sort((a, b) => { var sortA = this.songSkin[a.category || "default"].sort var sortB = this.songSkin[b.category || "default"].sort if(sortA === sortB){ return > ? 1 : -1 }else{ return sortA > sortB ? 1 : -1 } }) this.songs.push({ title: "もどる", skin: this.songSkin.back, action: "back" }) this.songs.push({ title: "ランダムに曲をえらぶ", skin: this.songSkin.random, action: "random" }) this.songs.push({ title: "あそびかた説明", skin: this.songSkin.tutorial, action: "tutorial" }) this.songs.push({ title: "もどる", skin: this.songSkin.back, action: "back" }) this.songAsset = { marginTop: 90, marginLeft: 18, width: 82, selectedWidth: 382, height: 452, border: 6, innerBorder: 8, letterBorder: 12 } this.diffStar = new Path2D("M3 17 5 11 0 6h6l3-6 3 6h6l-5 5 2 6-6-3") this.longVowelMark = new Path2D("m1 5c2 3 1 17 .5 25 0 5 6 5 6.5 0C9 22 9 6 7 3 4-2-1 2 1 5") this.diffIconPath = [[{w: 40, h: 33},{ fill: "#ff2803", d: new Path2D("m27 10c9-9 21 9 5 11 10 9-6 18-12 7C14 39-2 30 8 21-8 19 4 1 13 10 6-4 34-3 27 10Z") },{ fill: "#ffb910", noStroke: true, d: new Path2D("m12 15c5 1 7 0 8-4 1 4 3 5 8 4-4 3-4 5-2 8-4-4-8-4-12 0 2.2-3 2-5-2-8") }],[{w: 48, h: 31},{ fill: "#8daf51", d: new Path2D("m24 0c-3 0-4 3-5 6-2 6-2 11 0 17 0 0 1 4 5 8 4-4 5-8 5-8C31 17 31 12 29 6 28 3 27 0 24 0M37 2c4 3 7 6 8 8 2 4 3 6 2 13C43 21 39 18 39 18 35 15 32 12 30 8 27 0 32-2 37 2M11 2C7 5 4 8 3 10 1 14 0 16 1 23 5 21 9 18 9 18 13 15 16 12 18 8 21 0 16-2 11 2") }],[{w: 56, h: 37},{ fill: "#784439", d: new Path2D("m26 34v-2c-10 1-12 0-12-7 4-3 8-5 14-5 6 0 10 2 14 5 0 7-2 8-12 7V34Z") },{ fill: "#000", noStroke: true, d: new Path2D("m18 19v9h8v-9m4 9h8v-9h-8") },{ fill: "#414b2b", d: new Path2D("M8 26C3 26-3 21 2 11 6 5 11 4 18 10c0-6 4-10 10-10 6 0 10 4 10 10 7-6 12-5 16 1 5 10-1 15-6 15-5 0-10-7-20-7-10 0-15 7-20 7") }],[{w: 29, h: 27},{ fill: "#db1885", d: new Path2D("m18 9c1 3 4 4 7 3 0 4 1 11 4 16H0c3-5 4-12 4-16 3 1 6 0 7-3z") },{ fill: "#fff", d: new Path2D("m6 0.5-2 11c4 1.5 6-0.5 6.5-3zm17 0-4.5 8C19 11 21 13 25 11.5ZM5.5 17.5C4.5 23.5 9 25 11 22Zm18 0L18 22c2 3 6.5 1.5 5.5-4.5z") }]] this.regex = { comma: /[,.]/, ideographicComma: /[、。]/, apostrophe: /['']/, brackets: /[\((\))「」『』]/, tilde: /[\--~~]/, tall: /[bbddffh-lh-ltt0-90-9]/, uppercase: /[A-ZA-Z!!]/, lowercase: /[a-za-z・]/, latin: /[A-ZA-Z!!a-za-z・]/, smallHiragana: /[ぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょァィゥェォッャュョ]/, hiragana: /[\u3040-\u30ff]/, todo: /[トド]/ } this.difficulty = ["かんたん", "ふつう", "むずかしい", "おに"] this.difficultyId = ["easy", "normal", "hard", "oni"] this.selectedSong = 0 this.selectedDiff = 0 if(fromTutorial){ this.selectedSong = this.songs.findIndex(song => song.action === "tutorial") }else{ if("selectedSong" in localStorage){ this.selectedSong = Math.min(Math.max(0, localStorage["selectedSong"] |0), this.songs.length) } assets.sounds["song-select"].play() } if("selectedDiff" in localStorage){ this.selectedDiff = Math.min(Math.max(0, localStorage["selectedDiff"] |0), 4) } this.previewId = 0 this.state = { screen: fromTutorial ? "song" : "title", screenMS: this.getMS(), move: 0, moveMS: 0, moveHover: null, locked: true } this.songSelecting = { speed: 800, resize: 0.3, scrollDelay: 0.1 } this.startPreview(true) this.pressedKeys = {} this.gamepad = new Gamepad({ "13": ["b", "start"], "8": ["a"], "37": ["l", "lb", "lt"], "39": ["r", "rb", "rt"] }) this.startP2() this.redrawRunning = true this.redrawBind = this.redraw.bind(this) this.redraw() pageEvents.keyAdd(this, "all", "down", this.keyDown.bind(this)) pageEvents.add(this.canvas, "mousemove", this.mouseMove.bind(this)) pageEvents.add(this.canvas, "mousedown", this.mouseDown.bind(this)) } keyDown(event, code){ if(!code){ code = event.keyCode } var key = { confirm: code == 13 || code == 32 || code == 86 || code == 66, // Enter, Space, V, B cancel: code == 27 || code == 8, // Esc, Backspace left: code == 37 || code == 67, // Left, C right: code == 39 || code == 78 // Right, N } if(key.cancel && event){ event.preventDefault() } if(this.state.screen === "song"){ if(key.confirm){ this.toSelectDifficulty() }else if(key.cancel){ this.toTitleScreen() }else if(key.left){ this.moveToSong(-1) }else if(key.right){ this.moveToSong(1) } }else if(this.state.screen === "difficulty"){ if(key.confirm){ if(this.selectedDiff === 0){ this.toSongSelect() }else{ this.toLoadSong(this.selectedDiff - 1, event.shiftKey, event.ctrlKey) } }else if(key.cancel){ this.toSongSelect() }else if(key.left){ this.moveToDiff(-1) }else if(key.right){ this.moveToDiff(1) } } } mouseDown(event){ if(event.which !