# Dotfiles Linux desktop with gruvbox colorscheme, following the KISS philosophy. # Screenshots ![code](https://github.com/rywng/dotfiles/assets/72336775/2101a2b3-240f-4c18-9bd4-630c1d4c9036) ![blank](https://github.com/rywng/dotfiles/assets/72336775/c8626d9b-2ea1-4576-946d-883fb5b3688f)
Old Screenshots
These are screenshots I took 2 years ago when I was using [serenade](https://github.com/rywng/dotfiles/commit/85e37a124be69b2c9366c6745204457c91cb8871) :) Kept them around because they look quite good ![terminal](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72336775/176679848-a66143cb-0df8-4fd0-a567-66693c33741e.png) ![blank](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72336775/176679629-c8da017a-2daf-4871-a34f-75bcd3738e28.png)
# Installing I use [yadm](https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm) to manage dotfiles, the directory layout is unchanged. ```bash yadm clone https://github.com/JuanCldCmt/dotfiles ``` # Software | Name | Description | | ------- | ----------------------------------- | | fuzzel | App launcher & dmenu alternative | | kitty | Terminal emulator | | mpv | Video player | | swayNC | Notification center | | swayWM | Stupid simple and stable wayland WM | | waybar | bar | | zathura | PDF viewer | | zsh | Interactive Shell | # Dependencies | Name | Description | | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | acpilight | CLI for managing backlight | | easyeffects | EQ for IEMs and headphones | | pipewire | Sound daemon | | playerctld | Control players | | wireplumber | media session management (remember to replace it in sway's config if using non-systemd) | | wlsunset | Shift blue color based on time (Protects my eyes) | | wob | show screen backlight and audio output volume level |