mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 01:36:14 +08:00
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
color: #fff;
padding: 1em 1em 0 1em;
z-index: 1;
box-sizing: border-box;
@ -82,6 +83,8 @@
border: 0.3em black solid;
position: relative;
--course-width: min(3em, calc(7 * var(--vmin, 1vmin)));
content-visibility: auto;
contain-intrinsic-size: 1px 3.2em;
.song-search-result::before {
@ -110,6 +113,10 @@
width: calc(100% - (var(--course-width) + 0.4em) * 5 - 0.6em);
.song-search-result-info .highlighted-text {
color: #faff00;
.song-search-result-subtitle {
display: inline-block;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
var assets = {
"js": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
fuzzysort.js https://github.com/farzher/fuzzysort
SublimeText-like Fuzzy Search
fuzzysort.single('fs', 'Fuzzy Search') // {score: -16}
fuzzysort.single('test', 'test') // {score: 0}
fuzzysort.single('doesnt exist', 'target') // null
fuzzysort.go('mr', [{file:'Monitor.cpp'}, {file:'MeshRenderer.cpp'}], {key:'file'})
// [{score:-18, obj:{file:'MeshRenderer.cpp'}}, {score:-6009, obj:{file:'Monitor.cpp'}}]
fuzzysort.go('mr', ['Monitor.cpp', 'MeshRenderer.cpp'])
// [{score: -18, target: "MeshRenderer.cpp"}, {score: -6009, target: "Monitor.cpp"}]
fuzzysort.highlight(fuzzysort.single('fs', 'Fuzzy Search'), '<b>', '</b>')
// <b>F</b>uzzy <b>S</b>earch
// UMD (Universal Module Definition) for fuzzysort
;(function(root, UMD) {
if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], UMD)
else if(typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) module.exports = UMD()
else root.fuzzysort = UMD()
})(this, function UMD() { function fuzzysortNew(instanceOptions) {
var fuzzysort = {
single: function(search, target, options) { ;if(search=='farzher')return{target:"farzher was here (^-^*)/",score:0,indexes:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]}
if(!search) return null
if(!isObj(search)) search = fuzzysort.getPreparedSearch(search)
if(!target) return null
if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target)
var allowTypo = options && options.allowTypo!==undefined ? options.allowTypo
: instanceOptions && instanceOptions.allowTypo!==undefined ? instanceOptions.allowTypo
: true
var algorithm = allowTypo ? fuzzysort.algorithm : fuzzysort.algorithmNoTypo
return algorithm(search, target, search[0])
go: function(search, targets, options) { ;if(search=='farzher')return[{target:"farzher was here (^-^*)/",score:0,indexes:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6],obj:targets?targets[0]:null}]
if(!search) return noResults
search = fuzzysort.prepareSearch(search)
var searchLowerCode = search[0]
var threshold = options && options.threshold || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.threshold || -9007199254740991
var limit = options && options.limit || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.limit || 9007199254740991
var allowTypo = options && options.allowTypo!==undefined ? options.allowTypo
: instanceOptions && instanceOptions.allowTypo!==undefined ? instanceOptions.allowTypo
: true
var algorithm = allowTypo ? fuzzysort.algorithm : fuzzysort.algorithmNoTypo
var resultsLen = 0; var limitedCount = 0
var targetsLen = targets.length
// This code is copy/pasted 3 times for performance reasons [options.keys, options.key, no keys]
// options.keys
if(options && options.keys) {
var scoreFn = options.scoreFn || defaultScoreFn
var keys = options.keys
var keysLen = keys.length
for(var i = targetsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var obj = targets[i]
var objResults = new Array(keysLen)
for (var keyI = keysLen - 1; keyI >= 0; --keyI) {
var key = keys[keyI]
var target = getValue(obj, key)
if(!target) { objResults[keyI] = null; continue }
if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target)
objResults[keyI] = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode)
objResults.obj = obj // before scoreFn so scoreFn can use it
var score = scoreFn(objResults)
if(score === null) continue
if(score < threshold) continue
objResults.score = score
if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(objResults); ++resultsLen }
else {
if(score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(objResults)
// options.key
} else if(options && options.key) {
var key = options.key
for(var i = targetsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var obj = targets[i]
var target = getValue(obj, key)