== 1){ return } var mouse = this.mouseOffset(event) if(this.state.screen === "song"){ var moveBy = this.songSelMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y) if(moveBy === 0){ this.toSelectDifficulty() }else if(moveBy !== null){ this.moveToSong(moveBy) } }else if(this.state.screen === "difficulty"){ var moveBy = this.diffSelMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y) if( moveBy === 0 || mouse.x < 55 || mouse.x > 967 || mouse.y < 40 || mouse.y > 540 ){ this.toSongSelect() }else if(moveBy !== null){ this.toLoadSong(moveBy - 1, event.shiftKey, event.ctrlKey) } } } mouseMove(event){ var mouse = this.mouseOffset(event) if(this.state.screen === "song"){ var moveTo = this.songSelMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y) if(moveTo === null && this.state.moveHover === 0 && !this.songs[this.selectedSong].stars){ this.state.moveMS = this.getMS() - this.songSelecting.speed } this.state.moveHover = moveTo }else if(this.state.screen === "difficulty"){ var moveTo = this.diffSelMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y) if(moveTo === null && this.state.moveHover === this.selectedDiff){ this.state.moveMS = this.getMS() - 1000 } this.state.moveHover = moveTo } } mouseOffset(event){ return { x: (event.offsetX * this.pixelRatio - this.winW / 2) / this.ratio + 1024 / 2, y: (event.offsetY * this.pixelRatio - this.winH / 2) / this.ratio + 720 / 2 } } songSelMouse(x, y){ if(this.state.locked === 0 && this.songAsset.marginTop <= y && y <= this.songAsset.marginTop + this.songAsset.height){ x -= 1024 / 2 var dir = x > 0 ? 1 : -1 x = Math.abs(x) var selectedWidth = this.songAsset.selectedWidth if(!this.songs[this.selectedSong].stars){ selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width } var moveBy = Math.ceil((x - selectedWidth / 2 - this.songAsset.marginLeft / 2) / (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft)) * dir if(moveBy / dir > 0){ return moveBy }else{ return 0 } } return null } diffSelMouse(x, y){ if(this.state.locked === 0){ if(100 < x && x < 160 && 120 < y && y < 420){ return 0 }else if(434 < x && x < 810 && 95 < y && y < 524){ var moveBy = Math.floor((x - 434) / ((810 - 434) / 4)) + 1 var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] if(currentSong.stars[moveBy - 1]){ return moveBy } } } return null } moveToSong(moveBy){ if(this.state.locked !== 1){ var ms = this.getMS() if(this.songs[this.selectedSong].stars && this.state.locked === 0){ this.state.moveMS = ms }else{ this.state.moveMS = ms - this.songSelecting.speed * this.songSelecting.resize } this.state.move = moveBy this.state.lastMove = moveBy this.state.locked = 1 this.state.moveHover = null var lastMoveMul = Math.pow(Math.abs(moveBy), 1 / 4) var changeSpeed = this.songSelecting.speed * lastMoveMul var resize = changeSpeed * this.songSelecting.resize / lastMoveMul var scrollDelay = changeSpeed * this.songSelecting.scrollDelay var resize2 = changeSpeed - resize var scroll = resize2 - resize - scrollDelay * 2 var soundsDelay = Math.abs((scroll + resize) / moveBy) for(var i = 0; i < Math.abs(moveBy) - 1; i++){ assets.sounds["ka"].play((resize + i * soundsDelay) / 1000) } } } moveToDiff(moveBy){ if(this.state.locked !== 1){ this.state.move = moveBy this.state.moveMS = this.getMS() - 500 this.state.locked = 1 assets.sounds["ka"].play() } } toSelectDifficulty(){ if(this.state.locked === 0){ var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] if(currentSong.stars){ this.state.screen = "difficulty" this.state.screenMS = this.getMS() this.state.locked = true this.state.moveHover = null assets.sounds["don"].play() assets.sounds["song-select"].stop() assets.sounds["diffsel"].play(0.3) }else if(currentSong.action === "back"){ this.clean() this.toTitleScreen() }else if(currentSong.action === "random"){ assets.sounds["don"].play() this.state.locked = true do{ var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.songs.length) }while(!this.songs[i].stars) var moveBy = i - this.selectedSong setTimeout(() => { this.moveToSong(moveBy) }, 200) }else if(currentSong.action === "tutorial"){ this.toTutorial() } } } toSongSelect(){ if(this.state.locked !