2021-09-27 11:56:17 +08:00

37 lines
1.2 KiB

icons = {expanded = "", collapsed = ""},
mappings = {
-- Use a table to apply multiple mappings
expand = {"<CR>", "<2-LeftMouse>"},
open = "o",
remove = "d",
edit = "e",
repl = "r"
sidebar = {
-- You can change the order of elements in the sidebar
elements = {
-- Provide as ID strings or tables with "id" and "size" keys
id = "scopes",
size = 0.25 -- Can be float or integer > 1
}, {id = "breakpoints", size = 0.25}, {id = "stacks", size = 0.25},
{id = "watches", size = 00.25}
size = 40,
position = "right" -- Can be "left", "right", "top", "bottom"
tray = {
elements = {"repl"},
size = 10,
position = "bottom" -- Can be "left", "right", "top", "bottom"
floating = {
max_height = nil, -- These can be integers or a float between 0 and 1.
max_width = nil, -- Floats will be treated as percentage of your screen.
mappings = {close = {"q", "<Esc>"}}
windows = {indent = 1}