if(!target) continue
if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target)
var result = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode)
if(result === null) continue
if(result.score < threshold) continue
// have to clone result so duplicate targets from different obj can each reference the correct obj
result = {target:result.target, _targetLowerCodes:null, _nextBeginningIndexes:null, score:result.score, indexes:result.indexes, obj:obj} // hidden
if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(result); ++resultsLen }
else {
if(result.score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(result)
// no keys
} else {
for(var i = targetsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var target = targets[i]
if(!target) continue
if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target)
var result = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode)
if(result === null) continue
if(result.score < threshold) continue
if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(result); ++resultsLen }
else {
if(result.score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(result)
if(resultsLen === 0) return noResults
var results = new Array(resultsLen)
for(var i = resultsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) results[i] = q.poll()
results.total = resultsLen + limitedCount
return results
goAsync: function(search, targets, options) {
var canceled = false
var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ;if(search=='farzher')return resolve([{target:"farzher was here (^-^*)/",score:0,indexes:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6],obj:targets?targets[0]:null}])
if(!search) return resolve(noResults)
search = fuzzysort.prepareSearch(search)
var searchLowerCode = search[0]
var q = fastpriorityqueue()
var iCurrent = targets.length - 1
var threshold = options && options.threshold || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.threshold || -9007199254740991
var limit = options && options.limit || instanceOptions && instanceOptions.limit || 9007199254740991
var allowTypo = options && options.allowTypo!==undefined ? options.allowTypo
: instanceOptions && instanceOptions.allowTypo!==undefined ? instanceOptions.allowTypo
: true
var algorithm = allowTypo ? fuzzysort.algorithm : fuzzysort.algorithmNoTypo
var resultsLen = 0; var limitedCount = 0
function step() {
if(canceled) return reject('canceled')
var startMs = Date.now()
// This code is copy/pasted 3 times for performance reasons [options.keys, options.key, no keys]
// options.keys
if(options && options.keys) {
var scoreFn = options.scoreFn || defaultScoreFn
var keys = options.keys
var keysLen = keys.length
for(; iCurrent >= 0; --iCurrent) {
if(iCurrent%1000/*itemsPerCheck*/ === 0) {
if(Date.now() - startMs >= 10/*asyncInterval*/) {
var obj = targets[iCurrent]
var objResults = new Array(keysLen)
for (var keyI = keysLen - 1; keyI >= 0; --keyI) {
var key = keys[keyI]
var target = getValue(obj, key)
if(!target) { objResults[keyI] = null; continue }
if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target)
objResults[keyI] = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode)
objResults.obj = obj // before scoreFn so scoreFn can use it
var score = scoreFn(objResults)
if(score === null) continue
if(score < threshold) continue
objResults.score = score
if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(objResults); ++resultsLen }
else {
if(score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(objResults)
// options.key
} else if(options && options.key) {
var key = options.key
for(; iCurrent >= 0; --iCurrent) {
if(iCurrent%1000/*itemsPerCheck*/ === 0) {
if(Date.now() - startMs >= 10/*asyncInterval*/) {
var obj = targets[iCurrent]
var target = getValue(obj, key)
if(!target) continue
if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target)
var result = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode)
if(result === null) continue
if(result.score < threshold) continue
// have to clone result so duplicate targets from different obj can each reference the correct obj
result = {target:result.target, _targetLowerCodes:null, _nextBeginningIndexes:null, score:result.score, indexes:result.indexes, obj:obj} // hidden
if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(result); ++resultsLen }
else {
if(result.score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(result)
// no keys
} else {