== 1){ this.state.screen = "song" this.state.screenMS = this.getMS() this.state.locked = true this.state.moveHover = null assets.sounds["diffsel"].stop() assets.sounds["cancel"].play() } } toLoadSong(difficulty, shift, ctrl){ this.clean() var selectedSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] assets.sounds["diffsel"].stop() assets.sounds["don"].play() localStorage["selectedSong"] = this.selectedSong localStorage["selectedDiff"] = this.selectedDiff new loadSong({ "title": selectedSong.title, "folder":, "difficulty": this.difficultyId[difficulty] }, shift, ctrl) } toTitleScreen(){ assets.sounds["cancel"].play() this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new Titlescreen() }, 500) } toTutorial(){ assets.sounds["don"].play() this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new Tutorial(true) }, 500) } redraw(){ if(!this.redrawRunning){ return } requestAnimationFrame(this.redrawBind) var ms = this.getMS(), keyCode) => { if(pressed){ if(!this.pressedKeys[keyCode]){ this.pressedKeys[keyCode] = ms + 300 this.keyDown(false, keyCode) } }else{ this.pressedKeys[keyCode] = 0 } }) for(var key in this.pressedKeys){ if(this.pressedKeys[key]){ if(ms >= this.pressedKeys[key] + 100){ this.keyDown(false, key) this.pressedKeys[key] = ms } } } if(!this.redrawRunning){ return } var ctx = this.ctx var winW = innerWidth var winH = innerHeight if(winW / 32 > winH / 9){ winW = winH / 9 * 32 }else if(winH / 9 > winW / 16){ winH = winW / 16 * 9 } this.pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1 winW *= this.pixelRatio winH *= this.pixelRatio var ratioX = winW / 1280 var ratioY = winH / 720 var ratio = (ratioX < ratioY ? ratioX : ratioY) if(this.winW !== winW || this.winH !== winH){ this.canvas.width = winW this.canvas.height = winH ctx.scale(ratio, ratio) = (winW / this.pixelRatio) + "px" = (winH / this.pixelRatio) + "px" }else if(!document.hasFocus()){ return }else{ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, winW / ratio, winH / ratio) } this.winW = winW this.winH = winH this.ratio = ratio winW /= ratio winH /= ratio var frameTop = winH / 2 - 720 / 2 var frameLeft = winW / 2 - 1280 / 2 var songTop = frameTop + this.songAsset.marginTop var xOffset = 0 var songSelMoving = false var screen = this.state.screen var selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width if(screen === "title"){ if(ms > this.state.screenMS + 1000){ this.state.screen = "song" this.state.screenMS = ms + (ms - this.state.screenMS - 1000) this.state.moveMS = ms - this.songSelecting.speed * this.songSelecting.resize + (ms - this.state.screenMS) this.state.locked = 3 this.state.lastMove = 1 }else{ this.state.moveMS = ms - this.songSelecting.speed * this.songSelecting.resize + (ms - this.state.screenMS - 1000) } } if(screen === "title" || screen === "song"){ this.drawLayeredText({ text: "曲をえらぶ", fontSize: 48, fontFamily: this.font, x: frameLeft + 53, y: frameTop + 30, letterSpacing: 2 }, [ {x: -2, y: -2, outline: "#000", letterBorder: 22}, {}, {x: 2, y: 2, shadow: true}, {x: -2, y: -2, outline: "#ff797b", letterBorder: 10}, {x: 2, y: 2, outline: "#ad1516"}, {outline: "#f70808"}, {fill: "#fff"} ]) var category = this.songs[this.selectedSong].category if(category){ this.drawLayeredText({ text: category, fontSize: 40, fontFamily: this.font, x: winW / 2, y: frameTop + 38, width: 255, center: true }, [ {outline: this.songs[this.selectedSong].skin.outline, letterBorder: 12, shadow: true}, {fill: "#fff"} ]) } } if(screen === "song"){ if(this.songs[this.selectedSong].stars){ selectedWidth = this.songAsset.selectedWidth } var lastMoveMul = Math.pow(Math.abs(this.state.lastMove), 1 / 4) var changeSpeed = this.songSelecting.speed * lastMoveMul var resize = changeSpeed * this.songSelecting.resize / lastMoveMul var scrollDelay = changeSpeed * this.songSelecting.scrollDelay var resize2 = changeSpeed - resize var scroll = resize2 - resize - scrollDelay * 2 var elapsed = ms - this.state.moveMS if(this.state.move && ms > this.state.moveMS + resize2 - scrollDelay){ assets.sounds["ka"].play() this.selectedSong = this.mod(this.songs.length, this.selectedSong + this.state.move) this.state.move = 0 