# vim:ft=kitty ## name: Gruvbox Material Dark Medium ## author: Sainnhe Park ## license: MIT ## upstream: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rsaihe/gruvbox-material-kitty/main/colors/gruvbox-material-dark-medium.conf ## blurb: A modified version of Gruvbox with softer contrasts background #282828 foreground #d4be98 selection_background #d4be98 selection_foreground #282828 cursor #a89984 cursor_text_color background # Black color0 #665c54 color8 #928374 # Red color1 #ea6962 color9 #ea6962 # Green color2 #a9b665 color10 #a9b665 # Yellow color3 #e78a4e color11 #d8a657 # Blue color4 #7daea3 color12 #7daea3 # Magenta color5 #d3869b color13 #d3869b # Cyan color6 #89b482 color14 #89b482 # White color7 #d4be98 color15 #d4be98