for(; iCurrent >= 0; --iCurrent) {
if(iCurrent%1000/*itemsPerCheck*/ === 0) {
if(Date.now() - startMs >= 10/*asyncInterval*/) {
var target = targets[iCurrent]
if(!target) continue
if(!isObj(target)) target = fuzzysort.getPrepared(target)
var result = algorithm(search, target, searchLowerCode)
if(result === null) continue
if(result.score < threshold) continue
if(resultsLen < limit) { q.add(result); ++resultsLen }
else {
if(result.score > q.peek().score) q.replaceTop(result)
if(resultsLen === 0) return resolve(noResults)
var results = new Array(resultsLen)
for(var i = resultsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) results[i] = q.poll()
results.total = resultsLen + limitedCount
isNode?setImmediate(step):step() //setTimeout here is too slow
p.cancel = function() { canceled = true }
return p
highlight: function(result, hOpen, hClose) {
if(typeof hOpen == 'function') return fuzzysort.highlightCallback(result, hOpen)
if(result === null) return null
if(hOpen === undefined) hOpen = '<b>'
if(hClose === undefined) hClose = '</b>'
var highlighted = ''
var matchesIndex = 0
var opened = false
var target = result.target
var targetLen = target.length
var matchesBest = result.indexes
for(var i = 0; i < targetLen; ++i) { var char = target[i]
if(matchesBest[matchesIndex] === i) {
if(!opened) { opened = true
highlighted += hOpen
if(matchesIndex === matchesBest.length) {
highlighted += char + hClose + target.substr(i+1)
} else {
if(opened) { opened = false
highlighted += hClose
highlighted += char
return highlighted
highlightCallback: function(result, cb) {
if(result === null) return null
var target = result.target
var targetLen = target.length
var indexes = result.indexes
var highlighted = ''
var matchI = 0
var indexesI = 0
var opened = false
var result = []
for(var i = 0; i < targetLen; ++i) { var char = target[i]
if(indexes[indexesI] === i) {
if(!opened) { opened = true
result.push(highlighted); highlighted = ''
if(indexesI === indexes.length) {
highlighted += char
result.push(cb(highlighted, matchI++)); highlighted = ''
} else {
if(opened) { opened = false
result.push(cb(highlighted, matchI++)); highlighted = ''
highlighted += char
return result
prepare: function(target) {
if(!target) return {target: '', _targetLowerCodes: [0/*this 0 doesn't make sense. here because an empty array causes the algorithm to deoptimize and run 50% slower!*/], _nextBeginningIndexes: null, score: null, indexes: null, obj: null} // hidden
return {target:target, _targetLowerCodes:fuzzysort.prepareLowerCodes(target), _nextBeginningIndexes:null, score:null, indexes:null, obj:null} // hidden
prepareSlow: function(target) {
if(!target) return {target: '', _targetLowerCodes: [0/*this 0 doesn't make sense. here because an empty array causes the algorithm to deoptimize and run 50% slower!*/], _nextBeginningIndexes: null, score: null, indexes: null, obj: null} // hidden
return {target:target, _targetLowerCodes:fuzzysort.prepareLowerCodes(target), _nextBeginningIndexes:fuzzysort.prepareNextBeginningIndexes(target), score:null, indexes:null, obj:null} // hidden
prepareSearch: function(search) {
if(!search) search = ''
return fuzzysort.prepareLowerCodes(search)
// Below this point is only internal code
// Below this point is only internal code
// Below this point is only internal code
// Below this point is only internal code
getPrepared: function(target) {
if(target.length > 999) return fuzzysort.prepare(target) // don't cache huge targets
var targetPrepared = preparedCache.get(target)
if(targetPrepared !== undefined) return targetPrepared
targetPrepared = fuzzysort.prepare(target)
preparedCache.set(target, targetPrepared)
return targetPrepared
getPreparedSearch: function(search) {
if(search.length > 999) return fuzzysort.prepareSearch(search) // don't cache huge searches
var searchPrepared = preparedSearchCache.get(search)
if(searchPrepared !== undefined) return searchPrepared
searchPrepared = fuzzysort.prepareSearch(search)
preparedSearchCache.set(search, searchPrepared)
return searchPrepared
algorithm: function(searchLowerCodes, prepared, searchLowerCode) {
var targetLowerCodes = prepared._targetLowerCodes
var searchLen = searchLowerCodes.length
var targetLen = targetLowerCodes.length
var searchI = 0 // where we at
var targetI = 0 // where you at
var typoSimpleI = 0
var matchesSimpleLen = 0
// very basic fuzzy match; to remove non-matching targets ASAP!
// walk through target. find sequential matches.