this.state.locked = 2 } if(this.state.moveMS && ms < this.state.moveMS + changeSpeed){ xOffset = Math.min(scroll, Math.max(0, elapsed - resize - scrollDelay)) / scroll * (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft) xOffset *= -this.state.move if(elapsed < resize){ selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width + (((resize - elapsed) / resize) * (selectedWidth - this.songAsset.width)) }else if(elapsed > resize2){ this.state.locked = 1 selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width + ((elapsed - resize2) / resize * (selectedWidth - this.songAsset.width)) }else{ songSelMoving = true selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width } }else{ this.state.locked = 0 } }else if(screen === "difficulty"){ var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] if(this.state.locked){ this.state.locked = 0 } if(this.state.move){ do{ this.selectedDiff = this.mod(5, this.selectedDiff + this.state.move) }while(this.selectedDiff !== 0 && !currentSong.stars[this.selectedDiff - 1]) this.state.move = 0 }else if(!currentSong.stars[this.selectedDiff - 1]){ this.selectedDiff = 0 } } if(songSelMoving){ if(this.previewing){ this.endPreview() } }else if(screen !== "title"){ if(this.previewing !== this.selectedSong){ this.startPreview() } } if(screen === "title" || screen === "song"){ for(var i = this.selectedSong - 1; ; i--){ var highlight = 0 if(i - this.selectedSong === this.state.moveHover){ highlight = 1 } var index = this.mod(this.songs.length, i) var _x = winW / 2 - (this.selectedSong - i) * (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft) - selectedWidth / 2 + xOffset if(_x + this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft < 0){ break } this.drawClosedSong({ x: _x, y: songTop, song: this.songs[index], highlight: highlight }) } for(var i = this.selectedSong + 1; ; i++){ var highlight = 0 if(i - this.selectedSong === this.state.moveHover){ highlight = 1 } var index = this.mod(this.songs.length, i) var currentSong = this.songs[index] var _x = winW / 2 + (i - this.selectedSong - 1) * (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft) + this.songAsset.marginLeft + selectedWidth / 2 + xOffset if(_x > winW){ break } this.drawClosedSong({ x: _x, y: songTop, song: this.songs[index], highlight: highlight }) } } var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] var highlight = 0 if(!currentSong.stars){ highlight = 2 } if(this.state.moveHover === 0){ highlight = 1 } var selectedSkin = this.songSkin.selected if(screen === "title" || this.state.locked === 3){ selectedSkin = highlight = 2 }else if(songSelMoving){ selectedSkin = highlight = 0 } var selectedHeight = this.songAsset.height if(screen === "difficulty"){ selectedWidth = 912 selectedHeight = 502 highlight = 0 } this.drawSongFrame({ x: winW / 2 - selectedWidth / 2 + xOffset, y: songTop + this.songAsset.height - selectedHeight, width: selectedWidth, height: selectedHeight, background: selectedSkin.background, border: selectedSkin.border, highlight: highlight, noCrop: screen === "difficulty", innerContent: (x, y, w, h) => { ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" if(screen === "title" || screen === "song"){ var opened = ((selectedWidth - this.songAsset.width) / (this.songAsset.selectedWidth - this.songAsset.width)) var songSel = true }else{ this.drawLayeredText({ text: "むずかしさをえらぶ", fontSize: 46, fontFamily: this.font, x: x - 144, y: y - 24, width: 280 }, [ {x: -2, y: -2, outline: "#000", letterBorder: 23}, {shadow: true}, {x: 2, y: 2}, {x: -2, y: -2, outline: "#ff797b", letterBorder: 12}, {x: 2, y: 2, outline: "#ad1516"}, {outline: "#f70808"}, {fill: "#fff"} ]) var opened = 1 var songSel = false var _x = x + 62 var _y = y + 67 ctx.fillStyle = "#efb058" ctx.lineWidth = 5 this.drawRoundedRect({ x: _x - 28, y: _y, w: 56, h: 298, radius: 24 }) ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() ctx.fillStyle = "#f7d39c" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(_x, _y + 28, 20, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() this.drawDiffOptionsIcon({x: _x, y: _y + 28}) this.drawVerticalText({ text: "もどる", x: _x, y: _y + 57, width: 56, height: 220, fill: "#fff", outline: "#000", letterBorder: 4, fontSize: 28, fontFamily: this.font, letterSpacing: 4 }) var highlight = 0 if(this.state.moveHover === 0){ highlight = 2 }else if(this.selectedDiff === 0){ highlight = 1 } if(highlight){ this.drawHighlight({ x: _x - 32, y: _y - 3, w: 64, h: 304, animate: highlight === 1, opacity: highlight === 2 ? 