
313 lines
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function StringsJa(){
this.id = "ja"
this.name = "日本語"
this.regex = /^ja$/
this.font = "TnT, Meiryo, sans-serif"
this.titleProceed = "クリックするかEnterを押す"
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "J-POP",
"アニメ": "アニメ",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "ボーカロイド™曲",
"バラエティ": "バラエティ",
"クラシック": "クラシック",
"ゲームミュージック": "ゲームミュージック",
"ナムコオリジナル": "ナムコオリジナル"
2019-01-05 15:44:28 +08:00
this.selectSong = "曲をえらぶ"
this.selectDifficulty = "むずかしさをえらぶ"
this.back = "もどる"
this.random = "ランダム"
this.randomSong = "ランダムに曲をえらぶ"
this.tutorial = "あそびかた説明"
this.aboutSimulator = "このシミュレータについて"
this.browse = "参照する…"
this.defaultSongList = "デフォルト曲リスト"
this.songOptions = "演奏オプション"
this.none = "なし"
this.auto = "オート"
this.netplay = "ネットプレイ"
this.easy = "かんたん"
this.normal = "ふつう"
this.hard = "むずかしい"
this.oni = "おに"
this.sessionStart = "オンラインセッションを開始する!"
this.sessionEnd = "オンラインセッションを終了する"
this.loading = "ロード中..."
this.cancel = "キャンセル"
this.note = {
don: "ドン",
ka: "カッ",
daiDon: "ドン(大)",
daiKa: "カッ(大)",
drumroll: "連打ーっ!!",
daiDrumroll: "連打(大)ーっ!!",
balloon: "ふうせん"
this.combo = "コンボ"
this.clear = "クリア"
this.good = "良"
this.ok = "可"
this.bad = "不可"
this.pauseOptions = [
this.results = "成績発表"
this.points = "点"
this.maxCombo = "最大コンボ数"
this.drumroll = "連打数"
function StringsEn(){
this.id = "en"
this.name = "English"
this.regex = /^en$|^en-/
this.font = "TnT, Meiryo, sans-serif"
this.titleProceed = "Click or Press Enter!"
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "Pop",
"アニメ": "Anime",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "VOCALOID™ Music",
"バラエティ": "Variety",
"クラシック": "Classical",
"ゲームミュージック": "Game Music",
"ナムコオリジナル": "NAMCO Original"
this.selectSong = "Select Song"
this.selectDifficulty = "Select Difficulty"
this.back = "Back"
this.random = "Random"
this.randomSong = "Random Song"
this.tutorial = "How to Play"
this.aboutSimulator = "About Simulator"
this.browse = "Browse…"
this.defaultSongList = "Default Song List"
this.songOptions = "Song Options"
this.none = "None"
this.auto = "Auto"
this.netplay = "Netplay"
this.easy = "Easy"
this.normal = "Normal"
this.hard = "Hard"
this.oni = "Extreme"
this.sessionStart = "Begin an Online Session!"
this.sessionEnd = "End Online Session"
this.loading = "Loading..."
this.cancel = "Cancel"
this.note = {
don: "Don",
ka: "Ka",
daiDon: "DON",
daiKa: "KA",
drumroll: "Drum rollー!!",
daiDrumroll: "DRUM ROLLー!!",
balloon: "Balloon"
this.combo = "Combo"
this.clear = "Clear"
this.good = "GOOD"
this.ok = "OK"
this.bad = "BAD"
this.pauseOptions = [
"Back to Select Song"
this.results = "Results"
this.points = "pts"
this.maxCombo = "MAX Combo"
this.drumroll = "Drumroll"
function StringsCn(){
this.id = "cn"
this.name = "中文简体"
this.regex = /^zh$|^zh-CN$/
this.font = "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif"
this.titleProceed = "点击或按回车!"
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "流行音乐",
"アニメ": "卡通动画音乐",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "VOCALOID™ Music",
"バラエティ": "综合音乐",
"クラシック": "古典音乐",
"ゲームミュージック": "游戏音乐",
"ナムコオリジナル": "NAMCO原创音乐"
this.selectSong = "选择乐曲"
this.selectDifficulty = "选择难度"
this.back = "返回"
this.random = "随机"
this.randomSong = "随机选曲"
this.tutorial = "操作说明"
this.aboutSimulator = "游戏信息"
this.browse = "浏览…"
this.defaultSongList = "默认歌曲列表"
this.songOptions = "选项"
this.none = "无"
this.auto = "自动"
this.netplay = "网络对战"
this.easy = "简单"
this.normal = "普通"
this.hard = "困难"
this.oni = "魔王"
this.sessionStart = "开始在线会议!"