// if all chars aren't found then exit
for(;;) {
var isMatch = searchLowerCode === targetLowerCodes[targetI]
if(isMatch) {
matchesSimple[matchesSimpleLen++] = targetI
++searchI; if(searchI === searchLen) break
searchLowerCode = searchLowerCodes[typoSimpleI===0?searchI : (typoSimpleI===searchI?searchI+1 : (typoSimpleI===searchI-1?searchI-1 : searchI))]
++targetI; if(targetI >= targetLen) { // Failed to find searchI
// Check for typo or exit
// we go as far as possible before trying to transpose
// then we transpose backwards until we reach the beginning
for(;;) {
if(searchI <= 1) return null // not allowed to transpose first char
if(typoSimpleI === 0) { // we haven't tried to transpose yet
var searchLowerCodeNew = searchLowerCodes[searchI]
if(searchLowerCode === searchLowerCodeNew) continue // doesn't make sense to transpose a repeat char
typoSimpleI = searchI
} else {
if(typoSimpleI === 1) return null // reached the end of the line for transposing
searchI = typoSimpleI
searchLowerCode = searchLowerCodes[searchI + 1]
var searchLowerCodeNew = searchLowerCodes[searchI]
if(searchLowerCode === searchLowerCodeNew) continue // doesn't make sense to transpose a repeat char
matchesSimpleLen = searchI
targetI = matchesSimple[matchesSimpleLen - 1] + 1
var searchI = 0
var typoStrictI = 0
var successStrict = false
var matchesStrictLen = 0
var nextBeginningIndexes = prepared._nextBeginningIndexes
if(nextBeginningIndexes === null) nextBeginningIndexes = prepared._nextBeginningIndexes = fuzzysort.prepareNextBeginningIndexes(prepared.target)
var firstPossibleI = targetI = matchesSimple[0]===0 ? 0 : nextBeginningIndexes[matchesSimple[0]-1]
// Our target string successfully matched all characters in sequence!
// Let's try a more advanced and strict test to improve the score
// only count it as a match if it's consecutive or a beginning character!
if(targetI !== targetLen) for(;;) {
if(targetI >= targetLen) {
// We failed to find a good spot for this search char, go back to the previous search char and force it forward
if(searchI <= 0) { // We failed to push chars forward for a better match
// transpose, starting from the beginning
++typoStrictI; if(typoStrictI > searchLen-2) break
if(searchLowerCodes[typoStrictI] === searchLowerCodes[typoStrictI+1]) continue // doesn't make sense to transpose a repeat char
targetI = firstPossibleI
var lastMatch = matchesStrict[--matchesStrictLen]
targetI = nextBeginningIndexes[lastMatch]
} else {
var isMatch = searchLowerCodes[typoStrictI===0?searchI : (typoStrictI===searchI?searchI+1 : (typoStrictI===searchI-1?searchI-1 : searchI))] === targetLowerCodes[targetI]
if(isMatch) {
matchesStrict[matchesStrictLen++] = targetI
++searchI; if(searchI === searchLen) { successStrict = true; break }
} else {
targetI = nextBeginningIndexes[targetI]
{ // tally up the score & keep track of matches for highlighting later
if(successStrict) { var matchesBest = matchesStrict; var matchesBestLen = matchesStrictLen }
else { var matchesBest = matchesSimple; var matchesBestLen = matchesSimpleLen }
var score = 0
var lastTargetI = -1
for(var i = 0; i < searchLen; ++i) { var targetI = matchesBest[i]
// score only goes down if they're not consecutive
if(lastTargetI !== targetI - 1) score -= targetI
lastTargetI = targetI
if(!successStrict) {
score *= 1000
if(typoSimpleI !== 0) score += -20/*typoPenalty*/
} else {
if(typoStrictI !== 0) score += -20/*typoPenalty*/
score -= targetLen - searchLen
prepared.score = score
prepared.indexes = new Array(matchesBestLen); for(var i = matchesBestLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) prepared.indexes[i] = matchesBest[i]
return prepared
algorithmNoTypo: function(searchLowerCodes, prepared, searchLowerCode) {
var targetLowerCodes = prepared._targetLowerCodes
var searchLen = searchLowerCodes.length
var targetLen = targetLowerCodes.length
var searchI = 0 // where we at
var targetI = 0 // where you at
var matchesSimpleLen = 0
// very basic fuzzy match; to remove non-matching targets ASAP!
