Remove nvim-tree

This commit is contained in:
juan 2022-11-30 16:06:37 +08:00
parent 1d76f7f666
commit e3ab77ea2d
Signed by: juan
GPG Key ID: 5C1E5093C74F1DC7
2 changed files with 0 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -100,12 +100,6 @@ return require('packer').startup(function(use)
} }
-- navigation -- navigation
use {
cmd = 'NvimTreeToggle',
requires = 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons',
config = function() require('plugins.nvim-tree') end
use { use {
'andymass/vim-matchup', 'andymass/vim-matchup',
after = 'nvim-treesitter', after = 'nvim-treesitter',

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-- vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4:
-- following options are the default
-- each of these are documented in `:help nvim-tree.OPTION_NAME`
require'nvim-tree'.setup {
disable_netrw = true,
open_on_setup = false,
ignore_ft_on_setup = {},
open_on_tab = true,
hijack_cursor = true,
hijack_directories = {enable = true, auto_open = true},
hijack_netrw = true,
update_cwd = true,
diagnostics = {
enable = true,
icons = {hint = "", info = "", warning = "", error = ""}
system_open = {cmd = nil, args = {}},
view = {width = 30, height = 30, hide_root_folder = false, side = 'left'}