0.8 : 1, radius: 24 }) this.drawDiffCursor({ x: _x, y: _y - 45 }) } } for(var i = 0; currentSong.stars && i < 4; i++){ if(currentSong.stars[i]){ if(songSel){ var _x = x + 33 + i * 60 var _y = y + 120 ctx.fillStyle = "#ff9f18" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(_x, _y + 22, 22, -Math.PI, 0) ctx.arc(_x, _y + 266, 22, 0, Math.PI) ctx.fill() this.drawDiffIcon({ diff: i, x: _x, y: _y - 8, scale: 1, border: 6 }) }else{ var _x = x + 402 + i * 100 var _y = y + 87 this.drawDiffIcon({ diff: i, x: _x, y: _y - 12, scale: 1.4, border: 6.5, noFill: true }) ctx.fillStyle = "#aa7023" ctx.lineWidth = 4.5 ctx.fillRect(_x - 35.5, _y + 2, 71, 380) ctx.strokeRect(_x - 35.5, _y + 2, 71, 380) ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" ctx.lineWidth = 2.5 ctx.fillRect(_x - 28, _y + 19, 56, 351) ctx.strokeRect(_x - 28, _y + 19, 56, 351) this.drawDiffIcon({ diff: i, x: _x, y: _y - 12, scale: 1.4, border: 4.5 }) } this.drawVerticalText({ text: this.difficulty[i], x: _x, y: songSel ? _y + 10 : _y + 23, width: songSel ? 44 : 56, height: songSel ? (i === 1 ? 66 : 88) : (i === 0 ? 130 : i === 1 ? 110 : 135), fill: "#000", fontSize: songSel ? 25 : (i === 2 ? 45 : 40), fontFamily: this.font }) for(var j = 0; j < 10; j++){ if(songSel){ var yPos = _y + 113 + j * 17 }else{ var yPos = _y + 178 + j * 19.5 } if(10 - j > currentSong.stars[i]){ ctx.fillStyle = songSel ? "#e97526" : "#e7e7e7" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(_x, yPos, songSel ? 4.5 : 5, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() }else{ ctx.fillStyle = songSel ? "#fff" : "#f72568" if(songSel){ ctx.shadowColor = "#fff" ctx.shadowBlur = 10 ctx.translate(_x - 9, yPos - 9) }else{ ctx.translate(_x - 10.5, yPos - 9.5) ctx.scale(1.1, 1.1) } ctx.fill(this.diffStar) ctx.restore() } } if(i === currentSong.p2Cursor){ this.drawDiffCursor({ x: _x, y: _y - (songSel ? 45 : 65), two: true, side: songSel ? false : (currentSong.p2Cursor === this.selectedDiff - 1), scale: songSel ? 0.7 : 1 }) } if(!songSel){ var highlight = 0 var currentDiff = this.selectedDiff - 1 if(this.state.moveHover - 1 === i){ highlight = 2 }else if(currentDiff === i){ highlight = 1 } if(currentDiff === i){ this.drawDiffCursor({ x: _x, y: _y - 65, side: currentSong.p2Cursor === currentDiff }) } if(highlight){ this.drawHighlight({ x: _x - 32, y: _y + 14, w: 64, h: 362, animate: highlight === 1, opacity: highlight === 2 ? 0.8 : 1 }) } } } } ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - Math.max(0, opened - 0.5) * 2 ctx.fillStyle = selectedSkin.background ctx.fillRect(x,y,w,h) ctx.globalAlpha = 1 var textX = Math.max(w - 37, w / 2) var textY = opened * 12 + (1 - opened) * 7 this.drawVerticalText({ text: currentSong.title, x: x + textX, y: y + textY, width: w, height: h - 35, fill: "#fff", outline: selectedSkin.outline, fontSize: 40, fontFamily: this.font }) } }) if(songSelMoving){ this.drawHighlight({ x: winW / 2 - selectedWidth / 2, y: songTop, w: selectedWidth, h: selectedHeight, opacity: 0.8 }) } } drawRoundedRect(config){ var ctx = this.ctx var x = config.x var y = config.y var w = config.w var h = config.h var r = config.radius ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(x + r, y + r, r, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5) ctx.arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, Math.PI * 1.5, 0) ctx.arc(x + w - r, y + h - r, r, 0, Math.PI / 2) ctx.arc(x + r, y + h - r, r, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI) ctx.lineTo(x, y + r) } drawClosedSong(config){ config.width = this.songAsset.width config.height = this.songAsset.height config.background = config.border = config.outline = config.text = config.innerContent = (x, y, w, h) => { this.drawVerticalText({ text: config.text, x: x + w / 2, y: y + 7, width: w, height: h - 35, fill: "#fff", outline: config.outline, fontSize: 40, fontFamily: this.font }) } this.drawSongFrame(config) if({ this.drawDiffCursor({ x: config.x + 48, y: config.y - 27, two: true, scale: 1, side: true }) } } drawSongFrame(config){ var ctx = this.ctx var x = config.x var y = config.y var w = config.width var h = config.height var border = this.songAsset.border var innerBorder = this.songAsset.innerBorder var allBorders = border + innerBorder var innerX = x + allBorders var innerY = y + allBorders var innerW = w - allBorders * 2 var innerH = h - allBorders * 2 ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" ctx.shadowBlur = 10 ctx.shadowOffsetX = 5 ctx.shadowOffsetY = 5 ctx.fillStyle = "#000" ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h) ctx.restore() { let _x = x + border let _y = y + border let _w = w - border * 2 let _h = h - border * 2 ctx.fillStyle = config.border[1] ctx.fillRect(_x, _y, _w, _h) ctx.fillStyle = config.border[0] ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(_x, _y) ctx.lineTo(_x + _w, _y) ctx.lineTo(_x + _w - innerBorder, _y + innerBorder) ctx.lineTo(_x + innerBorder, _y + _h - innerBorder) ctx.lineTo(_x, _y + _h) ctx.fill() } ctx.fillStyle = config.background ctx.fillRect(innerX, innerY, innerW, innerH) ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)" ctx.lineWidth = 3 ctx.strokeRect(innerX, innerY, innerW, innerH) if(!config.noCrop){ ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(innerX, innerY, innerW, innerH) ctx.clip() } config.innerContent(innerX, innerY, innerW, innerH) ctx.restore() if(config.highlight){ this.drawHighlight({ x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, animate: config.highlight === 2, opacity: config.highlight === 1 ? 0.8 : 1 }) } ctx.restore() } drawHighlight(config){ var ctx = this.ctx var _x = config.x + 3.5 var _y = config.y + 3.5 var _w = config.w - 7 var _h = config.h - 7 var rect = () => { if(config.radius){ this.drawRoundedRect({x: _x, y: _y, w: _w, h: _h, radius: config.radius}) ctx.stroke() }else{ ctx.strokeRect(_x, _y, _w, _h) } } if(config.animate){ ctx.globalAlpha = this.fade((this.getMS() - this.state.moveMS) % 2000 / 2000) }else if(config.opacity){ ctx.globalAlpha = config.opacity } ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 249, 1, 0.45)" ctx.lineWidth = 14 rect() ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 249, 1, .8)" ctx.lineWidth = 8 rect() ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff" ctx.lineWidth = 6 rect() ctx.restore() } fade(pos){ if(pos < 0.5){ pos = 1 - pos } return (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * pos * 2)) / 2 } drawVerticalText(config){ var ctx = this.ctx var inputText = config.text var mul = config.fontSize / 40 var ura = false if(inputText.endsWith(" (裏)")){ inputText = inputText.slice(0, -4) ura = true }else if(inputText.endsWith("(裏)")){ inputText = inputText.slice(0, -3) ura = true } var string = inputText.split("") var drawn = [] var r = this.regex for(let symbol of string){ if(symbol === " "){ // Space drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, h: 18}) }else if(symbol === "ー"){ // Long-vowel mark drawn.push({svg: this.longVowelMark, x: -4, y: 5, h: 33, scale: [mul, mul]}) }else if(r.comma.test(symbol)){ // Comma, full stop drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 16, y: -7, h: 0, scale: [1.2, 0.7]}) }else if(r.ideographicComma.test(symbol)){ // Ideographic comma, full stop drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 16, y: -16, h: 18}) }else if(r.apostrophe.test(symbol)){ // Apostrophe drawn.push({text: ",", x: 20, y: -39, h: 0, scale: [1.2, 0.7]}) }else if(r.brackets.test(symbol)){ // Rotated brackets drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: -5, h: 25, rotate: true}) }else if(r.tilde.test(symbol)){ // Rotated hyphen, tilde if(symbol === "~"){ symbol = "~" } drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 2, h: 35, rotate: true}) }else if(r.tall.test(symbol)){ // Tall latin script lowercase, numbers drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 4, h: 34, scale: [1.05, 0.9]}) }else if(r.uppercase.test(symbol)){ // Latin script upper case drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 1, h: 31.5}) }else if(r.lowercase.test(symbol)){ // Latin script lower case drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: -1, h: 28, scale: [1.05, 0.9]}) }else if(r.smallHiragana.test(symbol)){ // Small hiragana, small katakana drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: -8, h: 25, right: true}) }else if(r.hiragana.test(symbol)){ // Hiragana, katakana drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 5, h: 38, right: r.todo.test(symbol)}) }else{ // Kanji, other drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 3, h: 39, right: true}) } } var drawnHeight = 0 for(let symbol of drawn){ if(config.letterSpacing){ symbol.h += config.letterSpacing } drawnHeight += symbol.h * mul } ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) var scale = 1 if(config.height){ var height = config.height - (ura ? 