// walk through target. find sequential matches.
// if all chars aren't found then exit
for(;;) {
var isMatch = searchLowerCode === targetLowerCodes[targetI]
if(isMatch) {
matchesSimple[matchesSimpleLen++] = targetI
++searchI; if(searchI === searchLen) break
searchLowerCode = searchLowerCodes[searchI]
++targetI; if(targetI >= targetLen) return null // Failed to find searchI
var searchI = 0
var successStrict = false
var matchesStrictLen = 0
var nextBeginningIndexes = prepared._nextBeginningIndexes
if(nextBeginningIndexes === null) nextBeginningIndexes = prepared._nextBeginningIndexes = fuzzysort.prepareNextBeginningIndexes(prepared.target)
var firstPossibleI = targetI = matchesSimple[0]===0 ? 0 : nextBeginningIndexes[matchesSimple[0]-1]
// Our target string successfully matched all characters in sequence!
// Let's try a more advanced and strict test to improve the score
// only count it as a match if it's consecutive or a beginning character!
if(targetI !== targetLen) for(;;) {
if(targetI >= targetLen) {
// We failed to find a good spot for this search char, go back to the previous search char and force it forward
if(searchI <= 0) break // We failed to push chars forward for a better match
var lastMatch = matchesStrict[--matchesStrictLen]
targetI = nextBeginningIndexes[lastMatch]
} else {
var isMatch = searchLowerCodes[searchI] === targetLowerCodes[targetI]
if(isMatch) {
matchesStrict[matchesStrictLen++] = targetI
++searchI; if(searchI === searchLen) { successStrict = true; break }
} else {
targetI = nextBeginningIndexes[targetI]
{ // tally up the score & keep track of matches for highlighting later
if(successStrict) { var matchesBest = matchesStrict; var matchesBestLen = matchesStrictLen }
else { var matchesBest = matchesSimple; var matchesBestLen = matchesSimpleLen }
var score = 0
var lastTargetI = -1
for(var i = 0; i < searchLen; ++i) { var targetI = matchesBest[i]
// score only goes down if they're not consecutive
if(lastTargetI !== targetI - 1) score -= targetI
lastTargetI = targetI
if(!successStrict) score *= 1000
score -= targetLen - searchLen
prepared.score = score
prepared.indexes = new Array(matchesBestLen); for(var i = matchesBestLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) prepared.indexes[i] = matchesBest[i]
return prepared
prepareLowerCodes: function(str) {
var strLen = str.length
var lowerCodes = [] // new Array(strLen) sparse array is too slow
var lower = str.toLowerCase()
for(var i = 0; i < strLen; ++i) lowerCodes[i] = lower.charCodeAt(i)
return lowerCodes
prepareBeginningIndexes: function(target) {
var targetLen = target.length
var beginningIndexes = []; var beginningIndexesLen = 0
var wasUpper = false
var wasAlphanum = false
for(var i = 0; i < targetLen; ++i) {
var targetCode = target.charCodeAt(i)
var isUpper = targetCode>=65&&targetCode<=90
var isAlphanum = isUpper || targetCode>=97&&targetCode<=122 || targetCode>=48&&targetCode<=57
var isBeginning = isUpper && !wasUpper || !wasAlphanum || !isAlphanum
wasUpper = isUpper
wasAlphanum = isAlphanum
if(isBeginning) beginningIndexes[beginningIndexesLen++] = i
return beginningIndexes
prepareNextBeginningIndexes: function(target) {
var targetLen = target.length
var beginningIndexes = fuzzysort.prepareBeginningIndexes(target)
var nextBeginningIndexes = [] // new Array(targetLen) sparse array is too slow
var lastIsBeginning = beginningIndexes[0]
var lastIsBeginningI = 0
for(var i = 0; i < targetLen; ++i) {
if(lastIsBeginning > i) {
nextBeginningIndexes[i] = lastIsBeginning
} else {
lastIsBeginning = beginningIndexes[++lastIsBeginningI]
nextBeginningIndexes[i] = lastIsBeginning===undefined ? targetLen : lastIsBeginning
return nextBeginningIndexes
cleanup: cleanup,
new: fuzzysortNew,
return fuzzysort
} // fuzzysortNew
