2021-09-27 13:00:44 +08:00

56 lines
2.3 KiB

-- following options are the default
require'nvim-tree'.setup {
-- disables netrw completely
disable_netrw = true,
-- hijack netrw window on startup
hijack_netrw = true,
-- open the tree when running this setup function
open_on_setup = false,
-- will not open on setup if the filetype is in this list
ignore_ft_on_setup = {},
-- closes neovim automatically when the tree is the last **WINDOW** in the view
auto_close = false,
-- opens the tree when changing/opening a new tab if the tree wasn't previously opened
open_on_tab = false,
-- hijack the cursor in the tree to put it at the start of the filename
hijack_cursor = true,
-- updates the root directory of the tree on `DirChanged` (when your run `:cd` usually)
update_cwd = false,
-- show lsp diagnostics in the signcolumn
lsp_diagnostics = false,
-- update the focused file on `BufEnter`, un-collapses the folders recursively until it finds the file
update_focused_file = {
-- enables the feature
enable = false,
-- update the root directory of the tree to the one of the folder containing the file if the file is not under the current root directory
-- only relevant when `update_focused_file.enable` is true
update_cwd = false,
-- list of buffer names / filetypes that will not update the cwd if the file isn't found under the current root directory
-- only relevant when `update_focused_file.update_cwd` is true and `update_focused_file.enable` is true
ignore_list = {}
-- configuration options for the system open command (`s` in the tree by default)
system_open = {
-- the command to run this, leaving nil should work in most cases
cmd = nil,
-- the command arguments as a list
args = {}
view = {
-- width of the window, can be either a number (columns) or a string in `%`
width = 28,
-- side of the tree, can be one of 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom'
side = 'left',
-- if true the tree will resize itself after opening a file
auto_resize = false,
mappings = {
-- custom only false will merge the list with the default mappings
-- if true, it will only use your list to set the mappings
custom_only = false,
-- list of mappings to set on the tree manually
list = {}