52 * mul : 0) if(drawnHeight > height){ scale = height / drawnHeight ctx.scale(1, scale) } } if(ura){ // Circled ura drawn.push({text: "裏", x: 0, y: 18, h: 52, ura: true, scale: [1, 1 / scale]}) } var actions = [] if(config.outline){ actions.push("stroke") } if(config.fill){ actions.push("fill") } for(let action of actions){ ctx.font = config.fontSize + "px " + config.fontFamily ctx.textBaseline = "top" if(action === "stroke"){ ctx.strokeStyle = config.outline ctx.lineWidth = this.songAsset.letterBorder * mul ctx.lineJoin = "round" ctx.miterLimit = 1 }else if(action === "fill"){ ctx.fillStyle = config.fill } var offsetY = 0 for(let symbol of drawn){ var saved = false var currentX = symbol.x if(symbol.right){ currentX += 20 * mul } var currentY = offsetY + symbol.y * mul if(symbol.rotate || symbol.scale || symbol.svg || symbol.ura){ saved = true if(symbol.rotate){ ctx.translate(currentX + 20 * mul, currentY + 20 * mul) ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2) }else{ ctx.translate(currentX, currentY) } if(symbol.scale){ ctx.scale(symbol.scale[0], symbol.scale[1]) ctx.lineWidth = ctx.lineWidth / symbol.scale[0] } currentX = 0 currentY = 0 } if(symbol.svg){ ctx[action](symbol.svg) }else{ if(symbol.right){ ctx.textAlign = "right" }else{ ctx.textAlign = "center" } if(symbol.ura){ ctx.font = (30 * mul) + "px Meiryo" ctx.textBaseline = "center" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(currentX, currentY + (21.5 * mul), (18 * mul), 0, Math.PI * 2) if(action === "stroke"){ ctx.fillStyle = config.outline ctx.fill() }else if(action === "fill"){ ctx.strokeStyle = config.fill ctx.lineWidth = 2.5 * mul ctx.fillText(symbol.text, currentX, currentY) } ctx.stroke() }else{ ctx[action + "Text"](symbol.text, currentX, currentY) } } offsetY += symbol.h * mul if(saved){ ctx.restore() } } } ctx.restore() } drawLayeredText(config, layers){ var ctx = this.ctx var mul = config.fontSize / 40 var string = config.text.split("") var drawn = [] var r = this.regex for(let symbol of string){ if(symbol === "-"){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: -4, y: 0, w: 28, scale: [0.8, 1]}) }else if(r.latin.test(symbol)){ // Latin script drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 32}) }else if(r.smallHiragana.test(symbol)){ // Small hiragana, small katakana drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 30}) }else if(r.hiragana.test(symbol)){ // Hiragana, katakana drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 35}) }else{ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 39}) } } var drawnWidth = 0 for(let symbol of drawn){ if(config.letterSpacing){ symbol.w += config.letterSpacing } drawnWidth += symbol.w } ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) var scale = 1 if(config.width && drawnWidth > config.width){ scale = config.width / drawnWidth ctx.scale(scale, 1) } ctx.font = config.fontSize + "px " + config.fontFamily ctx.textBaseline = "top" ctx.textAlign = "center" for(let layer of layers){ var action = "strokeText" if(layer.outline){ ctx.strokeStyle = layer.outline ctx.lineJoin = "round" ctx.miterLimit = 1 } if(layer.letterBorder){ ctx.lineWidth = layer.letterBorder } if(layer.fill){ ctx.fillStyle = layer.fill action = "fillText" } if(layer.shadow){ ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" ctx.shadowBlur = 3 ctx.shadowOffsetX = 3 ctx.shadowOffsetY = 3 } var offsetX = 0 for(let symbol of drawn){ var saved = false var currentX = offsetX + symbol.x + (layer.x || 0) + symbol.w / 2 var currentY = symbol.y + (layer.y || 0) if({ currentX -= drawnWidth / 2 } if(symbol.scale){ saved = true ctx.translate(currentX, currentY) ctx.scale(symbol.scale[0], symbol.scale[1]) currentX = 0 currentY = 0 } ctx[action](symbol.text, currentX, currentY) if(saved){ ctx.restore() } offsetX += symbol.w * mul } if(layer.shadow){ ctx.restore() } } ctx.restore() } drawDiffIcon(config){ var ctx = this.ctx var scale = config.scale ctx.lineWidth = config.border ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" var icon = this.diffIconPath[config.diff] ctx.translate(config.x - icon[0].w * scale / 2, config.y - icon[0].h * scale / 2) ctx.scale(scale, scale) for(var i = 1; i < icon.length; i++){ if(!icon[i].noStroke){ ctx.stroke(icon[i].d) } } if(!config.noFill){ for(var i = 1; i < icon.length; i++){ ctx.fillStyle = icon[i].fill ctx.fill(icon[i].d) } } ctx.restore() } drawDiffOptionsIcon(config){ var ctx = this.ctx ctx.translate(config.x - 21, config.y - 21) var drawLine = y => { ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(12, y) ctx.arc(20.5, 25, 8.5, Math.PI, Math.PI * 2, true) ctx.lineTo(29, 18) ctx.stroke() } var drawTriangle = noFill => { ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(29, 5) ctx.lineTo(21, 19) ctx.lineTo(37, 19) ctx.closePath() if(!noFill){ ctx.fill() } } ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 12 drawLine(9) ctx.lineWidth = 5 drawTriangle(true) ctx.stroke() ctx.lineWidth = 7 ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff" drawLine(11) drawTriangle() ctx.translate(-1.5, -0.5) ctx.fillStyle = "#23a6e1" ctx.strokeStyle = "#23a6e1" ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "darken" drawLine(11) drawTriangle() ctx.restore() } drawDiffCursor(config){ var ctx = this.ctx if(config.scale){ ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) ctx.scale(config.scale, config.scale) ctx.translate(-48, -64) }else{ ctx.translate(config.x - 48, config.y - 64) } ctx.fillStyle = config.two ? "#65cdcd" : "#ff411c" ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 6 ctx.beginPath() if(!config.side){ var textX = config.two ? 20 : 17 ctx.moveTo(48, 120) ctx.arc(48, 48.5, 45, Math.PI * 0.58, Math.PI * 0.42) }else if(config.two){ var textX = 70 ctx.moveTo(56, 115) ctx.arc(98, 48.5, 45, Math.PI * 0.75, Math.PI * 0.59) }else{ var textX = -33 ctx.moveTo(39, 115) ctx.arc(-2, 48.5, 45, Math.PI * 0.41, Math.PI * 0.25) } ctx.closePath() ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() this.drawLayeredText({ text: config.two ? "2P" : "1P", fontSize: 43, fontFamily: this.font, x: textX, y: 26, width: 54, letterSpacing: -4 }, [ {outline: "#fff", letterBorder: 11}, {fill: "#000"} ]) ctx.restore() } startPreview(loadOnly){ var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] var id = var prvTime = currentSong.preview this.endPreview() if("id" in currentSong){ var startLoad = this.getMS() if(loadOnly){ var currentId = null }else{ var currentId = this.previewId this.previewing = this.selectedSong } var songObj = assets.songs.find(song => == id) if(songObj.sound){ if(!loadOnly){ this.preview = songObj.sound this.preview.gain = snd.previewGain this.previewLoaded(startLoad, prvTime) } }else{ snd.previewGain.load("/songs/" + id + "/main.mp3").then(sound => { if(currentId === this.previewId){ songObj.sound = sound this.preview = sound this.previewLoaded(startLoad, prvTime) } }) } } } previewLoaded(startLoad, prvtime){ var endLoad = this.getMS() var difference = endLoad - startLoad var minDelay = 300 var delay = minDelay - Math.min(minDelay, difference) this.preview.playLoop(delay / 1000, false, prvtime / 1000) } endPreview() { this.previewId++ this.previewing = null if(this.preview){ this.preview.stop() } } onusers(response){ this.songs.forEach(song => { song.p2Cursor = null }) if(response){ response.forEach(idDiff => { var id = |0 var diff = idDiff.diff var diffId = this.difficultyId.indexOf(diff) if(diffId >= 0){ var currentSong = this.songs.find(song => === id) currentSong.p2Cursor = diffId } }) } } startP2(){ this.onusers(p2.getMessage("users")) pageEvents.add(p2, "message", response => { if(response.type == "users"){ this.onusers(response.value) } }) if(p2.closed){ } } mod(length, index){ return ((index % length) + length) % length } getMS(){ return +new Date } clean(){ this.redrawRunning = false this.endPreview() pageEvents.keyRemove(this, "all") pageEvents.remove(this.canvas, "mousemove") pageEvents.remove(this.canvas, "mousedown") delete this.ctx delete this.canvas } }