// This stuff is outside fuzzysortNew, because it's shared with instances of fuzzysort.new()
var isNode = typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof window === 'undefined'
var MyMap = typeof Map === 'function' ? Map : function(){var s=Object.create(null);this.get=function(k){return s[k]};this.set=function(k,val){s[k]=val;return this};this.clear=function(){s=Object.create(null)}}
var preparedCache = new MyMap()
var preparedSearchCache = new MyMap()
var noResults = []; noResults.total = 0
var matchesSimple = []; var matchesStrict = []
function cleanup() { preparedCache.clear(); preparedSearchCache.clear(); matchesSimple = []; matchesStrict = [] }
function defaultScoreFn(a) {
var max = -9007199254740991
for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var result = a[i]; if(result === null) continue
var score = result.score
if(score > max) max = score
if(max === -9007199254740991) return null
return max
// prop = 'key' 2.5ms optimized for this case, seems to be about as fast as direct obj[prop]
// prop = 'key1.key2' 10ms
// prop = ['key1', 'key2'] 27ms
function getValue(obj, prop) {
var tmp = obj[prop]; if(tmp !== undefined) return tmp
var segs = prop
if(!Array.isArray(prop)) segs = prop.split('.')
var len = segs.length
var i = -1
while (obj && (++i < len)) obj = obj[segs[i]]
return obj
function isObj(x) { return typeof x === 'object' } // faster as a function
// Hacked version of https://github.com/lemire/FastPriorityQueue.js
var fastpriorityqueue=function(){var r=[],o=0,e={};function n(){for(var e=0,n=r[e],c=1;c<o;){var f=c+1;e=c,f<o&&r[f].score<r[c].score&&(e=f),r[e-1>>1]=r[e],c=1+(e<<1)}for(var a=e-1>>1;e>0&&n.score<r[a].score;a=(e=a)-1>>1)r[e]=r[a];r[e]=n}return e.add=function(e){var n=o;r[o++]=e;for(var c=n-1>>1;n>0&&e.score<r[c].score;c=(n=c)-1>>1)r[n]=r[c];r[n]=e},e.poll=function(){if(0!==o){var e=r[0];return r[0]=r[--o],n(),e}},e.peek=function(e){if(0!==o)return r[0]},e.replaceTop=function(o){r[0]=o,n()},e};
var q = fastpriorityqueue() // reuse this, except for async, it needs to make its own
return fuzzysortNew()
}) // UMD
// TODO: (performance) wasm version!?
// TODO: (performance) threads?
// TODO: (performance) avoid cache misses
// TODO: (performance) preparedCache is a memory leak
// TODO: (like sublime) backslash === forwardslash
// TODO: (like sublime) spaces: "a b" should do 2 searches 1 for a and 1 for b
// TODO: (scoring) garbage in targets that allows most searches to strict match need a penality
// TODO: (performance) idk if allowTypo is optimized
@ -90,21 +90,28 @@ class SongSelect{
this.songSkin["default"].sort = songSkinLength + 1
this.searchStyle = document.createElement("style")
var searchCss = []
Object.keys(this.songSkin).forEach(key => {
var skin = this.songSkin[key]
var stripped = key.replace(/\W/g, '')
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule('.song-search-' + stripped + ' { background-color: ' + skin.background + ' }')
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule('.song-search-' + stripped + '::before { border: 0.4em solid ' + skin.border[0] + ' ; border-bottom-color: ' + skin.border[1] + ' ; border-right-color: ' + skin.border[1] + ' }')
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule('.song-search-' + stripped + ' .song-search-result-title::before { -webkit-text-stroke: 0.4em ' + skin.outline + ' }')
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule('.song-search-' + stripped + ' .song-search-result-subtitle::before { -webkit-text-stroke: 0.4em ' + skin.outline + ' }')
searchCss.push('.song-search-' + stripped + ' { background-color: ' + skin.background + ' }')
searchCss.push('.song-search-' + stripped + '::before { border: 0.4em solid ' + skin.border[0] + ' ; border-bottom-color: ' + skin.border[1] + ' ; border-right-color: ' + skin.border[1] + ' }')