this.sessionEnd = "结束在线会话"
this.loading = "读取中..."
this.cancel = "取消"
this.note = {
don: "咚",
ka: "咔",
daiDon: "咚(大)",
daiKa: "咔(大)",
drumroll: "连打ー!!",
daiDrumroll: "连打(大)ー!!",
balloon: "气球"
this.combo = "连段"
this.clear = "通关"
this.good = "良"
this.ok = "可"
this.bad = "不可"
this.pauseOptions = [
this.results = "发表成绩"
this.points = "点"
this.maxCombo = "最多连段数"
this.drumroll = "连打数"
function StringsTw(){
this.id = "tw"
this.name = "中文繁體"
this.regex = /^zh-HK$|^zh-TW$/
this.font = "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif"
this.titleProceed = "點擊或按回車!"
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "流行音樂",
"アニメ": "卡通動畫音樂",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "VOCALOID™ Music",
"バラエティ": "綜合音樂",
"クラシック": "古典音樂",
"ゲームミュージック": "遊戲音樂",
"ナムコオリジナル": "NAMCO原創音樂"
this.selectSong = "選擇樂曲"
this.selectDifficulty = "選擇難度"
this.back = "返回"
this.random = "隨機"
this.randomSong = "隨機選曲"
this.tutorial = "操作说明"
this.aboutSimulator = "游戏信息"
this.browse = "浏览…"
this.defaultSongList = "默认歌曲列表"
this.songOptions = "選項"
this.none = "無"
this.auto = "自動"
this.netplay = "网络对战"
this.easy = "簡單"
this.normal = "普通"
this.hard = "困難"
this.oni = "魔王"
this.sessionStart = "開始在線會議!"
this.sessionEnd = "結束在線會話"
this.loading = "讀取中..."
this.cancel = "取消"
this.note = {
don: "咚",
ka: "咔",
daiDon: "咚(大)",
daiKa: "咔(大)",
drumroll: "連打ー!!",
daiDrumroll: "連打(大)ー!!",
balloon: "氣球"
this.combo = "連段"
this.clear = "通關"
this.good = "良"
this.ok = "可"
this.bad = "不可"
this.pauseOptions = [
this.results = "發表成績"
this.points = "點"
this.maxCombo = "最多連段數"
this.drumroll = "連打數"
function StringsKo(){
this.id = "ko"
this.name = "한국어"
this.regex = /^ko$/
this.font = "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif"
this.titleProceed = "클릭하거나 Enter를 누릅니다!"
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "POP",
"アニメ": "애니메이션",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "VOCALOID™ Music",
"バラエティ": "버라이어티",
"クラシック": "클래식",
"ゲームミュージック": "게임",
"ナムコオリジナル": "남코 오리지널"
this.selectSong = "곡 선택"
this.selectDifficulty = "난이도 선택"
this.back = "돌아간다"
this.random = "랜덤"
this.randomSong = "랜덤"
this.tutorial = "지도 시간"
this.aboutSimulator = "게임 정보"
this.browse = "찾아보기…"
this.defaultSongList = "기본 노래 목록"
this.songOptions = "옵션"
this.none = "없음"
this.auto = "오토"
this.netplay = "넷 플레이"
this.easy = "쉬움"
this.normal = "보통"
this.hard = "어려움"
this.oni = "귀신"
this.sessionStart = "온라인 세션 시작!"
this.sessionEnd = "온라인 세션 끝내기"
this.loading = "로딩 중..."
this.cancel = "취소"
this.note = {
don: "쿵",
ka: "딱",
daiDon: "쿵(대)",
daiKa: "딱(대)",
drumroll: "연타ー!!",
daiDrumroll: "연타(대)ー!!",
balloon: "풍선"
this.combo = "콤보"
this.clear = "클리어"
this.good = "얼쑤"
this.ok = "좋다"
this.bad = "에구"
this.pauseOptions = [
"연주 계속하기",
"처음부터 다시",
"「곡 선택」으로"
this.results = "성적 발표"
this.points = "점"
this.maxCombo = "최대 콤보 수"
this.drumroll = "연타 횟수"
var allStrings = {
"ja": new StringsJa(),
"en": new StringsEn(),
"cn": new StringsCn(),
"tw": new StringsTw(),
"ko": new StringsKo()
2019-01-05 15:44:28 +08:00