# Dotfiles This is my dot files on a Gentoo Linux laptop, with SwayWM and pipewire. # Software that this dotfile includes | Name | Description | |------|-------------| |swayWM|Tiling WM| |waybar|Custom bar for sway| |swayNC|Notification center| |wofi|App launcher| |kitty|Terminal emulator| |zsh|Interactive Shell| |mpv|Video player| |tmux|Split terminal| |zathura|PDF viewer| # Depencencies |Name|Description| |----|-----------| |wlsunset|Shift blue color based on time| |light|CLI for managing backlight| |pipewire|Sound deamon| |wireplumber|media session management (remember to replace it in sway's config if using non-gentoo| |playerctld|Control players| |grim|Take screenshots| # Screenshots ![floating](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72336775/166266910-fba990b7-4ed8-42a8-82b2-4c5f4744af81.png) ![tiling](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72336775/166267034-2082cafb-c064-435e-9736-33d01f88d2d7.png)