searchCss.push('.song-search-' + stripped + ' .song-search-result-title::before { -webkit-text-stroke: 0.4em ' + skin.outline + ' }')
searchCss.push('.song-search-' + stripped + ' .song-search-result-subtitle::before { -webkit-text-stroke: 0.4em ' + skin.outline + ' }')
this.font = strings.font
this.songs = []
for(let song of assets.songs){
var title = this.getLocalTitle(song.title, song.title_lang)
song.titlePrepared = fuzzysort.prepare(title)
song.subtitlePrepared = fuzzysort.prepare(this.getLocalTitle(title === song.title ? song.subtitle : "", song.subtitle_lang))
this.songs.sort((a, b) => {
@ -1081,6 +1088,10 @@ class SongSelect{
this.selectableText = ""
if(this.search && this.searchContainer){
}else if(!document.hasFocus() && !p2.session){
this.state.focused = false
@ -2694,7 +2705,8 @@ class SongSelect{
return addedSong
createSearchResult(song, resultsDiv, resultWidth){
createSearchResult(result, resultWidth, fontSize){
var song = result.obj
var title = this.getLocalTitle(song.title, song.title_lang)
var subtitle = this.getLocalTitle(title === song.title ? song.subtitle : "", song.subtitle_lang)
@ -2712,14 +2724,20 @@ class SongSelect{
var resultInfoTitle = document.createElement("span")
this.setAltText(resultInfoTitle, title)
resultInfoTitle.appendChild(this.highlightResult(title, result[0]))
resultInfoTitle.setAttribute("alt", title)
var resultInfoSubtitle = document.createElement("span")
this.setAltText(resultInfoSubtitle, subtitle)
resultInfoSubtitle.appendChild(this.highlightResult(subtitle, result[1]))
resultInfoSubtitle.setAttribute("alt", subtitle)
@ -2751,29 +2769,52 @@ class SongSelect{
if(typeof resultWidth === "undefined"){
var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(resultInfoDiv)
var padding = parseFloat(computedStyle.paddingLeft.slice(0, -2)) + parseFloat(computedStyle.paddingRight.slice(0, -2))
resultWidth = resultInfoDiv.offsetWidth - padding
var titleRatio = resultWidth / resultInfoTitle.offsetWidth
this.ctx.font = (1.2 * fontSize) + "px " + strings.font
var titleWidth = this.ctx.measureText(title).width
var titleRatio = resultWidth / titleWidth
if(titleRatio < 1){
resultInfoTitle.style.transform = "scale(" + titleRatio + ", 1)"
var subtitleRatio = resultWidth / resultInfoSubtitle.offsetWidth
this.ctx.font = (0.8 * 1.2 * fontSize) + "px " + strings.font
var subtitleWidth = this.ctx.measureText(subtitle).width
var subtitleRatio = resultWidth / subtitleWidth
if(subtitleRatio < 1){
resultInfoSubtitle.style.transform = "scale(" + subtitleRatio + ", 1)"
return {
div: resultDiv,
width: resultWidth
return resultDiv
highlightResult(text, result){
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
var indexes = result ? result.indexes : []
var ranges = []
var range
indexes.forEach(idx => {
if(range && range[1] === idx - 1){
range[1] = idx
range = [idx, idx]
var lastIdx = 0
ranges.forEach(range => {
if(lastIdx !== range[0]){
fragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text.slice(lastIdx, range[0])))
var span = document.createElement("span")
span.innerText = text.slice(range[0], range[1] + 1)
lastIdx = range[1] + 1
if(text.length !== lastIdx){
return fragment
@ -2892,9 +2933,12 @@ class SongSelect{
var range = string.split("-")
if(range.length == 1){
return {min: parseInt(range[0]), max: parseInt(range[0])}
var min = parseInt(range[0]) || 0
return min > 0 ? {min: min, max: min} : false
} else if(range.length == 2){
return {min: parseInt(range[0]), max: parseInt(range[1])}
var min = parseInt(range[0]) || 0
var max = parseInt(range[1]) || 0
return min > 0 && max > 0 ? {min: min, max: max} : false
@ -2914,10 +2958,12 @@ class SongSelect{
case "hard":
case "oni":
case "ura":
filters[parts[0]] = this.parseRange(parts[1])
var range = this.parseRange(parts[1])
if (range) { filters[parts[0]] = range }
case "extreme":
filters.oni = this.parseRange(parts[1])
var range = this.parseRange(parts[1])
if (range) { filters.oni = this.parseRange(parts[1]) }
case "clear":
case "silver":
@ -2938,22 +2984,9 @@ class SongSelect{
query = editedSplit.join(" ").trim()
var songs = assets.songs
// TODO: fix this so it doesn't suck
songs.sort((a, b) => {
var aScore = 0
var bScore = 0
var aTitle = a.title.replace(query, "").length
var bTitle = b.title.replace(query, "").length
var aLength = aTitle - query.length
var bLength = bTitle - query.length
aScore += aLength - bLength
bScore += bLength - aLength
return aScore - bScore
assets.songs.forEach(song => {
var totalFilters = Object.keys(filters).length
for(var i = 0; i < assets.songs.length; i++){
var song = assets.songs[i]
var passedFilters = 0
Object.keys(filters).forEach(filter => {
@ -3018,22 +3051,28 @@ class SongSelect{
if(passedFilters === Object.keys(filters).length){
var title = this.getLocalTitle(song.title, song.title_lang)
var subtitle = this.getLocalTitle(title === song.title ? song.subtitle : "", song.subtitle_lang)
if(title.toLowerCase().includes(query) || (subtitle && subtitle.toLowerCase().includes(query))){
if(passedFilters === totalFilters){
results = fuzzysort.go(query, results, {
keys: ["titlePrepared", "subtitlePrepared"],
allowTypo: true,
limit: 100
results = results.map(result => {
return {obj: result}
}).slice(0, 100)
results = results.slice(0, 50)
return results
var text = e.target.value.toLowerCase()
var text = this.search.input.value.toLowerCase()
localStorage.setItem("lastSearchQuery", text)
if(text.length === 0){
@ -3051,15 +3090,27 @@ class SongSelect{
delete this.search.tip
var resultsDiv = this.search.div.querySelector("#song-search-results")
var resultsDiv = this.search.div.querySelector(":scope #song-search-results")
resultsDiv.innerHTML = ""
this.search.results = []
var resultWidth
new_results.forEach(song => {
var result = this.createSearchResult(song, resultsDiv, resultWidth)
resultWidth = result.width
var fontSize = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(this.search.div.querySelector(":scope #song-search")).fontSize.slice(0, -2))
var resultsWidth = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(resultsDiv).width.slice(0, -2))
var vmin = Math.min(innerWidth, lastHeight) / 100
var courseWidth = Math.min(3 * fontSize * 1.2, 7 * vmin)
var resultWidth = resultsWidth - 1.8 * fontSize - 0.8 * fontSize - (courseWidth + 0.4 * fontSize * 1.2) * 5 - 0.6 * fontSize
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
new_results.forEach(result => {
var result = this.createSearchResult(result, resultWidth, fontSize)
@ -3258,9 +3309,11 @@ class SongSelect{
pageEvents.remove(this.touchFullBtn, "click")
delete this.touchFullBtn
delete this.selectable
delete this.ctx
delete this.canvas
delete this.searchContainer
delete this.searchStyle
@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ var translations = {
ja: [
"キーワードでジャンルを絞り込めます!(例: \"genre:variety\", \"genre:namco\")",
"Difficulty filters support ranges, too! Try \"ura:1-5\"!",
@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ var translations = {
en: [
"Open the search window by pressing CTRL+F!",
"Mix and match as many search filters as you want!",
"Only the 50 most relevant search results are shown.",
"Only the 100 most relevant search results are shown.",
"Filter by genre by using the \"genre:\" keyword! (e.g. \"genre:variety\", \"genre:namco\")",
"Use filters like \"oni:10\" to search for songs with a particular difficulty!",
"Difficulty filters support ranges, too! Try \"ura:1-5\"!",
Reference in New Issue
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